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Everything posted by Icarus999

  1. wow this is an old thread resurrected from the dead It took me a little while to get the hang of lemissioneur 2006, but now that I know how to use it I cant live without it. Okay first off i am told it does not work with SF2. so hopefully you are using the original WOX series. Get the tutorial, there is one at check six and if I remember right there is also one here in the DL section. lemissioneur will automatically load the maps so what that means is that you have not pointed it to an install of the game. put it in your games main folder.
  2. @Swambast, I've been trying to P.M. you for a few days now but you box is full.
  3. Download the Bombing range terrain and you will be able to fly around and practice without having to worry about enemy fighters.
  4. After taking a look at his post it looks to me like we are going to get a bonus. good news .
  5. Pilot Training Videos

    Very nice OvS.
  6. Darwin Award recipient

    Can't help but flash back to the 80's here, remember TJ Hooker? Seems like every other episode had him doing something like this.
  7. Arm it with Metalstorm- The 40 mm grenade launcher version that fires a quarter million rounds per minute.... no BS Google it. A 155mm howitzer projectile version of metalstorm would be a nice touch too. Stary would probably lose his mind creating the effects for it :) we would need fully destroyable cities.
  8. Yes... that is a combination of 2 files that should be in the downloads section the first is the "CVN" sound mod that you apply to the aircraft carrier of choice. the second is an older radio chatter mod with the possible addition of some other chatter mixed in.
  9. There is an afterburner pack in the DL section
  10. Set up an 80's scenario and arm the Mig 21 and 23 with modern missiles like the A11/ R-73 Archer and you will see F-15A's are not invincible. Give the 23 modern BVR missiles and you will have a much better challenge . Also try flying red every once and a while, I have nailed several eagles by staying low and using the terrain to my advantage.... mountains and canyons are your friend. Fighting at altitude over the sea/ flat terrain against Eagles, Phantoms or Tomcats is suicide.
  11. Use Lemissioneur it works great for placing objects on the map. I hear it does not work with SF2 but if you have any of the WOX games you should be able to create your missions there and then import them over to SF2. Great work here Monty and Killerbee!!!!
  12. Wow silverbolt she looks amazing, does the kiev still have some issues? looking at her I am amazed that the builder is still not satisfied... what a ship!!!
  13. Your problem is the 2008 patch, the Hueys do not work with it. Make a separate install patched to the 2006 level and the will work fine
  14. I had the same problem, especially with the full ini zmatt shared with us, so as a temporary fix I went back to the stock ini and changed the color settings at the nvidea control panel, it was better but still needed work. Then while playing far cry2 I noticed that either the sky looked washed out or the shadows were way to dark much like your screenshot so i played around with both my monitor and the Nividea controll pannel until I got somthing I could live with. When I went back to WOE I found the setting was absolutly perfect. Far cry2 still has some issues but with WOE looking as good as it does I am not going to change anything.
  15. High res terrain and widesky settings have a big impact I also had a 8800gtx 768M card and with certain terrain and widesky combination I would get about 17 fps tops without this HDR bloom, it is a kick a** card but it just was taking a pounding. If you are getting mid twentys as an average from the cockpit you are doing good with one card. I just upgraded to quad SLI using 2 9800gx2 self contained SLI cards and with the HDR bloom I average around 40 fps and top out at 63 fps from the cockpit with intense cloud/fog mixed in a "broken" sky setting in the widesky and high res terrains. Also thanks for the antialiasing tips ZMatt... I'm Still trying to dial it in but I am seeing a big improvement.
  16. this is a huge boost to frame rates but does any one know what might be causing this rippling effect that only seems to effect other aircraft when viewed from inside the cockpit?">
  17. Sorry if this borders on a double post dave, but what about a basic SF-2 to SF-1 conversion sticky thread in the knowledge base. My combat ace subscription Expired today and it would make it much easier to re-up in these lean times if I knew I would at least be able to convert the new models to work on my existing WOX games. It will be a little while before i get SF-2, and the time to get all of the mods installed.
  18. Well that is the best question asked here in a long time... No there is no thread on how to convert SF2 models to first generation standards, and it would be in everyone's best interest if we put together a sticky thread in the knowledge base that listed what needs to be addressed to convert a SF2 model to the old standard. I am sure this would be pretty simple, straight forward and would prevent a lot of the same questions being asked of the modders.
  19. I just finished putting together my new flight sim/ gaming rig. I was worried that this would be a waste of money, as the was purpose was to improve my frame rates and overall playability with super modded versions of WOE and WOV and I had heard many people were having issues with SLI and third wire. Well my results were totally the opposite.... my massive WOE install Looks and plays fantastic with quad SLI and so far I am very impressed, I've got everything set on unlimited with the wide sky mod set full on and the performance is silky smooth. I still need to do some more testing with some of my more demanding graphically punishing, 30 sorties in the air simultaneously missions but so far I am really happy. The only graphic issues I have had have been with other games like Bioshock or fallout 3 but all i have to do is switch off quad SLI mode and they run fine. Standard SLI is more than enough for Bioshock. I will do some more testing and post the results.
  20. Nope.... totaly happy with the massively modded 08 and 06 patched installs I have put together, I get little time to fly as it is and have finally gotten the old game running / looking awesome.
  21. I would second what Fubar recommends and get an upgradeable bare bones rig, it does not take much to run the basic sim and the nvidea 9600 would be a good affordable starting point, you can upgrade to a better video card and cpu when you get the money, just do a little research on where you would like to go with your upgrade before you settle on the motherboard. I see factory reconditioned 8800 gtx768m cards with a 90 day return policy on Ebay all the time for around $160.00 and the core 2 duo E 6850 Conroe is still a badass gaming chip and is dirt cheap. I have those two items in one of my rigs and i highly recommend them as a lower priced solution, they will work really well for you if you don't have to have all of the eye candy going on all of the time. I for some reason am never satisfied with good enough and have to push the limits all of the time because I see these awesome clouds, or skins effect mods/ high res water available here and being the compulsive mission builder that I am i just want to put it all together with 50 different sortie's in the air simultaneously and then fun frapps on top of it all . For some reason the widesky and comms mods are a absolute killer on framerates - my system has no problem running Crysis on high settings with out the anti aliasing but WOE with everything set to unlimited and widesky/comms high res skins / starys effects will kick my systems butt giving jerky frame rates at take off, then it gets playable once I am in the air. good luck
  22. Stig, are you using the 08 patch? I had the same issue with my 06 patched install but my 08 install works fine.
  23. Rule #1 to running a successful business: The customer(within reason) is always right... especially loyal customers whose word of mouth advertising is worth gold. If it was not for people like Dave, Column five /the guys at the Mirage factory or terrain Gurus like Stary or Brian32 and all of the awesome modders here at combat ace I would not have bought all of TK's games. If it was not for your vision and hard work I would have been dissatisfied with the original game as was and moved on to lock on or something else. Combat ace and a couple of other modding sites are responsible for a generating large percentage TK's business and it would be unwise of him to discount the input of those modders.

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