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Everything posted by logan4

  1. What they mean based on my understanding of cockpit operations [MARM_AA] Type=HUD_MODE_INDICATOR NodeName=AALight MovementType=LIGHT Set[01].Position=0.0 <------ means Light OFF Set[01].Value=0 <------ Navigaton mode Set[02].Position=1.0 <------ Light ON Set[02].Value=1 <------- AA mode Set[03].Position=0.0 <------- Light OFF Set[03].Value=2 <------- AG mode So in theory should work correctly. An other thing noticed, which might cause your issue. The system names should follow each other without any system functions interrupting them. I advise you to look up any of the 3rd party cockpit.ini-s you will see how should be done. Instrument[001]=AirspeedIndicator Instrument[002]=MARM_AA Instrument[003]=MARM_AG Instrument[004]=HookLight Then the individual items [AirspeedIndicator] Type=AIRSPEED_INDICATOR NodeName=needle_speed MovementType=ROTATION_Y ValueUnit=KNOTS Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 etc etc You also have typing error for the aa/ag lights Type entry Type=HUD_MODE_INDIDCATOR <---- should be Type=HUD_MODE_INDICATOR If the above list correction still not results working lights you can try thy following without the parameters part: [MARM_AA] Type=AIR_TO_AIR_MODE_INDICATOR NodeName=AALight MovementType=LIGHT [MARM_AG] Type=AIR_TO_GROUND_MODE_INDICATOR NodeName=AGLight MovementType=LIGHT
  2. Hi. I ran ito an intresting situation. All of my browsers getting an „This webpage is not available” message since saturday. I tried both of my rig and even my phone gets the same message if I try to find it via wi_fi. I checked the firewall, browser, router settings/blockings etc, all was OK. Checked for cockroaches, wooden horses etc, system is clean. All poimg attempts timed out. Can't even get here from a google search. Based on the symthomes either my IP is being blocked by the site or something screws up on my end that I missed. Can someone see on your end if something is there, meantime I try to dig further on my end. Thanks in advance. Sincerly, logan4 Note: this message was posted via mobile internet from my phome.
  3. site access

    Sorry Eric its me again. Seems I'm locked again. But at least I know what run. I have a new video applicaton which ran the same time as chrome which also has some plugin in chrome too. Since chrome run fine so far without issue it seems the player causes some false stuff that triggers the lockout on the server when runs together with it. Unfortunate so likely will have to uninstall that software to keep peace on the server. Sorry for the inconvonience. Logan4
  4. Check for the decal.ini in the skin's folder. the squadron logo is applied with a decal (tail and rudder). Check your Decal folders if the same address can be found that is listed in the decal.ini. My decal ini calls for this 2 for that squadron. FilenameFormat=F-14A\VF143\TAIL_LA FilenameFormat=F-14A\VF143\TAIL_RA
  5. You do not need to select them physically (can't as no extention is set up for). You only have to show the program the install directory (not the object folder). The program auto searches all cat files residing inside that and all sub-folders. See post 106 how your "setting" option has to look like with your H:/... address. After that is set go to file->open and to the given AC's directory in the Aircraft folder and open it's AC.in -if stock - or select the lod or the AC.ini if a 3rd party item you want to check.
  6. Just a quick update. Currently there is a custom pit being built for the plane as soon it is ready we can have something heading your way. Please be patient this is my first pit so I naturally do some foul ups too..
  7. I can see fine all stock bird now. Thanks!
  8. Cure for Cancer (more simple than we thought?)

    In my view modern and traditional medicine should work hand in hand together. There are things only modern medicine can handle and there are things that traditional medicine handles with a less harmful/damaging way. Mother nature already created all antidotes for all illnesses if it was not so mankind would have vanished a long time ago. There is a great effect of the patient's attitude also in the illness. If someone succumbs to it that person will have trouble lots of them. Your body will assist you in healing but you have to give the right and positive commands for it. SayWhat: I can not prove with statistics and will not care to prove it either... A suggestion, if you can, then have your wife eat the inner seed of a peach pit, 2-3 piece a day it can help her body fight the cancer. The seed contains a glucose form that only can be broken up by cancer cells and by those doing it they get access to a compound that kills them. Healthy cells can not break down this and will have no effect on them. You will not find this in modern medicine as they can not patent items that nature already created for millennias. It is not a miracle pill so not expect day 1 results. Not perfect but will aid in the fighting.
  9. If the "Thirdwire/" part in naming/route is required then it will never open for me stock items to view ;o))) All my root installs are on different drive and none of them have any naming related to it than SF2test / NA/ fullmod / ODS or such that shows what sort of setup I made. Aside from the 330kB worth of first run files have nothing on C or core structure from those.
  10. To the issue what Happy308 was referring, only exists when the "use cat files" option is ticked under the extras->setting window on install which has DLC added to. Otherwise works as advertised, not counting that stock birds not visible for me on a pristine SF2E+SF2NA merge either.
  11. Mue, in case you have a no DLC install that could be an answer. I have all DLC install for example and I can not open any stock bird. Probably the DLC addition process do something with it that is not present on a pristine cat file.
  12. Yes they do, sometimes blop you with 2 of those in 5-15 sec intervals or if the first misses. But it really depend on air activity in the area. I've seen AI fire at 3-5 different bogies if had the AHM missiles for them. They do fire from 40-96 miles away (tomcat/mig31 for long ranges)
  13. That means the lodviewer works correct, ObjectData2.cat content should not be visible unless the install/ file has a date prior 2010. Nothing wrong with that. That is the correct way, no fault there. Being unable to open a file is not an application crash..
  14. site access

    Thank you very much Eric. No need for apology, we are bound by our software creators imagination while creating this stuff. I know you do more than everything to iron out stuff we are not even aware of. Thank you for that! I only logged in with my mobile on monday and tuesday to post the message. Before that saturday/sunday I only used my regular laptop. Could be a case of traveling from Hungary to Netherlands a week ago? Thanks again!
  15. No need for panic, only the forum is down, all other parts of the site seem to work as usual (downloads/store, etc). It isn't the first time nor the last.
  16. It is in the given Ac's_cockpit.ini, you have to play with these values in [CockpitSeat001] section. MaxYaw=160 MinYaw=-160 MaxPitch=90 MinPitchFront=-48 MinPitchRear=-40
  17. I might understand you wrong, but.... The SF2 SH model has its built in fuel tanks into the AC's lod file. If you try to use the SF1 lod in place of the SF2 one in your SF2 games the tanks would never show up as those are not part of the SF1 AC lod. In order to load the SF1 lod in your SF2 game you will have to create your respective tank folder entries in your SF2:NA "weapons" folder. After that you will have to block out the "FuelTankNodeName=" entries on the relevant pylons in the Ac's_data.ini If the performance issue is your biggest concern, then I advise you to use this setting in your FA-18E.ini: //[LOD001] //Filename=FA18Ed.lod //Distance=100 [LOD001] Filename=FA18Edr1.lod Distance=500 [LOD002] Filename=FA18Er2.lod Distance=1000 [LOD003] Filename=FA18Er3.lod Distance=2000 [LOD004] Filename=FA18Er4.lod Distance=12000 This makes your highest lod a bit lesser system intensive one '....dr1.lod" and you can still enjoy all the features the Ac has, not mentioning the skipping of all other file/folder creation-editing dance you would have to do with the SF1 lod to get it work properly.
  18. Great tutorial! Just as additional information to it. In case someone dares to adventure into making separate mesh for Mainchord-ropes-canvas then during the vertices animation might need to use the max default animation type: Position XYZ, Rotation Euler XYZ, Bezier Scale. The animation also have to be created for each related mesh to work properly in game. Without that the animation will look good in 3dsmax but will not work in the game as you intend it. As I said this only related if you use separate mesh for each main component on the chute system.
  19. SA-2/S-75 in Tank Muesum

    Nice pics. That is only the transport/loading trailer for the SA-2, it is launched from a fixed rotating base not this one. Was that an Ural or Zil tug in front of it?
  20. TK is the person behind ThirdWire - I should have written the site name . The patches have free access, also cost nothing. During your purchase you got an e-mail from thirdwire with an access code. On the download page you use the same code to enter and you can download the newest installer files. These also free but you need the original access code (or any of the 4 you brought - unless these were purchased at the same time), ThirdWire is quite fair with this aspect. If you lost the e-mail, then you can ask at their site to resend it for you.
  21. Your writing stile is interesting and the cartoon looks cool. The reason anyone "focus" on the Sound part or other is because those are questions and we want our simmer fellas to have a good experience with the game like we do, so we naturally answer those first and admittedly we often forget to mention the other part in the process. If no one complains about it you can be sure it was well received.
  22. You can still download the patch files from TK without any limitation. http://thirdwire.com/downloads_pc.htm <---- last jul 2013 http://thirdwire.com/downloads_archive.htm <---- any other older versions Also see my reply for the patch order topic you have.
  23. If you have your original access code from TK, than I would rather redownload the installer files from TirdWire as those are updated to Jul2013 and make a fresh install that way you can skip all the patch application hassle. In case you want to update your install to a certain date before that. Go in date order starting the closes to your oct2009 version and in sequence. After 2011 Most patches are cumulative so not SF2 version specific. Before that you will have to go by date for each version you have. Means dec2009 SF, Dec2009 SFV, dec2009 SF2E, dec2009 SF2I Feb2010....... Jun2010.... and so on.
  24. There should be a lot more to get out of it for sure. Threat it like Encyclopedia Britannica (or whatever you want to call it). When you looking for a certain type of data you can miss others because seem to unrelated to your given question at that moment. But many things are there in the SF1 and SF2 knowledge bases. Other things that can not be found in them most likely you will encounter in either in the SF1/SF2 general discussions section or in the mods & skinning or in special cases in the mission and campaign build sections of both. Many years of experience and most of their related data are stored in them. Also you will see many of the same questions from time to time. Just because lets say you search for an information for your SF2 game the answer could be already exist in the SF1 section. There are many things that are still using the same SF1 architecture and built logic or location, SF2 only added to it and improved on it but not necessarily changed it to something totally different. The search engine certainly can help a lot as occasionally you might run into an answer (or tutorial) that not located in the above forums, rather those reside in some of the language specific areas (german/spanish/russian, etc) In cases the answers are hidden in a topic that might not even seem to relate by its title, but it come up and was answered there. Certain cases that might not mentioned here you might even have to go the the ThirdWire site as there are also lots of game related information either from the developer himself or other users. Read-learn-understand-apply and enjoy the results during the game plays.
  25. Recent Intercept Photos (RNoAF)

    Nope... all sides do it.. just they don't brag about it... nice pics though..

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