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Everything posted by RAVEN

  1. Fi156Storch02.zip

    Version 1.2


    Fi 156 C-5/Trop Storch SF1/WOV/WOE 06 Patch level installs. To install: UnZip and drop the Fi156_C-5T folder into the Aircraft folder. Watch it Fly ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mod Info: This mod is intended for WWII install’s as a FAC AI aircraft, there is a very basic (nonworking) Cockpit included for testing only. The External fuel tank is part of the model and cannot be droped. The Door and window do not open. Tailgunner is not included. Decals: Nation Only The NationName “Axis Germany “and the “absence” of the traditional tail emblem with the model is intentional. End users can change these two items to suit there Install. For the Landinglight to function the Tailgear is set to "Retractable=TRUE" with no movement. Tested with WOE 06 patch only. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Change log: Corrected: Fuel capacity’s Corrected Statment: SystemName[003]=RightSlat Corrected Fuel consumption: BSFC=0.00280 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: TW: FM (modded by me). AC 3D Model, Cockpit and Textures: Myself Landing Light Info: Wrench This Mod is Freeware and not to be sold! Note: Anyone who wishes to update the FM or convert this mod for SF2 and re-upload it may do so. Raven 01/18/13
  2. Fi156-F_Storch.zip

    Version 1.0


    V 1.0 Fi 156 F Storch SF1/WOV/WOE 06 Patch level installs. To install: UnZip and drop the Fi156_F folder into the Aircraft folder,StorchTank folder in the weapons folder. Adding Weapons: You need to use the SF1 06 patch level weapons editor to add weapons. Watch it Fly ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mod Info: This mod is intended for WWII install’s as a FAC AI aircraft, there is a very basic (nonworking) Cockpit included for testing only. External fuel tank and Bomb Pylons added. The Door and window do not open. Tailgunner is not included. Decals: Nation Only The NationName “Axis Germany “and the “absence” of the traditional tail emblem with the model is intentional. End users can change these two items to suit there Install. For the Landinglight to function the Tailgear is set to "Retractable=TRUE" with no movement. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corrected: Fuel capacity’s Corrected Statment: SystemName[003]=RightSlat Corrected Fuel consumption: BSFC=0.00280 Tested with WOE 06 patch only. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: TW: FM (modded by me). AC 3D Model, Cockpit and Textures: Myself Landing Light Info: Wrench This Mod is Freeware and not to be sold! Note: Anyone who wishes to update the FM or convert this mod for SF2 and re-upload it may do so. Raven 01/18/13
  3. Nice . The "open cockpit" statement Will not work at the 06 patch Level.
  4. File Name: Fi156Storch02.zip File Submitter: RAVEN File Submitted: 17 January 2013 File Category: Axis Fighters Fi 156 C-5/Trop Storch SF1/WOV/WOE 06 Patch level installs. To install: UnZip and drop the Fi156_C-5T folder into the Aircraft folder. Watch it Fly ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mod Info: This mod is intended for WWII install’s as a FAC AI aircraft, there is a very basic (nonworking) Cockpit included for testing only. The External fuel tank is part of the model and cannot be droped. The Door and window do not open. Tailgunner is not included. Decals: Nation Only The NationName “Axis Germany “and the “absence” of the traditional tail emblem with the model is intentional. End users can change these two items to suit there Install. For the Landinglight to function the Tailgear is set to "Retractable=TRUE" with no movement. Tested with WOE 06 patch only. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Change log: Corrected: Fuel capacity’s Corrected Statment: SystemName[003]=RightSlat Corrected Fuel consumption: BSFC=0.00280 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: TW: FM (modded by me). AC 3D Model, Cockpit and Textures: Myself Landing Light Info: Wrench This Mod is Freeware and not to be sold! Note: Anyone who wishes to update the FM or convert this mod for SF2 and re-upload it may do so. Raven 01/18/13 Click here to download this file
  5. The NationName set to “Axis Germany “and the “absence” of the traditional tail emblem with the model is intentional. End users can change these two items to suit there Install. Raven
  6. Anyway to get a landinglight to work on a fixed gear aircraft, It will work If I set "Retractable=TRUE" , but that creates a mess on landing if you forget to deploy the gear.
  7. I set up my Tailgear as Retractable=TRUE and landed with it retracted, Worked just fine, and with the MaxdeploySpeed set high I now have a switch for the landing light. Thanks
  8. IF the Aircraft has only shocks (non retractable) Should the Aircraft be exported with the shocks in the collapsed position?
  9. I think I have it sorted out now, Someone will have to checkit with SF2 once it released. Thanks agin.
  10. Just did a test with my 08 patch test program and all works as intended so the aircraft should work OK SF2.I seem to remember there was a shock animation change from the 06 to the 08. Thanks FC
  11. It must be the way I have the gear linked then, Cause it's exported extended and stays that way in the air and will compress if ya smack the runway, It just won't partly compress on the gorund. I checked the Other aircraft in the flight and their gear work as intended. I tried to play with the : ShockStroke=0.264 <---------Taken from Max SpringFactor=0.8 DampingFactor=0.8
  12. Well I tried Reverse,Works with Tires only it seems. And I reexported the modle with shocks compressed , Works and looks OK on the ground but not in the air. So I'm thinking that the game engine is set up for retractable gear and not fixed gear. So I'm going with looks. Thanks for the input.
  13. Options.ini [singleMission] AircraftType=Soviet_MkIIbTrop MissionMap=SIBERIA MissionType=RECON MissionTime=NOON MissionWeather=BROKEN AirActivity=RANDOM AirDefenseActivity=RANDOM LoadMission=FALSE LoadMissionFilename=A-10A Close Air Support.MSN MissionYear=2030 StartYear=1940 EndYear=2040 <-------------------------------Change Service=USAF
  14. I justed checked the Decals.ini from the skin (spitfire9c_earlyMEF) and the correct statment entries are there. But these .tga names might be to much alike' RAF_Type_C.tga RAF_Type_C1.tga and there in this order of loading. So name change on one of them maybe ??
  15. Try Adding the roundel decal entry to the mesh that the letter "B" is on at: [Decal00X] MeshName= (Letter B mesh) DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=Spitfire_RAF_Early/RAF_Type_C1 Position=-2.99,0.05 Rotation=0.0 Scale=1.0 DecalMaxLOD=4
  16. Looks like a 3dMax fix, extra faces in the mesh, Who's model is it?
  17. Just tried to upload a .jpg and got "undefined" error.
  18. If your going to make a new pit,Make a updated one.
  19. Backedup the other day,But since you insist I just backed up my recent work. Now I need a beer ,It takes time to wright down all those 1's an 0's
  20. Soviet MkIIb Tropical

    Version V4.1


    Soviet Hurricane Mk.IIb (Tropical) For SF1 06 Patch Level Installs. Pilot Note: "PilotWW2Navy" is used untill a more Rusian WWII pilot is Modded that fits the cockpit. http://combatace.com/files/download/13020-wwii-pacific-navymarine-pilot/ See Readme for Details. This Mod is Freewear and not to be sold! Raven 01/28/14
  21. This was made to the Specs. from the link" 4000lb High Capacity Bomb" I did'nt want to defuse it. UK_4000.zip

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