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Everything posted by RAVEN

  1. If I enable bump mapping for the P-40’s , attach a bump map and export the lod’s with Max9 will it work for SF2? Also If it will work ,what format for the Bump Map’s?
  2. Whatever became of uploading skins for YAP ships?
  3. I forgot to add this to the cockpit readme , so I added it to the download post. Cockpit Lights: The Landing gear warning light will flash with the gear up below 350ft AGL. The Coolant Warning light is a ‘Master Caution Light’ Low Fuel Warning light will light at 40GAL’s remaining. The Circuit Breakers will switch to off if the engine fails. I spent so much time on this plane that I forgot half the things I did.
  4. Says all posts made by Array
  5. CA Mobil

    Somehow it got fixed. AOK now, thanks
  6. If you get below 350ft with the gear up , you get an anoing red flashing light. :)
  7. I checked all my collected data and found nothing on flaps at takeoff. Just found: " Take-off ( weight 8100lb) (using Military Power and Flaps 30')" Speed - 93 MPH. Tested ingame , 112,34 MPH
  8. That matches the offset when I compared the Max Extents . I'll try an idea I have and get back to ya.
  9. 5,000,000

    Way cool!
  10. Wrench can you get me a screenshot of the TW P-51 With a decal at 0.00,0.00 on the fuselage? I've been compairing the Max Extents of the P-40 with the TW P-51D (have Data.ini) and I'm 98% sure that it's exported in the correct place. I'm off to work, back at midnight.
  11. I set the CG to 0.00,-1.00,0.00 and made no other changes, the wingman is now spawned on the ground, still a little bouncy. World center is at the Center of lift (6% of MAC)
  12. Ok, the game is spawning the wingman tail high, then it drops (touch sound) I tried to export with the PP moved, no joy. ???
  13. Tire touch sound fix , Needed for all of my hurricanes also: [AIData] //TakeOffRotationAngle=20.0 <----Coment out. Didn't fix it 100% but better, Darn thought I had it nailed.
  14. The canopy link should work with SF2.
  15. Thanks ,the pit is what took so long. I'm getting the 'tire touch sound' with the 06 patch also so I'll look at it, I think it's in the tailgear animation. I'll give your new data a try, I had issues with the wingman also. (I might update the pit with wiring).
  16. Kittyhawk Mk1A

    Version 3.0


    Kittyhawk_Mk1A --------------- Kittyhawk Mk.1A for 06 Patch Level Installs. To Install: UnZip and drop the Kittyhawk_1A folder into the Aircraft folder,Weapons to the weapons folder. Adding Weapons: You need to use the SF1 06 patch level weapons editor to add weapons. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canopy (Int + Ext) opens with the Thrust Vectoring keys. See cockpit Readme. Decal Note: This mod comes with Wrench's 'mto_kittyhawk_112sqdn_skin_pak' Slightly Changed for SF1. Wrench's SF2 Readme included ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Update Note: To update the ini's manually see the ‘Manual Update UK.txt’, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cockpit Lights: The Landing gear warning light will flash with the gear up below 350ft AGL. The Coolant Warning light is a ‘Master Caution Light’ Low Fuel Warning light will light at 40GAL’s remaining. The Circuit Breakers will switch to off if the engine fails. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: TW AC 3D Model,Textures and Cockpit Myself. Decals, Loading Screen: Wrench Wrench for the Detail & Scale.pdf's with the outstanding Drawings, (and the Legal BS) Crusader For Several P-40 Reference .pdf's ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legal BS: This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted if the original readmes and all other pieces of the package remain intact. The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes. This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions Raven 11/30/2013
  17. CA Mobil

    Safari on IPod 4 IOS 6.1.3
  18. Has anyone checked the stock TW P-51D to see if (It blows up) if not, has the TailGear data changed with the patch? Data April 10, 2013 ------------------- [TailGear] SystemType=LANDING_GEAR Retractable=TRUE DeployTime=5.0 AnimationID=1 DragArea=0.08 HideGearNode=TRUE ModelNodeName=tail_gear_strut InsideNodeName=TailGearBay_Inside ShockAnimationID=5 ShockStroke=0.12 SpringFactor=2.0 DampingFactor=1.8 WheelNodeName=tail_wheel RotationAxis=X-AXIS ReverseModelOrientation=TRUE RollingRadius=0.13 CastoringWheel=TRUE CastoringNodeName=tail_gear_piston_end Steerable=TRUE MaxSteeringSpeed=30.88 Locking=FALSE MaxSteeringAngle=45.0 InputName=YAW_CONTROL ControlRate=1.0 HasBrakes=FALSE RollingCoefficient=0.05 MaxDeploySpeed=75.67 MaxLoadFactor=4.0 DetachNode[001]=tail_gear_door_L DetachNode[002]=tail_gear_door_R
  19. Anyone have a better photo of this.(Radio? not the trim nob's ) Also used in the P-51D

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