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Everything posted by logan4

  1. Version 1.0


    PBP-2-3S Monsun dual IR rack A dual Atoll missile rail that was designed and used outside the USSR during the 60's with the Polish and East Gearman (LSK) Air Forces on the MiG-21PF(SPS) fighter jets untill the MiG-21MF/Bis versions entered in service. Model was created based on the few available pictures and scale model brochures so could have minor diferences. The rack model is for Thirdwire SF2 series. Installation: Follow the content of ReadMe file Copy all files into specific folders. Optional: In case you want to use this pylon on MiG-21MF/Bis versions you can find the relevant setting data in the given txt files - only for outside pylons. If you have a stock _data.ini then simply copy each section (systemname/station) to your main AC file and save it. In case you have an edited _data.ini file then change station and pylon ID-s as required. For stock set simply copy over the loadout.ini and allow to overwrite. In case you have a modified loadout file then copy over the relevant sections and renumber as required. The weapon data.ini is set with "SpecificStationCode" so it will only show up on those weapon stations where the parameters are set so no double loading will happen. Credit: Model,texture,ini edits by me. Previous testings done by Gepard, dast24 and me. Stock files: TW This addon to be used/modified according to the CombatAce Freeware Agreement. Enjoy! Logan4
  2. There is no need to create an other one, as I said above. Only have to add some lines and rivets to the skin an make a proper readme. I have the right positions and ini settings for PFM, MF/Bis outer launchers (even if these last 2 did not used it in RL).
  3. My Monsun rail for the dual Atolls should be inside one of Gepard's MiG21 mod if I good remember. If not let me know then I can upload it separately aside the future Ye8 as was made to be part of that.
  4. Thanks gentlemen! I will try to make it more worn/shadowy, will test also some speculars if I can wrap my head around it. ---- Re: effects. I will have to see what that bird has, haven't flew the F5 for ages now, so not up to date on it. ----- @ Eloe2: Has some truth, most of it was based on the M4k cockpit mock-up (single mainpanel pic) and the rest on the -5 cockpit as it was to be a "Super" and the old pit parts would not cut it. At the same time wanted a gap filler between the m2k and rafale pit evolution. Had done some comparison on how it fits into the M2k, as was already asked for a conversion. It can be done, but my pit is about 12cm wider since the nose is larger than on the 2k. And as time allows will happen one day but will take few more adjustments unless someone want to use it in the 2k as Showfromcockpit=False set on the nose mesh.
  5. Hi, Just a small video brief. First I reconverted and put my video on YouTube so hopefully everyone can see it and in a bit better quality. https://youtu.be/YNYugw3H1Yg 2nd is a cockpit video of the basic airplane in operation on a strike mission. Please note, the video is unedited and about 24min long so can be boring on some places. https://youtu.be/9DgKE3yMZSk Might try to edit the future videos, but that is quite a new field for me... Meanwhile the trainer cockpit is in the making.
  6. Devil, You have to check your missiles which you consider "wrong" or want to change. Their data_ini has parameters which effects they are going to use during launch, in-flight and what class. These that determine what you see in game. While you check these also look for if the required effect's.ini is located in your mods "Effects" folder with all required tga-s, etc in case those are not stock effects. Some missiles come with their own effects, these should be all placed according to the supplied readme-s with them. EffectClassName=MediumMissileEffects ; Small-- ; Large--- BoosterEffectName=MissileFireEffect ; Rocket----- ; ReducedMissile----- BoosterSoundName=Missile (if not stock sound this should be in your "Sounds" folder) SustainerEffectName=SmokelessMissileEffect (in case if the missile has one) SustainerSoundName=Missile InFlightEffectName=MissileInFlightEffect InFlightSoundName= There could me more variations I just give few that exists.
  7. @Stary: Create the meshes for the wing position display then you can use a setting like this in the Cockpit.ini (with few more extra step in between). You only have to know the correct animation slot. for the "ItemNumber" the meshes themselves not need to be animated. [Light_Lwfold] Type=EXTERNAL_ANIMATION_LINK NodeName=Light_LWingfold MovementType=ROTATION_Y Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=95.0 Set[02].Value=1.0 ItemNumber=10 [Light_Rwfold] Type=EXTERNAL_ANIMATION_LINK NodeName=Light_RWingfold MovementType=ROTATION_Y Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=-95.0 Set[02].Value=1.0 ItemNumber=10 Mandatory screenshot.
  8. If that cancellation will happen then I really not understand the french sales logic and attitude. Please not take it personally (of our french members), but "they" always cry as "no sales" and "no one is buying" but not willing to ease/be flexible on sales/production terms is just goes against logic. If my info is correct, they can not agree on terms of warranty or level of warranty of the aircrafts to be assembled in India. That what holds the signature of the initial 118 pieces. They order the 36 to have AC quickly join the Air Force as their older models of make wear out faster (attrition rate higher) then they planed or calculated with and the ones to be assembled in India are many more years away. There are various ways they can ensure the AC quality is up to equal like the home made ones. Though I have no idea if they want to make entirely locally produced (meaning all of the components) or just assemble kits from France. The first case has its leaks but can be managed also, the later is quite simple to control. Just an example from other part of life. If someone buys a smart phone or an LCD TV or even a car, just a very few percentage will look at the label where it was assembled. They look at the brand/type. The warranty terms are identical regardless they were assembled in the US, Japan, China, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, India, Taiwan or bongo-bongo. Since the production quality requirements are identical in each place and the "brand" holder ensures that they produce them within the given production parameters and variables its never a question. If something is faulty they fix it or replace it. Their handling of the "problem source" will depend internally on their plans to avoid future mistakes of the same kind and the handling goes down on the supplier chains as it is and to the level is necessary. The entire system exists already in the world they not have to implement or come up with something new or difficult, just have to kick out the bureaucratic attitude, mindset and willingness, or the fellas whom stick to them.
  9. You can add armor materials if none present or change the material type and thickness. Materials: WOOD FIBERGLASS GLASS TITANIUM STEEL ALLUMINIUM Application on each major part or direction you wish to strengthen. HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=ALUMINUM Armor[FRONT].Thickness=4 Armor .Thickness=4 Armor .Thickness=4 Armor[REAR].Thickness=4 Armor[TOP].Thickness=4 Armor[bOTTOM].Thickness=4 Edit: also you can decrease the hitbox size, so harder to hit it.
  10. I just downloaded and added the pack to a stock install. The skins show correctly without problem. Do as Spinners wrote to begin with. Also if your options is set to unlimited try out to set the texture quality to "high". Could happen that your graphics card can not handle it. An alternate test can also be that you convert the skin .bmp-s to .jpg and see if the problem still exists.
  11. Normally that only happens if the skin folders are not present in the given AC's folder. For example the F-15C_85 should have about 26 different skin/sqadron sets. All of them do the same?
  12. Jug Has Passed Away

    R.I.P - soar high and free
  13. The game system in theory differentiates the following type of sub systems: Pneumatic_system Hydraulic_system Electrical_system Fuel_system Cooling_system Oil_system So my guess (oh that word) if you set the oil radiator in the _data.ini similarly like any of the fuel tank entries (node name, min/max extents) only with the SystemType=Oil_system (or your pick) entry. You could be able to simulate damages done to that item which might result in later an engine overheat/failure.
  14. I think it is circumstance dependent. Just took out with guns 2 F15s chasing a friendly formation an our ago . They didn't even bothered about me even after taking out number 3 and 4 of their formation that engaged me 30 miles from there. Probably also could depend on settings if they fly an intercept/escort or cap mission themselves. The game has several action parameters that generated randomly as I saw in one of the dll-s among them there are variables for reaction if attacked/engaged. Probably only the "chance" values were changed to a different level then previously were.
  15. the office still to be painted properly but mesh work is 99% complete - some function debug is left.
  16. If you look at the min-max extent script that was made for 3ds max. They think about similar item with the added visualization. http://combatace.com/files/file/10253-min-max-extents/
  17. Did you apply the V3 patch on page 6 in post '114'? Probably that what you missing.
  18. Happy Birthday Enoc!

    Happy Birthday and best wishes!
  19. Fogger23 and Cliff are creating some excellent coats for the bird...one of them for the B version. the cockpit also progresses bit by bit. Right side panel almost done...
  20. It is listed in the AircraftObject.dll among the other variables that do work as far as I saw it. I'm yet to find a plane that uses it. I did try with this settings, so far a no go Type=MISSION_TIMER NodeName=ILSmt_dig%d MovementType=DIGITAL_DISPLAY
  21. Thank you very much! ------------------------ Some question, hopefully someone knows the answer: Does anyone know how to set up the "Type=MISSION_TIMER" function / item in the cockpit.ini? Also if it is possible to show the active WaypointID on the MFD/MAP displays? ( I do not mean it to show via the avoinics.ini on the HUD) Thanks in advance!
  22. Can you make a print screen of the F20 folder contents, preferably so the full folder path is also visible? Also you put the aircraft into your mod folder or into the install folder? The only time I had something similar if the lod file had a different name than in the AC.ini or was not in the aircraft's folder or if tried to use an SF2 aircraft lod in SF1 game.
  23. No apologies needed, nobody born with full knowledge of everything under the sun. Strike Fighters games have no clickable cockpits. Tough some of the switches/levers can be made to move with either built in animations or with simple Cockpit.ini entries that correspond to different functions. All that is depend on how the cockpits were built. Many 3rd party cockpits use several moving items, changing displays, etc, which helps immersion and done by great guys, some even brought out everything that is possible by the game engine.
  24. The FM is adjusted in case of the F20 "via" the F20_data.ini. Most of the parameters are set there. Since you've done some before, most you will understand and know but I advise you to read through the SF1/SF2 knowlwdge bases and the SF1/SF2 mods & skinning discussions for FM related topics. Search function can come also handy sometimes. Many things in the SF1 section still apply to the SF2 version so might be resides in those pages. You will have to adjust each part of the plane or the ones you think suitable (aircraft data, fuselage, wing, outerwing, tail, etc) so you get what you desire. The modified flight control file should reside in your mod folder in my case it is h:\SF2_ACTest\Controls\Default.ini One thing to know if you start up the game without any joysticks plugged in then the game exe will revert this file to the original state. Once you set it up, it is wise to make a back-up copy of it, if gets rewritten then you just copy over the back-up file and should be good to go. Not sure if you read it yet but a good starting read for anyone new to this series is http://combatace.com/topic/62302-what-is-the-mod-folder/ Gonna save you some head ache and frustration.
  25. You got this pack from the bellow link or might got only some older version skin pack from 2011? http://combatace.com/topic/77759-f-20af-20b-tigershark-remod-pak/ By the way welcome to the club! Edit: I just re-downloaded and installed the pack I linked above. It shows up perfect without issues. I advise you to check your F20/F20B AC folders. each should have 3 lod files in them. If those are not there you might got some old version or were placed on wrong place some way or an other.

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