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Everything posted by RAVEN

  1. New WW II terrain....

    Nice software.
  2. Does anyone know anything about the Coins card?

    Well something even simpler and more secure , it's called Cash. My favorite .
  3. Airfield size ( large) will crash a terrain if their are aircraft that use 'Large' and none on the map.
  4. TSM could you zip just the data for that terrian that you've converted ? May have to check with Wrench?
  5. Just to let everyone know ,I'm updating all the Hurricanes (I never liked the windscreen) and it was my first plane, I hope everyone likes the fixes and if I overlook anything don't be shy, tell me and I'll do my best to correct it. Raven
  6. They would be fo SF2 only, I'll get back to ya, I'm half asleep, but thank's
  7. Anyway to make a gun recoil when it's fired, I animated it,but I din't know the statement if any?
  8. Maybe TW got a fat Gov. Contract for Christmas?
  9. Well nothing is ever simple, I had to remake the external cockpit, was poking out of the nose and fuselage, so I have to redo the 002 and 003 lod's for all. So it looks like there will be a V4.0 because its a major change, So as soon as I get this done and tested, I'll update agin. One good point, no texture change needed.
  10. Witch model ? Found it, it's on all, fixed. Will do a just lod update when I've finished them all.
  11. Hurricane Mk.IIb Trop

    Version V4.0


    Hurricane Mk.IIb Tropical For SF1 06 Patch Level Installs To Install: UnZip and drop the HurricaneMk_IIb_Trop folder into the Aircraft folder,Weapons to the weapons folder, Sound in the Sound folder. Adding Weapons and Guns: You need to use the SF1 06 patch level weapons editor to add weapons, SF1 Gun editor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Canopy opens with the 0 key. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dirt: I left the paint mostly cleen. If you want it dirty, Go for it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pilot Note: The PilotHurricane.lod is too wide for the cockipt. I modded and repainted one that fit for myself that I cannot upload. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Decals: There are no code letters or Seriel numbers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Note: To update the ini's manually see the ‘Manual Update.txt’, Creidts: Cockpit By Me. TW AC 3D Model,Textures Myself. Light Fix Wrench Sound File ? This Mod is Freewear and not to be sold! Raven 01/21/14
  12. I forgot to Add: [LeftOuterWing] DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE [RightOuterWing] DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE
  13. Christmas Fone

    Thank you Santa for the Android Fone( still waiting for Uma Thurman) . That said , could I please have my Debit card back! Merry Christmas All.
  14. Hurricane Mk. IIb Updated and uploaded.
  15. Anyone ever try Damage node's for control surfaces, like the Rudder? I can get it to show up, But I'm trying to make it Yaw. ???
  16. I'm thinking that if I animate the rudder and the damaged rudder with the same ID # then I don't need a second rudder statement and it ( damage node) will not render all the time, Making the animation. work will take some thinking.
  17. I have working when the v stab is damaged ,and it stays, it just.wont work(parts) with any kind of yaw, but. It still looks cool.
  18. I can make it yaw, but it's rendered all the time instead of just a damage render, so I shelved the idea for now. Too big of a FPS hit.
  19. @ Wrench, Hold on just a little I'm almost done with the mod's,once the main stuff is done it's just a matter of merging the new stuff. As much as iI tried not alter the .psd's , I had to add the new pylon to the Nose.bmp, but it will work without a bmp change. Also the 'one' foot step retracts on taxie.
  20. Rends, You have to be all the way into the subfile you are uploading to. or you get that message .
  21. New Pylons and the ' 52gal Drop Tanks' did'nt use a pylon, it was part of the tank (might of had a type shackel,no data.) so that an easy fix, already made those.

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