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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. Oh I did back it up; That's a habit I got into a LONG time ago my like minded friend. It's just that I find the original a little bland. Not much to look around at if you know what I mean.
  2. Hi again guys. Have managed to sort my 'vanishing' decals out in one area. Any aircraft I'm flying, along with my wingmen, in any campaign have their decals and noseart showing (at last!). Only problem is that any other aircraft present in the mission, friendly or otherwise, still have their decals missing despite my work over the past 24 hrs following the above instructions. I don't know about other people, but I'm one of those guys who gets irritated with niggly little things like that. Somehow I get the impression that the picture isn't complete. .........Suggestions anybody?...........
  3. No joy people. Have entered 'StartNumber=0' entries just after 'DefaultTexture'; I've created 'Numbers.lst' files with the Notepad and entered the following: 00 01 02 03 ....all the way up to 25, which is as many arabnumbers as I have in my 'Objects\Decals' folder. Sorry for being a pain in the a**e, but have I missed anything folks?
  4. Thanks for the info my friend. I'll try it out now. Do I try the same with the non-playable squadrons that have the same decal set up?
  5. Looks an awful lot like the Jaguar, doesn't it? Maybe it was an oversized research toy for it like the EAP was for the Eurofighter
  6. Hi all, Some may remember me going on about a week ago about my extensively edited SFG campaigns, which I would like to share with the wider community. Uploading the campaigns is pretty straightforward, but I'm a little apprehensive about the skins for the relative aircraft, which I've downloaded from this site and edited. Is there a copyright issue here? Will I be treading on people's toes? To give you an idea what I'm on about here's an example of what I've done: * Pakistani F-104 skin has been 're-decalled' with Dhimari and Mercenary decals * Same as above has been done with F-4D and E skins from Iran - Iraq war campaign, as well as the Israeli A-4E and F skins from the downloads section. All that's been done is a change to the markings. Otherwise, the skins are unchanged. Would I be upsetting anyone guys?
  7. Thanks friend. Message recieved and understood
  8. Out-f***ing-standing!! All we need now is some loading screens showing the pilot sitting in the cockpit going through the pre-flight checks. Got some already from Wikipedia for my F-4E and F-111F which fill the bill for those models.
  9. ......and all this despite the fact that there's ten friendly fighters per square inch in the locality. Take note, design modders and senior members; any suggestions?? This is all very frustrating.........
  10. MiG-17F Fresco C - Parani Air Force, 1968

    The MiG-17s needed a more interesting repaint....
  11. Su-11 Fishpot - Parani Air Force, 1968

    Adding a little more variety to the Parani camp during my 1968 'Quick Sand' campaign
  12. Mercenaries flying cast-off Dhimari Skyhawk Es with a borrowed Israeli skin. In my 1968 'Quick Sand' campaign the Dhimari Air Force was flying that model with the same skin
  13. Dhimari F-4E with a 'borrowed' Iranian skin. Makes the aircraft look more in its environment than with the traditional USAF tan & green
  14. Just checked out those sites. Have already added them to my favourites list. Brilliant stuff!! (*****). Does anybody know of any similar sites dedicated to those other great workhorses; the F-4 and A-4? Sites like these are so much better for intel gathering than YouTube or others.
  15. Hi all. I've tried adding photos to these little discussions but have failed miserably. But worry not!! I've just left seven or eight of them in the 'Members Gallery' for all to view. BTW, I'd appreciate any comments, be they positive or negative.
  16. Campaigns or skins? The only reason I'm asking is cos when I decided to try and put together the campaign for upload I didn't realise how much of a daunting task it's going to be, what with keeping track of the original artists/contributers etc. If it's the campaigns well then this is going to take a little while to organise
  17. The MiG-21 was more than lacking in the 'eye candy' department so after checking out available substitutes......
  18. A little more variety besides American types was needed in the Dhimari camp and the 'Jag' fitted the bill, using an edited Nigerian skin.
  19. Mirage F-1C - Parani Air Force, 1986

    Something a little more technologically advanced needed to be introduced to the enemy camp. The result for me was something which was a lot more enjoyable as well as challenging in air-to-air combat
  20. Doghouse's 'Super' E Phantom in Dhimari mercenary markings for my eited SFG 'Desert Thunder' campaign
  21. Dhimari F-5E for my edited SFG 'Rattlesnake' campaign with a borrowed Saudi skin
  22. With the F model being the best (looking!) of the A-4 series I thought I'd take it into the eighties in a big way by facelifting it with an air superioirty grey Aggressor skin and throwing the A-4K's avionics and weapons into the mix. Now, in Reagan's era, it's both good looking AND deadly!
  23. F-14A - Royal Dhimari Air Force, 1986

    Need I say where the skin's from........
  24. Hi guys. I've done a lot of work lately updating the default campaigns in SFG, including the introduction of new aircraft and new skins on a big scale. The task of organising this has proved more daunting than I thought, including retracing who the original creaters of skins, a/craft. etc are for crediting in the upload but what I would like to do until all is ready is upload some screenshots from these campaigns to give everybody an idea what this is like, but am unsure how to do this. When I attempt to include a pic with a reply, for example, I get a prompt requesting the URL. I don't mean to sound stupid but can anybody tell me how this is done? I've got some brilliant preview screenshots that I'd love to share. :yes:

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