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Posts posted by macelena

  1. When Greece burnt a couple of years ago, we sent hidros to counter it. The trouble is how hard

    and how long would it take for a friendly and firefighting-able country to deploy canadairs in Australia,

    but there should be something done about this.

  2. I thought that your mad idea was bombing SAM-City, Hanoi. :biggrin:


    I got another one. Let´s all meet at Britain. We enjoy a brutal party in the pubs of London, trying to avoid collateral damage,

    or reducing it as far as possible. Then, when all drunk, get our four favourite boys of the day, and make a Jam-session with

    DJ Jack the Ripper. I would propose send their pieces then to each side of the island, but this is for heroes.


    I´ve been told by my former teacher of english that i seem a hooligan, so i wouldn´t be much out of place. And then get a

    roundabout to the Town Center and seek for the plenty-of-money people who control the somaly piracy from there, and disrupt

    the banks causing the Raptor, Eurofighter, and JSF programs to get delayed, among other minor issues.


    :minigun: What can you tell, tovariches? no technical problems such as landing Tomcat on Clemenceau or smuggling it to Aden Gulf



    EDIT: by the way, would sweep all Africa killing SoBs from Rabat to the Mog be considered ethnic cleansing of SoBs? Seems troubly after

    some recent jurisprudence

  3. Hope you get as much as you deserve from life. I knew a Marine

    who lost his foot to a land mine in Bosnia, and after some

    hard times, he is back at the Marine School here, as teacher, and happy as

    a child on his birthday.


    Hope you end up as well and surely, the Netherlands society is not such narrow minded as you think and

    respects you.


    We´ll try to contribute with the s**t and giggles, that´s our speciality :biggrin:

  4. Bridges over To Ko Ri?

    Back in the 70s there was a movie about 2 SPAD drivers, one pilot was a black gentleman, in the Korean War where they had to shut down a tunnel with iron bombs. I wish I could find that one.

    :ph34r: CL



    My father just been blaming for it. IIRC, it was about Panthers? I could have asked him, but now he is

    like when i told him "you know, granda & dad, i know we´ve been navy since Salamina, but i´m going air force"

  5. I´m at 105 Kgs, wich must be around 225 lbs. If I´m 1.85 meters tall (6ft) how much should i loose?


    Btw. This is the first thread in wich i see both girl members in. You shouldn´t take it (your weight) too

    seriously :biggrin:

  6. First off you gota look at how they go about flying those F-1s. Low and fast as hell. The 104s were never flown that way


    Indeed. The matter is if drilling to that extremes if worth. These people flies below highway bridges, (watch Phantoms and Mirages moving

    30 years of service at 500 knots 3 feet up @ youtube) Training too hard is know to be the main cause of attrition in NATO. Perhaps training is the

    only way to stay the best, but we might balance it with peacetime casualties


    EDIT Sorry if someone thougt of a new crash for bringing again this thread. I didn´t thik about it

  7. I gotta say, sorry for the lots of film missing (i just got blank when i came to make the poll) and

    any mental retard or lag i may be showing in my posting. Next time i make this things,i will do

    it properly


    @ kct. the kind of films i think you mean should be discussed in the "Alotta Breast Thread" :biggrin: old C5 forum


    @ PACMAN. Mosquito is not , IMHO, more than a sequel to 633. I know there are films that i should have added, but

    i didn´t want to give too many options and i forgot some of the best, sorry again


    @ CA_stary, i just googled Dark Blue World. I remember it, and it was worthy. In fact, the "Repeat, please" scene

    is, together with "takatakata" the very best of BoB

  8. its a hard to choose out of them...most people love top gun,including myself....but i prefer iron eagle 2 over the first one,havnt seen flight of intruder in years but i remember loving it......also the opening part of behind enemy lines,and there was a film which im sure was called by dawns early light..about b52 crew which was good...correct me if im wrong on title..lol.


    as for the others...BOB all the way.


    xx v xx


    Agree about Iron Eagle. I also missed Behind the enemy lines. Not my day, just failed "Law Foolosophy" again. About

    BoB, i think that it´s the best aircraft film ever. It is not only about the planes, but also about how do pilots live, their fears

    and what motivates them to fight. Compare it with some other stuff...

  9. Following the thread on Star Trek vs Star Wars, i thought of

    making a poll on this. There are a lot of films missing, but

    i guess that this random sample is good for getting an idea.


    If you prefer others, please let us know


    I would say that Flight of the Intruder and Battle for Britain get my votes.


    I´m sorry, 633 Squadron missing. Nobody is perfect

  10. It´s different ages. For me, Star Wars is like WWII, and Star Trek, the travels for New Worlds, 16th century

    (Federation is the Spanish Empire :cool: , English are Klingons :skull: and Germans are Vulcans :biggrin: ) and BattleStar

    Galactica is like Exodus. I like this stories as they still have a piece of us.


    Anyway, my fav is:


  11. At the beginning, i only had aircraft from the website of the distribuitor in Spain (the TEENies, the SEAD thud and the aussie Mirage)

    and found Column5 site. Then i saw a video on You Tube with Zur´s F/A-37 Talon, so i decided to Google it and Voilá.

  12. Better make that a flying boat version of the AC-130, cause that helo reload thing I doubt it's gonna work... Would be the best choice, since AFAIK... Zombie don't swim! :rofl:



    It has already been invented. Time to bring back the BATTLESHIP




    This is the USS Montana, a bigger Class than the Iowa, with 12x16" guns


    EDIT: Forgot to add :biggrin::skull:


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