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Everything posted by RAVEN

  1. Kudos to the Flightcrew

    Any landing you can walk away from.....
  2. Reweld the vertex's around the cut to the fuse, should fix the surface tension. ?? Or is it a separate mesh?
  3. Main role of the F-15E?

    Main roll of the F-15E ,Destory targets (blow up stuff) :) LOL
  4. You try a diffrent pit? Just to look. Just remembered, had same thing with Hurris, I linked the inner wing to the nose by mistake and hade the nose set to False. Also I've spell TRYE and it will do that.
  5. I think the Y pylon is on the S only, I only found drawings for the C, G and J. Edit: The Y is on the F-100D, the 104S has 2 L shaped pylons from what I found , not 100% on the S.
  6. I found a correct drawing of the NATO Cataman, so it's going to be a little longer to finish. It will be a lot nicer. Also going to make the Japan Catamaran, (if I'm in the mud / I'm going to make pies) :)
  7. I,m using the TW F-104g data,ini weapons stations for Ref. and I have the C. At work right now, It will be done to night, will check if it's in a Y.
  8. You want the templat? Tank44Gal_PSD.zip
  9. I was just looking at the data for the Tiffy and the Napier saber and at full military power range is ruffly 302.69mi.
  10. Bult this before the Hurries for a Yap MkII. TankWithPylon.zip
  11. kg -data.ini lb - cockpit.ini kg - drop tank 682 liters = 180.18 US Gal Avgas 180.18 x 6.02 = 1084.68lb =491.92 kg JetA,A1 1225.224 lb = 555.66kg kerosene? It's nice to have an aircraft fueling lic.
  12. I spent some time on it in max and it can be done, but it's going to take alot of time to break it down to smaller meshes.
  13. Well it’s not going to work, the mesh looks to be a clone or a mirror and the pivot or Xform was not reset(best guess)I’ll give you my data. First off I made the Decal “Canvas size” 110px wide 880px high. The screen shot of the left side ,(best I could get), right side all no go. If you put the decal on the tail top section (Object05) it shows inverted. Looks like you’ll have to put the decals somewhere else. [Decal001] MeshName=Object0201 DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=MQM-107D\DRONE/D/1545 Position=-2.67,0.27 Rotation=1.20 Scale=0.20 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal002] MeshName=Object0201 DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=Right FilenameFormat=MQM-107D\DRONE/D/1545 Position=-2.67,0.27 Rotation=0.0 Scale=0.20 DecalMaxLOD=3
  14. I know of one last trick, what is the mesh name and the decal location?
  15. What decal is it? And it came from?
  16. Pit update. Main Instruments panels and gunsight finished.

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