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Everything posted by Talon_

  1. In real life, you might end up releasing at over angels 10 in the viper. But lets assume you're flying CAS and low, for some reason. I would suggest a pop-up attack, especially since whatever you're laying CBU's on may be ready to defend itself. Run in at low altitude from at least 20 degrees off of the angle you'd like to attack from. At a preset distance (you'll have to calculate that yourself), pull up, adjust your flight track to match the line you want the bombs delivered on, then dive in gently and release. pull away again more than 20 degrees, and hit the deck. Watch the frag pattern. You could try a loft if you're just aiming for area denial, which is the purpose of the CBU after all. Not sure how well the thirdwire series would respond to that. I'll run a few patterns in WOE and see how things work. It varies from sim to sim... In the Falcon series where I spend more time, the avionics are detailed enough to let you enter/calculate specific popup points/information. It's a little more seat of the pants here, which can be more fun.
  2. Your Gripen looks FANTASTIC, I can't wait until it's released. One of my favorite sleds. Let me know if I can help find you anything, information, textures, anything. I'd love to help you keep it moving!
  3. Which aircraft, weapons deployment varies by platform?
  4. The Viper. Without a doubt the most beautiful yet high-performance aircraft ever built. I have a soft spot for the Raptor as well, after seeing it at Oceana this year with more vapor than I've ever seen on any other aircraft.
  5. I'll help you skin a Mirage 2000C or N if you'd like...
  6. Hey all, just picked up WOE and added the NatoFighters 1/2 addon, thinking it would only add aircraft. Unfortunately, it appears to have made the smoke from my flares BLACK, which is... well it's ugly. And completetly unrealistic. So I've gone through to find the flare smoke emitter (LumFlareEffect.ini, right?) in the ini's (again, I'm just learning this, or trying to pick it up on my own), and have found this: ParticleColorTableType=TABLE ParticleColor[01].Time=0.000000 ParticleColor[01].Value=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,0.200000 ParticleColor[02].Time=0.200000 ParticleColor[02].Value=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,0.200000 ParticleColor[03].Time=1.000000 ParticleColor[03].Value=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,0.000000 I assume that's what I need to change the flare smoke color... But what are these values? I don't understand the color-code system. Thanks. EDIT: One addition... I've got the Column5 F/A-18A, and I figured out how to install a carrier object and then add it to a mission file... everything works just great, but I can't see over the nose of the hornet on approach! Is this just a model issue, or am I missing out on some WOE feature that allows me to raise my viewpoint? I'm patterning at about 200kts, then dropping to 150-ish on final ( I was shooting for 130 as that's what I've heard the real hornet lands at). I have the spoilers extended, and flaps lowered (when I can remember which joystick button I prof'ed it to.) and in all other a ways dirty/high AOA configuration.
  7. Thank you all. Especially helpful link there, HrntFixer. I was able to connect through Hamachi today, it was very simple, we had different installs but no problems. Not very smooth in close form, however, there was a fair bit of jitter. Very disappointing considering my virtual demonstration team was considering a switch to WOE. Just can't have any jitter at all, really.
  8. Many thanks. I saw somewhere to leave the CarrierType as ALWAYS CVA-63 as it was the only recognized one. Probably something that doesnt apply to WOE.
  9. Can't get mine working either. I'm trying to add the CVN-75 Harry model, works in Missions made with KME, but can't get the campaign. I had one flight where I started in the water, and one with a CTD. Carrier folder is in the correct place. It's installed right, this I know. Edited this in the Red Lightning DATA.INI file: Added this to the plain campaign .INI file: Also added "Service008=USN" to the list of nations at the top of this file Added this to GermanyCE_targets.ini: And added nothing to the "types" file as I havent heard of a need to. I could not find a GermanyCE_nations.ini file ANYWHERE. Any ideas?
  10. On my previous question (regarding the hornet)... I can get a successful trap 9 times out of 10, but I'm flying the approach at over 200 kts. Ugly, but it works. Is that normal for this particular FM? Back to business: And another question to add to my entirely ignored topic... I've been trying to set up multiplayer with a friend, again, this is WoE. We tried connecting once, via Internet. My firewall was disabled at the time, and I believe he has the DirectPlay ports opened... what could be wrong? I heard once that installs must be exactly the same. Is that true? I have Hamachi if that will solve any problems. Essentially, I need to know if this is a game settings issue, or a computer settings issue, and is this common/easily fixable? Thanks for your help in advance.
  11. Looks great, man I'd love to see it. Falklands/Malvinas fascinates me. May I suggest a slightly lighter ground tile? If you look at all available imagery, it's depressingly featureless, even less so than yours. It's classified as tundra, in this case, prairie grass plus scrub bushes and rocks.

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