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Everything posted by logan4

  1. Meanwhile in North Korea

    I think they are good looking ladies and they certainly have balls to ride those old steel gadgets, no matter where they are from. Good on them! Back in the days around the fall of the wall we used to say to ourselves "we are 25-30 years behind the west". It is not how much you are behind, but how you can overcome the gap. now we say we are 40-50 years behind in some areas.... Beside you fly what you have and fight with what you got, spears, bows, muskets, laser cats, etc.. ask a Gurkha what weapon he needs...
  2. VFAT - 2014

    Hello! A year has passed and the time has come for this year's VFAT event. It runs between 21 Nov 2014 17:00 GMT to 23 Nov. 2014 midnight (bit after). 11 solo displays and about 23 team displays are scheduled, plus the usual end formation flight. The live link would be streamed at this address: http://www.livestream.com/virtualairshows The bellow address is for the schedule so you can set your calendar ready for it. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-dnkl4sD9IAIy4C3IvEmRbJiry-9NZvk3I5I7UQsYKE/edit?pli=1#gid=0 And a trailer for this year's event. Enjoy and have a great time! logan4
  3. Yes actually do have at least one....2 birds in fact...
  4. That is not totally correct. Just stay calm and let me finish some other bird before.
  5. So far 37 views so might be some setting. Since it was uploaded to my gallery when clicked on the link should take you to my gallery page and start playing it as soon page loads. ---- Edit: I did some tests. Chrome plays auto with inbuilt flashplayer. Firefox will uses your installed flashplayer or player that is associated with flv files. IE will try to threat it as an image and do nothing.. Safari plays it auto Opera also plays it auto though not sure uses built in or external flasplayer
  6. While Dassault production facility gears up for series production of the basic model AC development has started test flights of a version for an undisclosed recipient. (please forgive the quality and stuttering of image, my laptop isn't the high end one)
  7. SF2E test 2014 11 15 21 46 40 73

    From the album AC videos

    test flight of prototype
  8. AC videos

    test flights
  9. That is depend on. If you are building a new model for example, then when you create a box there is the option of "Length segs", "width segs" and "height segs". Then max will create a box with values you specify. First a 1x1x1 For comparison I also created a 3x4x1 to see the difference. In render will be none but in lod size some. In case the model is already made but you want to get less poly heavy then you got several options. option A, you can weld vertices where feasible. Please note that when welding vertices the combined center will be the new position so it can trow out edge positions where connected seamlessly with an other mesh. pls compare the new places to the blue original adjacent mesh. option B, remove extra lines First select the lines you can leave without. Then press "remove". will take out the selected ones but the individual vertices will be still there. So select the vertices option, and select the vertices that will not needed anymore. Press remove. Similar results but the welding will require similar handling of the connecting mesh's first line of polygons to connect smoothly without gaps, or moving the edge welded vertice so it lines up correctly, not much of problem on unmaped object but could cause a remapping if was already mapped - depend on shape and what was welded. Best results would come with the combination of the 2 ways. A 3rd option is to optimize a mesh. adjusting the 'face thresh' and other values will give different results. you will have to experiment with them. As you can see on complex objects can have some side effects (which might have to be addressed) but generally works ok. I'm sure there are other methods but this is what my knowledge is limited to and I'm familiar with. Edit, added correct jpg.
  10. Net Neutrality - URGENT

    Very true Erik. In my opinion. For example when an ISP sells 1000 unit of 180MB "service" and 10000 unit of 40MB "service" with 1 million unit of 3MB "service" with unlimited use then they should have the infrastructure to provide seamless data flow with full throttle use in mind with the combined total. Even if not all the lines/users will be online 24/7 with max usage - but even that will happen occasionally based on the laws of large numbers. Your "pipeline" is already regulated by the "package" you purchased, regardless what flows on it or how much of what. Charging extra for a 3MB user because he uses games or movies is not fair even if an other person using a 180 line to just reads the news on the net. They should not complain or charge about amount of data flow since they sold a service with band width (except mobile they have package sizes). So if they can not deliver what they promise then should close shop and should not try to control the demand of usage or the way it is being used. Instead of complaining and extra charges they should grow up to deliver for the increasing and actual demand - which will increase more and more as mankind gets more used to or more access to it.
  11. That's depend on the detail you want to put in. If it is a simple straight one then you can reduce the size by doing 1x1x1 (L,W,H) poly object instead of the default 4x4x4. If it is curved or more complicated then you have to work with as much as needed to get the right look. Same for chimneys, masts, etc. If there is no shape change in its entire height then you can create a 1 poly high instead of the standard 5. it is always a juggle between detail and looks.
  12. Under Customize->Units setup you should have meter selected. Under the "system unit setup" sub-option you can further adjust its accuracy. This is my setup. Based on the file size reading. If you use 3rd party model after setting the up the "meters" for the scene. Select the entire model. In the Utilities tab select Measure. There you should be able to see if it is the right size or not. If gets gigantic then you will have to rescale the object to its RL size. Then apply "reset Xform". Before doing that check if anything is linked or animated, At this point everything should be a separate mesh as after collapsing it will give strange "results" as children objects will get back their old sizes sometimes and animated ones will be thrown off position depending on the way those were animated.
  13. Hi Sokol, No need for apology, glad it worked out on the end! Happy hunting!
  14. Do you mean an accurate font type or like an excel sheet that has the right word for each? An ex or active pilot would be the best. I personally not sure how they abbreviate some of their stuff.
  15. That is strange..when I log on only WOI has 2008 release date, all else is Jul13, but also noted that the redownload page can not show all items I purchased..
  16. Our white skin is not done yet. We work with the primer version at the time being ;o)
  17. You are right, many potentials for this bird. Though we are going to leave some work for our great skining fellas to exploit all of them. We don't want to have all the fun ------------- A month after its maiden flight the trainer version is ready for flights with weapon and harder load ranges.
  18. You can redownload at TW your sf2 installer file without having to pay anything and that would be at jul13 level. If you reinstall then you will have two jul13 install versions and not have to go through the application of old patches to the 2009 version exe. Saves you time and fuss. In case you install over an existing folder from back of the days then I would first rename it, make the clean install, then copy over the content from the old you want use.
  19. Heading out for weapon load tests. Today's task to check basic strike loads... 2nd prototype already with its future squadron paint job joins in. And unfortunately a nice day gone bad...
  20. Your welcome, glad it worked out. Cocas, might help if you make 2 polys on the place of the lower large one, like half it, that way you have bit more playground with it. Just a thought.
  21. Your welcome. I would like to add one thing to it. Sometimes "average" is not the thing you want to apply, in those cases the given normal has to be selected, then its value copied over to the target normal which you want to look the same. That is used best when average gives strange result no not aimed for. If results are not satisfying then you can always "reset" a normal to its original parameters, then try an other "way".
  22. That happens as the airbreak becomes a 1 poly wide object and rendering can not calculate curvature between vertices as there are only 2 which gives a straight line. Happens on many places and mesh connections. You have to Edit normals on the airbreak mesh. See this pic of the fuselage and wing connection. Same issue seemingly. also in render Select the fuselage and the 2 airbreaks then in the modifier roll down selet "Edit Normals" Click on it and select it like you try to edit polys. It will give a hedgehog like view. Scale it down to a size you will be comfortable. I use 0,3m. Close in on the trouble area you should see some V spikes. Set "ignore backfacing" on. Select always a single set of V-s Then press the button average, it will make that 2 like a single normal. I made 5 of those to show. And in the render the same section looks like this, Note the area front and behind where I changed nothing, the seam still shows up but between its "gone". Hope it helps. Edit: I forgot to add, when you finished with normal editing and satisfied with the result, right click on the Edit normal option and select, "collaps all"
  23. How to de-ice railway tracks

    Actually it was used years earlier than the world has found out how any pod racer should look. Was used in Hungary for oil-well fires. Later debuted in Kuwait after DS. I also loved to drive the KraZ was a handy beast.
  24. Check the RA-5C_data.ini for service start date. In my install it follows (it is a 2009/07 dated file for me) [MissionData] NationName=USN ServiceStartYear=1972 <--- ServiceEndYear=1979 This means the plane should not show up in a '65 campaign.
  25. OK, I didn't know you had several mesh in that. That way 0,0 would be the best for X,Y since you already set the distance in 3dsmax. Also you should be still able to see the top 1/4 of the pirate sensor. I normally work differently with fake objects. I set them up as pilot like bellow. So far these show up with no problem not sure will solve your issue though but might worth a test. [sRBN_tail] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT Position=0.0,-7.31,2.245 PilotModelName=MiG21srbn_tail DetachWhenDestroyed=FALSE DamageRating=DISABLED

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