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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. I've been going through my campaigns in SFG and have been wondering if an exact date can be given for my selected squadron to upgrade? For example: Instead of: UpgradeType=FIXED Upgrade[01].Year=1987 Upgrade[01].Type=F-16A_10 Can this be used: UpgradeType=FIXED Upgrade[01].Year=12/25/87 Upgrade[01].Type=F-16A_10 Thoughts, anyone?
  2. Pity. It would have given more flexibility to the campaigns. Guess I'll have to bribe my friend into letting me use his credit card to buy WOI. Sounds good from what I've heard. Cheers for the info
  3. Does anybody out there have any alternative gun sounds for the various Third Wire aircraft guns? There seems to be a huge abundance of engine sounds etc but I'm surprised that nobody has brought this issue up before now. It would be nice to have different sounds for different aircraft. BTW, this is NOT a complaint. Hats off to the mod crews who've so far done sterling work across the spectrum.
  4. Hi again guys, I thought I was a one-man train of thought on this issue. Good to know I'm not alone! I was thinking of copying some WAV. files from other games (FPS etc.) but apart from not having the technical expertise, I'm pretty sure that there would be some copyright issues at stake. But yes, there is a real 'gun sound drought' which I think was overlooked by the game designers (no offense guys). Apart from that the TW series is simply first class aerial entertainment.
  5. Hi guys. I submitted this question a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately nobody replied to my query so I thought I'd try again. Can anyone help me with this?
  6. MiG-21

    Do you really think so?! At least these lads won't have a propellor driven Air Force like the excuse for one that we have in Ireland........I hang my head in shame at our government
  7. Happy St. Patricks Day!!

    Luck o' the Irish t'all ye high fliers out there from the green isle of Eire
  8. Here's a question for all you 'screwdriver/nuts and bolts' (aka IT) guys out there; I myself have got a Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop with a 1.6ghz processor and 504mb of RAM. I've had similar problems to (quote) above when playing on a high setting. My question to the IT guys is; would inreasing my virtual memory settings improve matters?
  9. Hi all. Just downloaded the FANTASTIC looking Germany CE tileset repaint, hoping it would work with my SFG upgrade. No such luck folks. I knew there was a good chance it wouldn't work on my SFG which has been updated to the gills but I think I was hoping it would work more than I expected it to. Happy flying to all you WOE users out there!! BTW, hats off to Brain for the obviously painstakingly good work. Keep it up my friend!!
  10. While looking at some images from Canadair of what I can only describe as 'mascot girl' images adorning the sides of certain aircraft. Does anybody know of any similar files that can be downloaded to decorate my ever growing collection of aircraft skins. I think these would be perfect when flying in Mercenary mode. Check this example out: http://forum.combatace.com/uploads/1203724...37_43_25150.jpg
  11. img00049.JPG

    Those are some fantastic noseart Thud and Starfighter shots, Canadair . Was that a personal project or are those lovely ladies available for download? Looking at them has made me think about giving my stock models a 'respray' :yes: ......
  12. Postcard From The Pyramids

    This screenshot absolutely,positively, HAD to be taken after searching for the pyramids for so long on the 'Suez 2' terrain for SFP1. Hats off to the designer by the way
  13. Hi Cippao, What might be wrong is that you may not have enough RAM for the game to operate smoothly. Granted, the manual recommends a spec of 128mb RAM but I've found that that usually means a minimum of that amount. What I'd also recommend, and what you should do immediately is change all the gameplay settings to 'minimum'. I operate a laptop, which in most cases is nowhere as powerful or flexible as a desktop pc. I found that by changing the gameplay settings to a 'normal' setting helped in a big way. Granted, the graphics wouldn't be as detailed, but they would still be good enough for me to enjoy the game. Hope this works for you
  14. Hi all. Does anybody know of a Harrier II (GR.5, etc.) project underway? I think it's been one hell of an oversight on the part of designers to overlook what is a beautiful and effective platform
  15. Many apologies FC. Insults aren't my style so,guys,if I've insulted anybody out there, no pun intended. Thanks for listening all
  16. Can any of my fellow Simaholics point me in the direction of the Tornado F.Mk3 model? I've searched high and low but can't seem to put my finger on it
  17. Thanks bud. It never occured to me to check out the other sites. You sound like the voice of experience so I'll keep your advice in mind when checking them out.
  18. Thanks a million guys. Just tried out a single mission on the GR.1A to re-cap on the problem. It's my day off but after getting this intel I don't think there's going to be much grass cut today. All I need now is to find myself one of those F.Mk3s I keep hearing you guys talk about. BTW, does anybody out there know if there's a Harrier II (GR.5, etc.) model in the pipeline?
  19. I downloaded two separate versions abobut a month ago - the Tornado IDS,which had working Sidewinder rails but no working guns and the GR.1A, which had no Sidewinder rails but has working guns. A little confusing to say the least. The GR-1A had some great skins (especially the Gulf War I desert pink) and I tried adding the rails using the help file mentioned above but after meticulously following instructions (I'm no greenhorn) they ended up inside the inner pylons, which I'm sure you'll agree doesn't look very pleasing to the eye. Can anyone help me with this?

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