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Everything posted by RAVEN

  1. I got a PM from a CA member asking for help to find the G.222 or c-27 Sparten, Was It Pulled? I serched ,NoJoy.
  2. Mk.1's in the oven. (I gave up on the Natter)
  3. Forgot to metion that I converted it bmp first. (24bit)
  4. War Birds in the sky

    Anyone see the two warbirds fly over So. Cal. today? They looked and sounded like Skyraiders,Too far away for me to get a good look.
  5. Size is inportent 1024x768 works and I'm running the game at 1152x864 4/3, If the bmp size is off by 1 pixel it will do weird things. Other sizes may work,but I haven't tested them. Just checked your jpg and it's 1024x787 ,(Just crashed my game at the hangar)
  6. What I'm trying to do is have an AI aircraft launch 24 (salvo) Unguided rockets at another aircraft? I thought of very low grade IRM and I seem to remember a gun that shot rockets. Any Ideas? Raven
  7. Yes Post the data,I'll see if I can use it. Thanks. BA-349 Natter I dont have the TW Lightning's rocket packs,but I would like to see the data. Thanks for the responses. F-103 I do have. Thanks agin.
  8. Anyone know which Pilot model is the smallest? I have a very small cockpit in the model I'm building and every pilot I try sticks out. I'm not ready to try my hand at modeling one yet. Thanks Raven
  9. Thanks Wrench Pako.s Just fits. (I had to fuge on the Fuselage a little).
  10. File Name: Hurricane_Cockpit_Update File Submitter: RAVEN File Submitted: 19 November 2012 File Category: Prop and Helo Cockpits Hurricane_CoCkpit_Update For all SF installs This is a .lod only Update. --------------------------- This mod reduces the size of the side bar of canopy frame for a wider field-of-view. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To install: !!! Backup the Orginal .lod's First!!! Unzip and select,copy/paste. (Overwright Yes) the correct .lod into the cockpit folder of each of the Hurricanes you wish to install this mod to. ------------------------------------------------- Cockpit LOD's Included: MkIIc_Pit.lod: Install to Hurricane_Mk_IIc and Hurricane_Mk_IIc_Trop. MkIV_Pit.lod: Install to Hurricane_Mk_IV and Hurricane_Mk_V. MkIIcSH_Pit.lod: Install to SeaHurricane_Mk_IIc. Mk5b_Pit.lod: Install to Hurricane_Mk_Vb. Updated .out files. ----------------------------------------------- Note: No texture mapping was changed and the canopy mesh (CanFrameIn) was reduced by 60 polys. Raven 11/18/12 Click here to download this file
  11. Anyone know how Pasko got the landing gear Trolley to fall off (detach) the Me-163? I have the Data,but there is no .out file with the mod to cross check what I have to do in Max to replacate it other than it retracts. duh nevermind. "HideGearNode=TRUE"
  12. Since I started playing Strike Fighters over the years a few aircraft have had faulty shadows (not criticizing) and they have been explained as “Holes” in the model mesh. What I have observed is that holes in the mesh will create a blank spot in the shadow,(no shadow) while a stray or “Isolated vertex” will cerate those long string antenna shadows making the aircraft into a kite. Just thought I would share this "Observation" . Raven
  13. Thanks for the response. I'll have to do some more research and testing . I'm putting togeather a How to for 3DS (It will be done in two week's ).
  14. Bort's Avro 504D

    Just to let know, I put the plane into my WOE test install, reset the rudder decal to FilenameFormat=Finflash and it shows. So you might look at the decal .tga name.
  15. SeaHurrican Mk.IIc

    Version V2.0


    SeaHurricane_Mk_IIc (Hurricat) SF1 06 Patch Level Installs. Creidts: Cockpit By Myself TW AC 3D Model,Textures, Myself. Light Fix Wrench MAC Hinchinbrooke Hawaii Terrian Wrench Sound ? This Mod is Freewear and not to be sold! Raven 08/14/2013
  16. SU-47 No Pit. https://sites.google.com/site/pjowlworkshop2009/updates/su-47
  17. Replacment VID card advice ?

    XFX Radon HD 4650 AGP, 1GB DDR2 Ram ,AGP 8X support, DirectX 10.1 Suport, I got mine last year at Fry's for $94.00 New. I'm Running a P4 2CPU 3.2GHz XP SP3, 2GB DDR2 Ram , Don't remember the Bus speed. Last Legs for this rig,But with the Radon I got an other 1 1/2 years out of it and It's still going.
  18. Anyway to get a Sam to lanch and split into multiple warheads? (Darn I lost the "M"}
  19. Check the Data.ini [RightWing] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=RightWing Ymac=1.06 <------- Must be Postive Number [RightOuterWing] ParentComponentName=RightWing ModelNodeName=RightOuterWing Ymac=1.92 <-------------- Same thing Raven

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