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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. I'm really sorry about this greg and I know I'm gonna look like a total duff but can you be a little more detailed? I've never done this before and I don't know what a http is or Direct link. A step by step guide perhaps? It's just that there doesn't seem to be any info on this in the knowledge base. Trust me, if I could d/load these pics it would arouse some interest and I've been dying to share them with the worldwide web. Again, apologies for being a pain in the ass
  2. Thanks for your help bud. Keep your eyes peeled for upcoming pics
  3. BTW, In the meantime, here's a sneak preview..... Operation Quick Sand: 1968 Operation Rattlesnake: 1976 Operation Desert Thunder: 1986 Major Players Good guys: Royal Dhimari Air Force; USAF;USN;USMC;RAF,Merc Unit X2 Bad Guys: Parani Air Force; Egyptian Air Force; Iraqi Air Force; French Air Force (Sorry guys!) and others here and there
  4. No problem my friends, but f**k, where do I start?! Let's see, hmmm, there's been a s**t load of modifications made to objects and data files all over the shop. I'm not sure if you've done it before but its so hard to keep up with who originally done this and that, but since you sent this message it's got me thinking that,hey, it's good to share. At least I know what I'll be doing over the weekend. Watch this space my friend! BTW, In the meantime, here's a sneak preview..... Operation Quick Sand:
  5. Great idea! I wanted to download Vietnam 1984 until I realised I had to d/load over a fresh install. I did something similar myself with SFG, where I shifted the years of all the campaigns forward between ten to fifteen years; Almost doubled the amount of active and inactive squadrons (bringing in the RAF to the fight alongside Dhimar) and my personal favourite was making the 1st Special Operations Wing an exclusively air-to-air group, while creating a "2nd Special Operations Wing" which specialises in air-to-ground missions. Yeah, I think what your doing is a fab idea. Hell, I'd be glad to help you if I can. Keep the midnight oil burning bud!
  6. I downloaded it from this site recently. Don't remember exactly whether it's in the 'Cold War' or 'Modern Aircraft' section but it's there. BTW, there's an Argentine Navy skin with it and there's a Frog (sorry, French) Navy skin elsewhere in the skins section. Look hard enough and you'll find it, my friend. Worth the download and a joy to fly
  7. Thank you for your help my friend. Most likely that's where I went wrong before. That's what I love about this site, folks. A lot of help to hand; a lot of candy (in all its forms) and something that for a change doesn't cost the earth.
  8. Correction folks; When I mentioned WOI i meant to say WOV. Apologies if anybody was confused
  9. Cheers bud. Just tried that now and it appears to be downloading. Just one or two questions if anybody can give good advice; 1. I've already got SFG in my C:Program Files/ThirdWire/SFG file. Do I install WOI (if it downloads!) in my ThirdWire folder also? 2. If and when it downloads, will I need to download the latest patches from the Third Wire site or have they already been included in the file I'm currently downloading? Any help from somebody with these matters would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for all your help so far guys....
  10. I downloaded WOV a couple of months ago and made a balls off the installation. Can the same be done for me or do I have to live with my mistake? It'd be really great if I could retrace my mistake and enjoy the game after all. BTW, I still have the e-mail from Third Wire regarding the download link. Don't suppose that would help any bit.......
  11. I just watched this clip on You Tube and was surprised to see the Kfir taxiing to the runway from the ramp area. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UklWcedZ6c0 Is this a WOI only feature? Can the aircraft be steered while on the ground on the other Third Wire platforms?
  12. WOI Only?

    Just tried out a few things a couple of minutes ago. Looks like I was using the wrong keys. All the time I was pressing the left/right keys when I should have been pressing comma/period. :slow(en): Thanks to all for putting up with me during this fools errand of mine. Must have been all that alcohol my brain soaked up last Friday
  13. WOI Only?

    Precisely my reaction bud. I've gone through the Default ini file and there doesn't seem to be any controls allocated for this function. Does anybody have a 'quote' from their Controls/Default ini file that I can copy to mine? I know that to a lot of people this might seem a trivial issue, but in my case when I come across a niggling little problem like this, I can't let it lie easily!
  14. WOI Only?

    Flight controls have been 'customised'. Have tried using rudder controls without luck. I always start my missions at the start of the runway and have tried utilising steering there using rudders while moving at about 15kts along the runway. Even after landing I've tried to steer my baby to her her berth but alas, it was all in vain .........siiiiiigh
  15. WOI Only?

    Thanks for your advice bud. Knowing my luck it's probably something dead simple that's staring me in the face
  16. WOI Only?

    No joy on either my friend. Oh well, it was worth a try. I don't suppose you could give me a quote from your controller folder?
  17. WOI Only?

    Excellent! Though I've just gone through the control settings and they're not listed. Do you know what they are?
  18. I almost had the same situation myself recently,although I was lucky enough to save the original weapons folder located in SFG/Objects. Hope you've done the same. I kept forgetting to save the originals until one day I downloaded some files which totally screwed things up. I suppose as they say you've got to learn the hard way
  19. Does anybody have a fix for the fixed (or should I say absence) guns for the Mirage F-1C200 that I've just uploaded? Here's a sample of the DATA.ini file where all seems to be in the proper order: In the 'Nose' section: [Nose] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=Nose ShowFromCockpit=FALSE DamageRating=DESTROYED MassFraction=0.235 HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE MaxExtentPosition=-0.45,7.5,0.7 MinExtentPosition= 0.45,1.0,-0.42 CollisionPoint[001]= 0.37,8.00,-0.84 CollisionPoint[002]=-0.37,8.00,-0.84 CollisionPoint[003]=-0.43,8.06,-0.23 CollisionPoint[004]=-0.43,8.06,-0.23 CollisionPoint[005]= 0.00,4.04, 1.09 SystemName[001]=InternalGun1 SystemName[002]=InternalGun2 SystemName[003]=Pilot SystemName[004]=NoseGear SystemName[005]=Perche SystemName[006]=BottomFuselageLight SystemName[007]=TopFuselageLight And later in the 'Internal Guns' section: [internalGun1] SystemType=FIXED_GUN GunTypeName=30MM_DEFA553 GunGroup=1 InputName=FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN MuzzlePosition=-0.3,1.5,-0.3 LightPosition=-0.3,1.5,-0.592 MaxAmmo=125 EjectShells=TRUE MinExtentPosition=-0.73,3,71,-0.97 MaxExtentPosition=-0.54,5.61,-0.81 [internalGun2] SystemType=FIXED_GUN GunTypeName=30MM_DEFA553 GunGroup=1 InputName=FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN MuzzlePosition=0.3,1.5,-0.3 LightPosition=0.3,1.5,-0.592 MaxAmmo=125 EjectShells=TRUE MinExtentPosition= 0.73,3,71,-0.97 MaxExtentPosition= 0.54,5.61,-0.81 Actually while I'm on the subject, the same seems to be the case with the Tornado GR.1A download. I prefer to consider myself a novice modder but I thought I'd bring this subject to the wider modding community in the hope of somebody having a solution.
  20. Cheers bud. That would be a great help, although I don't use any UBS joysticks or throttles. Like you, I've updated the game very heavily so I know how hard it is to keep track of things. Thanks again for your assistance.
  21. The latest pack is in place for the last 3 month or so and I've left the gun controls on the keyboard as they were from day one. Will just double check now to see if there's been a newer wep pack released.
  22. Precisely. That's exactly what I CAN'T do. As you can see from the DATA.ini files above, all the bumps seem to be in the right place. Strange innit?
  23. Can anybody help me with a problem I'm encountering at the moment? I've installed the latest weapons pack and have all my I's dotted and T's crossed where my ini's are concerned but whenever I fire my AIM-54 Phoenix missiles they seem to self detonate a few miles after launching. Does anybody else have similar problems with these 'mysterious missiles'? Do I need to make ini adjustments?
  24. The most sophisticated I've come across is the Flogger G or Foxbat A. Cheers for the info bud. Will try it out.
  25. Targets are almost always between 11 and 1 o' clock. From the start I've always kept the maximum distance to target being 50 miles. In real life they're supposed to be self guiding after a couple of seconds but, need I tell you the result. I'd understand if I messed with the missile data parameters but the files are as I received them.

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