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Everything posted by RAVEN

  1. Target type was 'MediumRunway' changed it to 'Misc' Geary I'm going to give that terrain a try,I'll let you know my results. Been wanting to try back convert one anyway.
  2. That's Wrench, On the SEA map a target area is set as an Airfield for the Lights (no Runway) and the aircraft explode cause the game thinks their Airfields.
  3. Question, in WOE 1 can a airbase be 'Neutral' ? Or mabey just 'Generic' ?
  4. Are you looking for the DAT "RollingThunder",because I think KillerBee used a similar tile set by Deuces for his SEA terrain. Not 100% on this.
  5. I may have them in my 'Just recovered ' files from way long ago? Will check after work. Well No Joy. I have a tile set by Brain32 and SEA by KillerBee and a unfinished map of Italy.
  6. Try this. UnZip and drop both -.bmp's into the F-102A "Cockpit" folder, Overwrite 'Yes'. 'Bak radar.bmp' is a backup of the orginal. F-102 Radar.zip
  7. P-40N Pit update, making progress.
  8. Open de Canopy...?

  9. My Skinning trick is for just Photoshop, Then put in game, I use a striped test install and striped Terrain (Copy of Nothingness) and fly a Recon for just looking at the skin. (Of course you have to load the plane a zillion times cause ya move the Dam temp line 1 pixel to far).
  10. Skinning Trick, Put a temp layer on the Fuse .psd with a 2 or 3 pixel wide vertical line, make texture and just keep moving the line till it's even with the wing camo and then cut the fuse camo at the line, remake texture. TaDa. Lined up Camo. I learned to do this after (banging head on keyboard) trying to get the (blank,blank) camo to line up on a Mig-21.
  11. What if new sandbag arming pit.lod's had the same lod name as the existing pits (size ,sq ft) and just drop them in to the terrain, No editing? Just for KAW .
  12. File Name: NatterSam File Submitter: RAVEN File Submitted: 08 October 2013 File Category: Ground Objects Mods Natter (Viper) Sam Site For (BOB V1.4 By Gepard) 06/08 Patch Level. This Mod adds a Ba_349B Natter (Viper) Site to the BOB terrain [TargetArea164] Name=Freya. To install: /// BACKUP THE "Battle of Britain_targets.INI AND THE "Battle of Britain_TYPES.ini"////// Note!! All Object/Weapons 'NationsNames' are set to 'SOVIET' They need to be set to your BOB Install's AXIS NationName!!! Unzip: For 06 patch: Add the Objects foldercontens of the 'Add to BOB Terrain' folder to the 'Battle of Britain'folder, Objects to the Objects folder ,Weapons to the Weapons folder. Add Weapons using the 06 weapons editor. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For 08 patch: 08_.ini are in the '08_Patch Data' folder and weapons require the 08 weapons editor. Also Radar Will Track (Rotate) at 08 patch level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item's ( Models) inclued: Ba_349BL Ba_349B Launcher 'Sam Launcher' Nat349B Ba_349B Natter 'Sam' Dora39T FuMG 39T Dora 'Sam Radar' FuSE_65 FuSE 65 Würzburg-Riese 'Sam Radar' Freya451 FuMG 451 Freya Flamme 'EWR Radar' Freya Köthen FuMG 41G Freya Köthen 'EWR Radar' Destroyed Models. Templates . New Battle of Britain_targets.INI New Battle of Britain_TYPES.ini From EAW Terrain: I don't know who made these , But thankyou. af6barackC.lod af45radioant.lod af46radioantbldg.lod ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mod needed for additional items used in this mod: http://combatace.com/files/file/14273-ba-349b-natter-viper-launch-site/ These Item's are already added to the _Types.ini ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOB Terrain: http://combatace.com/files/file/5203-battle-of-britain-terrain-version-14/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !!!Special Note: This Mod will not work unless the 'Original Freya' is removed form the "Objects Folder'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Credit’s: TW 3D Models, Textures Myself BOB Terrain, Gepard (Original Readme included) Target Data, Wrench (and the Legal BS) This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted if the original readmes and all other pieces of the package remain intact. The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes. This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions. Raven 10/08/13 Click here to download this file
  13. NatterSam

    Version V1.0


    Natter (Viper) Sam Site For (BOB V1.4 By Gepard) 06/08 Patch Level. This Mod adds a Ba_349B Natter (Viper) Site to the BOB terrain [TargetArea164] Name=Freya. To install: /// BACKUP THE "Battle of Britain_targets.INI AND THE "Battle of Britain_TYPES.ini"////// Note!! All Object/Weapons 'NationsNames' are set to 'SOVIET' They need to be set to your BOB Install's AXIS NationName!!! Unzip: For 06 patch: Add the Objects foldercontens of the 'Add to BOB Terrain' folder to the 'Battle of Britain'folder, Objects to the Objects folder ,Weapons to the Weapons folder. Add Weapons using the 06 weapons editor. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For 08 patch: 08_.ini are in the '08_Patch Data' folder and weapons require the 08 weapons editor. Also Radar Will Track (Rotate) at 08 patch level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item's ( Models) inclued: Ba_349BL Ba_349B Launcher 'Sam Launcher' Nat349B Ba_349B Natter 'Sam' Dora39T FuMG 39T Dora 'Sam Radar' FuSE_65 FuSE 65 Würzburg-Riese 'Sam Radar' Freya451 FuMG 451 Freya Flamme 'EWR Radar' Freya Köthen FuMG 41G Freya Köthen 'EWR Radar' Destroyed Models. Templates . New Battle of Britain_targets.INI New Battle of Britain_TYPES.ini From EAW Terrain: I don't know who made these , But thankyou. af6barackC.lod af45radioant.lod af46radioantbldg.lod ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mod needed for additional items used in this mod: http://combatace.com/files/file/14273-ba-349b-natter-viper-launch-site/ These Item's are already added to the _Types.ini ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOB Terrain: http://combatace.com/files/file/5203-battle-of-britain-terrain-version-14/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !!!Special Note: This Mod will not work unless the 'Original Freya' is removed form the "Objects Folder'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Credit’s: TW 3D Models, Textures Myself BOB Terrain, Gepard (Original Readme included) Target Data, Wrench (and the Legal BS) This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted if the original readmes and all other pieces of the package remain intact. The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes. This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions. Raven 10/08/13
  14. Beijing, China.

    Nice pic's Glad you got to see 'The Great Wall of China' . A lot of Asia'n tour's to LA, Ca., the hi lite is the 'Great Wal of Mart'. I just don't get it.
  15. RAN Carriers: Toowoomba, Woolongong, Geelong, Burnie, Wyalla and Kalgoolie and--
  16. Don't know whether to laugh or cry

    Glad that wasn't a new Hard Drive in the box!!! And kiss the garden hose goodby.
  17. Europe WW II in 7 mins

  18. Anyone Else Furloughed Today?

    Today is my normal day off for this week, jump's around every week. My job treats me like a mushroom .
  19. How can I get the game to generate more static sam's? I have 10 in the target .ini and only get two. Have changed to Very-Common, anti-air Heavy,base quantity to 12. Idea?

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