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Everything posted by logan4

  1. Dutch Police Training Eagles to Take Down Drones

    My alias comes from area00 times. correct would be logan or loganb4. Since I know you just kidding, well we only have francis87 or francis07, no jessica6 but we do have logan5 and few others with that alias beginning. Although not sure where they are since none of them made any posts yet... but we should keep a party. back to topic. Yes, I've seen some of those recordings and glad we agree on the threat. Those birds attack them as guarding "their" territory, but these in the article are trained to do just that. True the hazard exists on its own already, but increasing the odds of happening is just human nature and fore thoughtlessness. Which could be considered fine among general populace as we are sooo used to it, but might not everyone shares the same ideas. With this much we can train vipers to get our properties free of rodents since most of humanity seem to like better indoor cats that runaway when they see a mouse and vipers feed on rodents, so its a win-win situation. Sure they gonna bite occasionally few kids or adults, but that's fine, those were just ignorant of the presence of the viper. The problem is not their basic intention - which is acceptable in certain situations - , just the fact that they not always think through all solutions or consequences of their act. See refugee/immigrant situation in Europe, but I do not intend to derail this topic so I leave it at that. Most people think wild life is disposable, yet majority would cry for weeks when their indoor pets are gone for good. Wilde life and nature that makes this planet go around as life concerned, it is not the humans with their constant damages to nature or ourselves. We would not exist without them even if we have domesticated animals for food or vegetables we can grow in our backyards (well for those who have one at all), we have no ways to replace the insects in the rainforest or do their work, no ways to repopulate the oceans and the seas with life if that is gone, etc. I know eagles, hawks and other predatory birds are kept for hunting in many places of the world, which is fine to a degree as they still get a part of their prey even if they are in captivity. This attempt in the article just want to exploit their natural behavior and ability, but the difference is, a duck, a rabbit/hare, deer, etc would seldom able to cause damage to the birds, yet the drone tech is going in a direction where has bigger potential to injure or kill the predator and that is a big point. True we can bring up the K9-s whom are trained to find bombs and explosives and several of them vanishes in the process. We can always justify, saving "human lives" is worth it, but are we that much more important/valuable then to not consider a life of an other being whom we become friends and "team members" and work with for years during our duty/job, who trust as and depend on us in return, same just like any other human comrad? Edit.corrected type-o
  2. Dutch Police Training Eagles to Take Down Drones

    Could work with smaller plastic units, but the birds might get seriously hurt if they encounter a high end drone or metal prop version. Quite a risk for such rare species. I hope they taking these into consideration. People with bad intentions could prep their unit such way that the bird will have broken legs or even losing them when they attempt to bring those down. Easier to use a gun or directed emp, the same way like they can disable modern car systems.
  3. You can use the min/max extent plugin for 3dsmax, that creates a txt file from that its a simpler copy-paste into the data.ini for the given parts. http://combatace.com/files/file/10253-min-max-extents/
  4. If it Flies, then it....has to be registered

    Common, 90% of these drones barely have 30-50 yard range or barely can stand any medium or larger gusts. No one are allowed to go inside the airport's fence on foot unless they are passengers on small Airports/aircrafts, or support companies and have been checked by security. Even if they intentionally mess near the runway all AC still above 50-75 yards at the fence on most places and all areas are set up with cameras watching day and night. Not talking about some island resorts where the runway is 10yards from the fence. You would need a serious RC plane to even get nearby a real thing. With this much effort they can ban spoons, forks as those have killing capability too. The airplanes have far greater chance to get hit by a bird than an RC aircraft.
  5. Climate Conference - Age of Idiocracy ?

    I personally support using less polluting technologies and keeping our forests intact. Fossil fuels are outdated, polluting, unhealthy and caused our societies and science to stuck on the same place with little looking around for other alternatives. Of course its driven by the financial elite so "common" people even if they want hardly can access better ways as there are lots of bureaucratic pitfalls added to them so they are less "desired". Naturally you can not play with the global temperature, as that depend on many factors that can not be effected by humans, but the intention to use better ways than we do currently is welcomed. Humans tend to believe, they control nature or its forces, so they can do everything. They have no idea how wrong they are. On the other hand, people tend to react faster if their existence is threatened or have a notion that something might go wrong. We sure have effect on the planet and its habitat, how much that is depend on who is looking and at what factors/parameters. If we put less poison and whatever in our air, water and earth supply then everyone benefits, we and our children and their children alike. Beside that the entire solar system is moving through or entered a galactic area with higher radiation levels, what effect that might have on our life and the planet's biology can not even be anticipated as of now. We can only sit and wait it out this time, but on areas we can effect as humans might do whatever we can to be in more harmony with mother earth.
  6. My Panda antivirus complains that the LodViewer is a virus or infected and does the same with the TargetAreaEditor. After reclassification runs OK, but just to make sure they have nothing in them right?
  7. the game did use the radar, rwr and movingmap.jpgs in place of the bmp-s I checked, do not forget each item call-out has to be changed for these in the avionics.ini also. .
  8. Hi Gents! The TW store has some items on discount. Not sure how long ago so you might already know this. SF2 33%-off SF2V 20%-off SF2Exp1 40%-off SF2Exp2 40%-off FE2 33%-off I think most fellas already have full set but could be handy for those who don't have all of them.
  9. Actually, that is one of the few things to fine tune on them.
  10. Yes, dsawan. Few things to fix though. Unfortunately we do not have a dedicated cockpit for it so it will use a stand-in one for the time being.
  11. Sure. ------- Certainly Gepard, though on cyrilic sites I only found referring to it as "C-37".
  12. In real world that AC was Sukhoi's S-37 project proposal, the one before the later famous S-37 Berkut. The AC actually had a total of 17 planed hardpoints and its engine was the same as on the Yak-41 stovl main engine. Quite powerful beast. Here are some info on it, but probably you already found these. Also the "secrectprojects" forum has quite a topic on it. S-37 Project Length: 17.65m (Bedretdinov), 17.5m (Butowski) Wingspan: 12.08m (Bedretdinov), 11.8m (Butowski) (8.64m folded) Wing Area: 50 sq m Height: 5.74m Maximum speed: 1500km/h at low level, Mach 2.0 at height Maximum altitude: 17000m Range, 3000kg payload: 800km (low level) 1,500km (high level) G load: +9/-3g Supersonic G load: 8g Acceleration from 600km/h to 1100km/h at 1000m altitude: 14 secs Acceleration from 1100km/h to 1300km/h at 1000m altitude: 7.2 secs Engine: 1 x R-79M turbofan Thrust: 18,143kg Weight, Maximum: 24,970kg Weight, Normal takeoff: 16-18,000kg Weight, empty: 12000kg Internal fuel capacity: 8,300kg Normal combat payload: 5000kg Maximum combat payload: 8000kg
  13. Have they no shame?

    Unfortunately that's how villains get out of the hook, they point at someone else and use a false or made-up label/accusation so everyone starts to look at the other guy and not the one really in question or with questionable motives/activities. I think beside that there are other players behind the scene who orchestrate this "crisis" as there were several containers sized in Greece -few weeks back - marked "plastic furniture for refugees" containing machine guns and their ammo.
  14. Have they no shame?

    Unfortunately not too soon, they need those scumbags so they can freely bomb the kurdish populace for their own agendas without big brother frowning on them. --- Aside of that sandals and socks are practical, the sand less likely to go in between your fingers, since you are not on a beach where it is welcomed event.
  15. F-15 loadout showcases

    Impressive loadouts, specially the 8-C7 and 8-9X. Wonder when the US birds gonna have the update program for the same capability either C/D or E models.
  16. @Gunrunner. The "C" is included in the "line-up" also got the Spirale Ecm on the back. This is a test skin I use so few things are bit off painting wise.
  17. There are some components that are implemented with the fakepilot method. You simply missing that very item from your Pilots folder. Check the item you got. There should be that missing thing. If that game was meant for SF1 then you will have to place that item into the pilots folder instead of the Aircrafts folder (what SF1 uses). Also read through the knowledge base for relevant posts. There should be several similar discussion (in either the general forum of SF2 or the mods skining section) as this could happens on various 3rd party mods. Solving them is identical regardless of AC.
  18. I do not think separately exists from that package as that was a full AC set. Try contact him in PM, he might be able to send them (2sets) to you. Also welcome to the club!
  19. Nice Lavi "angelp". Just one note. You might want to add few more polys to the area and correct the shape of the fin root and fuselage connection. The top section follows the curvature of the wing till the end of it and has a bit more sharper edge than the vertical connection to the fuselage. Setting different smooting groups can also help to get the right look. @fallenphoenix: it has been, just I have an other five aircraft family in front of it before I would get to the finish line on this bird.
  20. Actually, you don't, if you modified some ini parameters then better to leave the new file in the mod install main flight/menu, etc folder than overwrite your original cat file. The old SF1 extractor did create a cat file, but most likely you not gonna be able to use it for SF2.
  21. Errrr... could you reword your topic to "cheat" instead of hack. This later implies messing with source files, etc, etc... besides what you want is a cheat/aid and not a hack. Most naval planes (even ground based ones) have the glide slope indicator lights, that exactly tells you if you are at the right place in the vertical on your path and have the proper angle of attack. Only you need to have gear down for their working. Not sure on prop planes I rarely fly those.
  22. Raven SitRep

    Check the motherboard battery, if that is flat could cause such starting issue.
  23. Russian Fighter ops in Syria

    Well ISIS does not have any AF so anything in the air can be considered friendly, only have to watch to not to bump each other's benders. I do not think that there will be any rivalry to bust the same skunk hole among them. Beside that its a good opportunity for both sides to observe each others radio and other signal transmissions so all in all both sides wins. They get intelligence and bust a common "enemy" like back in the great wars.
  24. Hello all

    Welcome to the club and have a joyful ride among us.

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