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Everything posted by RAVEN

  1. P-40E-CU Updated to the new drawings from Wrench. (Fitting the wing).
  2. Yes!! I think I'll try this with a create first to get the paracute to animate. I Just found Florian's C-160D on my HD, ( I never installed), so testing......
  3. Now that is creative thinking, Diego. I'll see if I can make it work on the 113,(I'll have to make new 3D models for both payload and creater) I saw a photo of a M-113 dragged out of the bay of a C-130, It was on a pallet with a cute at about 6 to 10ft AGL over a dirt strip. Thanks for the info.
  4. I did this some time ago for WOV 08, Need's a cute . I'll attaach the data for the C-130a and the M-113 (No lod.s), weapon data is 08. C130M113.zip
  5. Unless your a doctor,then patitence are an income. $$$
  6. I need some 3D advice from someone who has been at this point before. The aircraft model I’m making was about 60% finished, then I was given much more accurate drawings to go by and now the model is the incorrect shape, the more I try to fix it the worse it gets! So this is the question would I be better off just scraping most of it and basically starting over or just keep banging my head on the keyboard? Raven
  7. Just the angle, The drawings I started with were rotated 10 or so degrees CCW so the stabs were too high in the left side view, as you can see in the pic (with new drawing) , pit was too far fwd, nose was too short, tail wheel too far fwd,and so on and so on, So yes the PDF's will make a nicer finished model. once I fix the aft section the rest is just needs to be moved. Thanks agin for the PDF's New Guinea terrain!!! Shiny.
  8. Waile at work today (RW) I pondered on what to do and I think I can salvage all but the Stab fairing .So instad of starting over I just cut the fuse into parts .Most everything just needs to be moved to the right positions, The fairing for the Stabs (red sec) I'll have to just scrap. As far as "Damage model, I thought that I would have to redo alot more of the plane, so now no "leftover parts" for a damage model , I'll just have to clone parts off of the new compleation for one.
  9. I'm going with start over, use what I have finished as a destroyed model? (same mesh names) Thanks
  10. From Max exporter note's Animation The exporter exports the MAX animation in 10 frame increments, allowing model builder to build 10 separate animations. Frames 1-10 is the animation 1, 11-20 is animation 2, 21-30 animation 3, etc. Frame 0 should be kept free of any animation, and it should be the default state of the model. Currently, only the rotation and position keys are exported. Also Only TCB Controllers can be used. TCB Rotation, TCB Postion From other notes I have: Shock animation can be done in 10 frames, and is done one way only (from uncompressed to compressed). Now, there is a parameter in the ini which allows for compression during gear retraction if you are having a problem during gear cycling. My typical technique for gear has been 1-10 (AnimationID=1)for gear cycle, 11-20 (AnimationID=2) for nose shock, then 21-30 (AnimationID=3) for main shock (usually both, but you can break this out if you have spare animations...ie 21-30 (AnimationID=3) for left shock, 31-40 (AnimationID=4) for right shock). Hope this helps. Raven
  11. Question, Other than additions to the mesh’s textures (like bump mapping) and the way the game renders the model, is their much difference in detail between First and second Gen? Just so I’ll get a better understanding of the difference between First gen (ansi) and second gen (unicode) LOD’s .
  12. The P-40B's had just the iron sights and the Reflecters sights were just being added, They diden't trust them so they kept the iron sight as backup, They retro fitted the (field cobbeld) the reflecter sighs into some of the B's, So you can have With or without.And Wrench I'd like the PDF's please. Nice work Stary Thanks. Raven
  13. Well I found an other Ref. photo and that part is a "deviation card holder I think". I had to have a place to put the gunsight.
  14. Well I tested it with one of my Hurri's and works fine, 08 Patch, 06 patch is a no go! Thanks for the info Cliff. Raven
  15. This will not work at the 06 patch correct? If I model the cockpit.lod canopy_frame and the canopy_glass as separate meshes and link them in Max can the ini statments for frame and glass be combined? Just 0ne EXTERNAL_ANIMATION_LINK? 08 patch.
  16. AVSim Library Has SF1 "WWII Pacific Objects"
  17. Sorry ,If it was a prop you can set "ThrottleRate=1.0" and it reduces porpoising.Don't know if this helps you?
  18. File Name: StorchTemplets.zip File Submitter: RAVEN File Submitted: 18 January 2013 File Category: Skin Templates / Decal Sets Fi 156 C5 and F Storch Photoshop .psd Templates 1024x1024 Raven 01/18/13 Click here to download this file
  19. Version 1.0


    Fi 156 C5 and F Storch Photoshop .psd Templates 1024x1024 Raven 01/18/13
  20. File Name: Fi156-F_Storch.zip File Submitter: RAVEN File Submitted: 18 January 2013 File Category: Axis Bombers V 1.0 Fi 156 F Storch SF1/WOV/WOE 06 Patch level installs. To install: UnZip and drop the Fi156_F folder into the Aircraft folder,StorchTank folder in the weapons folder. Adding Weapons: You need to use the SF1 06 patch level weapons editor to add weapons. Watch it Fly ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mod Info: This mod is intended for WWII install’s as a FAC AI aircraft, there is a very basic (nonworking) Cockpit included for testing only. External fuel tank and Bomb Pylons added. The Door and window do not open. Tailgunner is not included. Decals: Nation Only The NationName “Axis Germany “and the “absence” of the traditional tail emblem with the model is intentional. End users can change these two items to suit there Install. For the Landinglight to function the Tailgear is set to "Retractable=TRUE" with no movement. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corrected: Fuel capacity’s Corrected Statment: SystemName[003]=RightSlat Corrected Fuel consumption: BSFC=0.00280 Tested with WOE 06 patch only. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: TW: FM (modded by me). AC 3D Model, Cockpit and Textures: Myself Landing Light Info: Wrench This Mod is Freeware and not to be sold! Note: Anyone who wishes to update the FM or convert this mod for SF2 and re-upload it may do so. Raven 01/18/13 Click here to download this file

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