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Everything posted by RAVEN

  1. Hurricane Mk.IIb

    Version V4.0


    Hurricane Mk.IIb For SF1 06 Patch Level Installs. See Readme for details Creidts: Cockpit By Me. TW AC 3D Model,Textures Myself. Light Fix Wrench Sound File ? This Mod is Freewear and not to be sold! Raven 01/20/14 (12 Guns of Fun.)
  2. Should I logout on my home computer first or can I just shut it down when I go remote (Like lunchtime at work). I tried to Login on my Ipod from a remote WiFi, Nojoy. Also if I logout my PC then Login my Lap it says I'm loggedin, but i'ts not (must be the cookies) I read the post relating to Login cookies and will try that, Thanks.
  3. Laptop login

    Fixed it, I had the cookies blocked by mistake (duh). Posting this from my laptop. Thanks Erik
  4. File Name: LAPES_ParaCargo.zip File Submitter: RAVEN File Submitted: 27 February 2013 File Category: Single Ordnance Files LAPES_ParaCargo For SF1,WOX Patch 08 This mod is a LAPES (Low Altitude Parachute Extraction System) and a HCU-6/E or 463L Master Pallet Cargo loads set up to be dropped from a C-130A. This mod requires end-user .ini edits for installation. First you need the TW C-130A Flyable With the cockpit of your choice. (Not tested with any other aircraft). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To install: !!! Backup any and all files this mod may/will overwrite!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unzip to a convenient location . Drag and Drop Folders: 1. Objects Folder 2. Effects Folder 3. Sounds Folder Editing of each file is covered in separate Readme's . I have included Referance coipes of the .ini’s I used in creating this mod. .ini Edits Required to files: ----------------------------------- Extracted from: ObjectData.cat 1. MISSILEOBJECT.ini 2. WRECKOBJECT.ini 3. C-130A_DATA.ini ---------------------------------- Extracted from: FlightData.cat 1. SOUNDLIST.ini --------------------------------- Optional: 1. C-130A_LOADOUT.ini 2. _Cockpit.ini --------------------------------- WEAPONDATA.ini: Add weapons data using the 0/8 patch level Weapons Editor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note on the craters: The impact effects/sounds work for both weapons/cargo loads, The HUC6E (HUCCrater) has only showed up for me 30% of the time on any terrain I tested with. The M-113 APC (APCCRATER) has only showed up if I assigned the crater type (7) to a 500lb_Bomb, so I know they work. Note on HUC6E: The parachute deploy animation it timed to the “Subsonic Drag Cd” and the”Drag Area Multiplier”. If these values are change unsatisfactory results may accrue. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: TW: c-130A LAPSE 3D Model's and Textures: Myself Effects Created with info by : Old Diego This Mod is Freeware and not to be sold! Anyone wishing to refine this mod or convert it to SF2 and re-upload it may do so. Raven 02/28/13 Click here to download this file
  5. LAPES_ParaCargo.zip

    I can make more LAPES cargo items if someone has a (Object/Vehicle) .3ds they would like converted. PM me.
  6. I can make more LAPES cargo items if someone has a (Object/Vehicle) .3ds they would like converted. PM me.
  7. I can get one of the cargo loads crater to show up, (30% of the time) the other wonte show at all. The effects work on both just fine. This is what I have: MISSILEOBJECT.ini : [MedCargoImpactEffects] GroundHitEffectName=DustCloudEffect GroundHitSoundName=CargoThump.wav WaterHitEffectName=MediumBombWaterHitEffect WaterHitSoundName=splash.wav ObjectHitEffectName=DustCloudEffect ObjectHitSoundName=CargoThump.wav ArmorHitEffectName=DustCloudEffect ArmorHitSoundName=CargoThump.wav CraterModelName= CraterType=6 [LAPESImpactEffects] GroundHitEffectName=DustCloudEffect GroundHitSoundName=CargoThump.wav WaterHitEffectName=MediumBombWaterHitEffect WaterHitSoundName=splash.wav ObjectHitEffectName=DustCloudEffect ObjectHitSoundName=CargoThump.wav ArmorHitEffectName=DustCloudEffect ArmorHitSoundName=CargoThump.wav CraterModelName= CraterType=7 WRECKOBJECT : [WreckType005] RandomCount=3 ModelNameFormat=VeryLargeCrater%03d [WreckType006] RandomCount=3 ModelNameFormat=GrnHUC6eCrater%03d [WreckType007] RandomCount=3 ModelNameFormat=M113PLCrater%03d GrnHUC6eCrater Shows up. Any one have an idea?
  8. Sorry Wrench, I was looking at the FM that came with it, and I removed the ... (2 of each of 3 periods) from the FM . I did recalculate the EmptyInertia if you want the data? EmptyMass=3777.00 EmptyInertia=11694.21,10837.79,21159.81
  9. Wrench; Open the Whirlwind_DATA.ini and search for ... (3 periods), [LeftWing] CDLAlphaTableData=49.000,36.000,25.000,16.000,9.000,4.000,1.000,0.000, ***1...000,*** 4.000,9.000,16.000,25.000,36.000,49.000 [RightWing] CDLAlphaTableData=49.000,36.000,25.000,16.000,9.000,4.000,1.000,0.000, ***1...000*** , 4.000,9.000,16.000,25.000,36.000,49.000 And there are alot more in the tabels. Fly,s much nicer now.
  10. Start Game and go to Options and check this.
  11. Thanks. I'm Going to Do some Ju-88's (I won't do the "elsewhere" dance.) as soon as I'm done with the P-40's and I get this LAPES side project done. Hmm Do-17Z.
  12. Well I just scaned the Yak41.lod and looks like those meshes were maped togeather and the texture were not reasigned to YAK41-3.bmp, so you can't fix it with a hex edit. (I tried) Lod's _002 and _003 are maped correctly. Yak41_LOD3 needs "Reset XForm" on the canopy mesh also. Pic's Orange is YAK41-2.bmp Blue is YAK41-3.bmp You might consider a full wing decal for the each wing they have diffrent mesh names?
  13. P-40E is still cooking, F and N's (Ease conversions) are next, Might do a B. I want some JU-88's, (If I can't get some, I'll make one or two or three).
  14. Well, So far I've Repacked the chute's smaller,changed the rigging and cleaned up the deploy animation . I'm still modeling the new M-113 payload. The C-130 ini work is finished. I still have to do the ground effects. So while making parts for the LAPES I tosed this togeather.
  15. I found the Checkbox in Max, I know that a .dds will use the normal texture. Will a .jpg?
  16. You must have somthing going on with your install, Cause all of my Hurricanes have gunsights.tga's and I checked the mod's Wrench did for SF2 and they have them also. Raven
  17. What if you added MaxDeploySpeed= to the data?
  18. What mesh are you trying to move? As far as I know the only meshes that will move that are not animated in max are control surfaces ,Rudder, Ailerons, elevators and Flaps( not sure of flaps?), So you might try (If you have the mesh name) making it a flap, you’ll have to figure out the Deployment setting to move it and then keep it there. Of Corse it depends on if the mesh has any children linked to it and the pivot point. I never tried this, but I thought it might be worth concept testing. This may or may not work. Looking at a Data.ini I don’s see any Animation ID= for some cowl flaps, but they do have a Rotation Axis= statement. Like I said I never tried this. Raven
  19. Static and deployed. Next is 3D Details and textures, and deployment effects.And a new creater so it will sit on the ground with the chutes collasped. also I can add the chutes to a pallet load of creats.
  20. Hi Dels, Ejection Speed was Set to:EjectVelocity=0.0,-10.0,3.0 and it cleared the ramp, I just slowed it down to get the screen shot. 3 chuts test getting exported directly. With eject set back up.

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