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Everything posted by RAVEN

  1. I just started to do some fixes on my Hurricanes befor re uploading the screen shots and surprise my PTO install Objects folder is corrupted . Panic time, nope cause I Backed it up!!!
  2. Cool Story

    Very cool!
  3. Sitrep

    Just so know you are not alone. I did the “Homeless” crap for two years in Colorado, living in a camp by the Colorado river ( -6 deg in the winter) around a lot of really worthless people, working when I could , getting drunk , people killing each other over bulls**t, hiding from the cops( they would do a sweep and destroy camps) The one thing I learned from it all is “Trust no one” They are not your friends ,they will rob you blind, your life is worthless to them. I know this sounds harsh, but it’s about survival. I got lucky, my sister let me stay at her place to get back on my feet, got sober ( 3 years+) , found a job and today I turned 58. So never think it’s hopeless and remember that if you want to change the way things are going , you have to make it happen and I’ll tell you, it’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. Raven
  4. I.ve tried everything I can think of from linking to moving pivot points to make this work and "No Joy", The Wingfold is Animation_10, DeploymentMethod=MANUAL. The aircraft is just a Testbed. Any Ides's?
  5. What I did was make a small box , Reset Xform and Pivot to center and then set the fold animation key to the box, then I could make changes to any of the meshes in the ‘Hierarchy’ from the Fuselage to the pylon and not lose the animation. I unlinked everything , then made changes ,Reset Xform and pivots, then put it back together. That way I could move the box position in the ‘Hierarchy’ till I got the animation correct. Didn’t try it all at once. The reason I did it this way was to teach myself how to fold a wing and keep the weapons in the correct position, The aircraft I’m doing this for has no room for many changes as it is a 90% complete aircraft, so I made the testbed AC.
  6. All of my P-40 that have been uploaded were updated recently with the pit and damage nodes and the kittyhawk (-F) fuse vertex fix.
  7. I made a small box for the fold pivot and animation to make linking changes and Reset Xform on the other meshes simpler. Saves a lot of reanimation time.
  8. Fixed It. Read an earlier post on the same problem and it’s related to the CG. Left wing was custom made for testing.
  9. The K and L have not been released yet, the N needs the pit finished (waiting on panel photos from Aero Graphics , Canada):)
  10. Fast fix for lines you don't want is to 'clone stamp' then out In Photoshop. Works for painted on unwanted nation symbols also.:)
  11. Ba-349-3 Natter Gun Kill (Bye one,get one free)
  12. Anyone know how can I make this work without assigning an animation key to it? The ‘Blowback’ is easy (similar to the F-4) It’s the horizontal deploy and then rotate within the game limits that’s got me stumped. Any ideas? And to make life fun, the wings fold.
  13. Well, It works kinda sorta, They deploy aft ok, but I only can get 50' for takeoff and landing and no 'Blowback'. Linking nodes or multiple animation keys just makes a mess. If I set them as slats they stay full deploy on the ground and jack the wing fold .So it will work with two sets of flap data, one fake set for the nodes (looks), and one for the FM (flight).More testing planned .
  14. All those shaps on the airfoil's got to be murder on the boundary layer's, stall speed of 200kns +.
  15. Thanks everyone, and I think the thing to do is I'll make a testbed model ( very basic AC), and concept test. I'll post the results and of course the aircraft when DL are back up.
  16. A walking UAV. Why?

    Yup, if it runs out of gas, it can walk home, but can it swim? :)
  17. Very true...

  18. Animation slot is not the problem ,it's flap position,then a veritable rotation controlled by airspeed, or I'm I missing something on how much I can control the animation with the .ini?can I have 3 flap positions?
  19. I have them animated in Max, but all I get is closed or full deploy with the key. I think I have idea to test something that might work.
  20. Their is. no 'Default seat' So the game won't add one.Just make the seat the pilot. [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=seat_f-4 //PilotN1 Position=0.00,6.36,0.31 //0.0,6.36,0.74 //SeatModelName=seat_f-4 //SeatPosition=0.00,6.36,0.31 MinExtentPosition=-0.25, 5.91,-0.20 MaxExtentPosition= 0.25, 6.99, 0.92 CanopyNodeName=canopy_front_outer CanopyAnimationID=3 HasArmor=TRUE

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