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Posts posted by TempestII

  1. It seems like the ANA have put up just as much as a fight as the Iraqi army did against ISIS in 2014...

    The only possible silver lining to this shite show is that the Taliban (probably) aren't directly a threat to the West. It was AQ who carried out international terrorist attacks both prior to and after 9/11. If the Taliban stop AQ and similar groups from using the country as a base for future plots, the West will probably have an uneasy peace with them. If not... Well we'll probably end up back there again in 20-30 years.

    • Like 1

  2. OK, so I just played around with an AGM84E ASM & only changing the WeaponDataType & GuidanceType in the DATA.INI should be necessary: 

    WeaponDataType=7 to WeaponDataType=1

    GuidanceType=7 to GuidanceType=6

    Then your ASM  will change into an EOGR. It can only be done via Notepad in the DATA file & not via the Weapon Editor; however, once those 2 aforementioned parameters are altered,  you can use the Weapon Editor to tinker as normal.

    AFAIK, the weapons will have to be named differently. I don't think you could have two identically named missiles even if they're different guidance / weapon types.

    Before changing:


    After changing:


  3. Sorry if I'm misunderstanding the question... But players can also use the ASM weapons without any issues (well, other than the fact they can be shot down, but that's more realistic).

    The Cruise Missile mission is AI only but Strikes against naval units / Anti Ship missions with ASM weps will work fine. However, ASMs will only work against ships which means that your AGM-84E SLAM Harpoon, for example, becomes less versatile. 

    If I remember correctly, most modders already have EOGR versions of the ASMs available  in weapons packs (such as the aforementioned Harpoon).

    You'll find that most modders have set up ASMs as the following:




    EOGR weps as the following:





    I might be remembering this wrong, but there's not a way in the Thirdwire Weapon Editor to easily convert a ASM or EOGR and back again. But I found that I can copy / paste another EOGR using the regular Windows method, rename it, change the INI using Notpad++ and do it that way. 

  4. I always start on the runway and use the Alt+T x2/x4/x8 features to get around quicker rather than "light speed". However, if I remember correctly, the square icon (the one that's always present before the triangle one) on the Mission Editor and Mission Planning maps decide where you'll start / come out of light speed - if you move that further back from the action then that should solve your issue. 

    • Like 2

  5. I have to agree with MIG Buster - I'm not sure how well a 1050 will handle 4K SF2. 

    My 1080TI won't run SF2 at permanent 60FPS on 2,560x1,440, with graphics maxed. Especially on hefty terrains. 

    That said, if you're trying to future proof & upgrade your monitor before getting a new GPU / PC in a year or two, a 2K or 4K monitor isn't a bad idea.

    It's rather frustrating how unoptimised SF2 is - it'd be great if the Win 10 version uses modern PC resources better. 

    • Like 1

  6. You'll need access to the F-100D_DATA.INI file. 

    If this isn't available then you'll have to extract it. 

    Once you have access to DATA, it's a case of tinkering with things like:


    SLThrustDry (non-AB engine thrust) 

    SLThrustWet (AB thrust) 

    You'll also want to have a look at the Control Surfaces, especially the Right and Left Stabilisers. 


    If you haven't already, I'd highly recommend reading the Knowledge section. 

    And I'd also recommend downloading Notepad++ if you're going to make a habit of INI editing as it's a million times better than standard Notepad. 


    • Like 1

  7. 6 hours ago, yakarov79 said:

    Despite evidence of the contrary I would recommend using the editor as this is a very useful tool and changes gameplay for better. Playing single missions out of the box will make you bored after a short time. Maybe the editor is not so complex as you would wish, but it has lot of advantages in single mission gameplay. 


    Seconded. I don't even play single missions anymore without editing them with the editor. I now wonder how SF2 managed without it.

    IMO, it's biggest flaw is that I take probably more time setting up the missions than I do flying them - maybe a copy / paste feature or units templates would speed this up but probably won't ever happen. 

    Being able to save individual missions from Campaigns to then use in the editor is a really great tool too. If I remember correctly, it'll even remember the that campaign mission's "borders", meaning that Soviet forces might be deep into West Germany (or vice versa) depending on how your campaign was going at the time. 

    • Like 2

  8. Judging by the POTUS address earlier today, it looks like the US won't take any further action. 

    However, it's interesting to note that the Ukrainian airliner that crashed just after take-off from Tehran was initially called an accident but that's now been rescinded. Of course, one theory is that the Iranians accidentally shot the airliner down thinking it was a US military aircraft. This would obviously be a major f**k-up if so as I can't see why an airliner wouldn't be transmitting the correct modes / codes. 

    Interestingly, the Iranians are currently refusing to hand the black boxes over.







    • Like 1

  9. The latest reports suggest no Coalition Forces casualties. 

    And Trump has just released this on the POTUS' twitter feed:


    "All is well! Missiles launched from Iran at two military bases located in Iraq. Assessment of casualties & damages taking place now. So far, so good! We have the most powerful and well equipped military anywhere in the world, by far! I will be making a statement tomorrow morning."



  10. When those pesky reds try to sink your fleet, who you gonna call?






    F-15SE arsenal bird at your service.

    24x AIM-120s (External)

    4x AIM-9s (Internal)

    (PS. Refuelling Tankers to get it to the AOR not included)




    Minus the B-1R, this is probably the most amount of slammers you can get on a fighter (semi-realistically?) with no clipping / overlapping.

    Thanks to  angelp (the 3AR racks) and the F-14Z Team (the mini 2AR racks)

    • Like 4
    • Haha 1

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