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Everything posted by logan4

  1. The Truth About the MiG-29

    Personally I think the 1st gulf war (DS) would have been enough, then let his people handle it, like it happened in other arab states in the last few years. I don't think that would not happened again in the future. Life always develops one or more intelligent form during its evolutionary process. ---------- OT: The Indian Navy/AF should be able to answer how good/bad the new/upgraded MiG29's(MiG35) electronics are. I think the old versions could be a very capable fighters with some integrated western electronics suite and the bird certainly not ugly, wish we would still fly them.
  2. The Truth About the MiG-29

    Actually no sides "win" the cold war, both went bankrupt only the so called west had more freedom and access to resources. Beside the "not act as I say or else" rule doesn't give you much of a "freedom". The real winner was the planet and all her living creatures - including humans - that was not turned into a radioactive piece of rock in the 90'ties during ww3 for the next few million years.
  3. Welcome to the club! I advice you to read this thread might helps solving your problem, also there are plenty of useful information in the Knowledge base threads that worth looking through. http://combatace.com/topic/62302-what-is-the-mod-folder/
  4. 2 seater for sure. I wonder how the main gears are folding in fuselage. we might see transformers one-on-one?
  5. Have a great recovery! Take as much time you need!
  6. Would be intresting to know how Janes' pepole solved that for IAF and USAF. There I remember cycling through ground targets stationary and moving with each of their own sets of targets.
  7. I don't think will cost extra, but I suppose with full load of fuel and the extra weight of passengers+luggage this will be not so nimble. Regardless, they could count me in anytime for a ride like that. Thanks for sharing.
  8. Even if they didn't needed it still looks good in this livery...
  9. Welcome to the club! This weapons pack has 8 Amraam versions, and a lot more goodies... http://combatace.com/files/file/13929-weapons-pack-2/
  10. Another 777 lost

    Sad event. That's where trigger happiness takes everyone - innocents will pay the price. Airlines many times fly over war zones. Only few detour. They done the same fly overs even in the serbo-croatio wars before any nato or UN forces arrived in the area. Spent 8 months on the Hungarian-Yugoslavian border in an auxiliary radar base. Even if they are close the radar operator should be able to differentiate each target and query IFF transponders, those airliners literally have to be closer than 200m to read one blip on a normal resolution. Unless the operator switched to max distance he should see each one without a problem. May the victims and their relatives find their peace.
  11. Just a guess, if you increase the "BrakingCoefficient=" value to be greater than 0,75 and also add a break to the nose wheel (I know its cheating, but...), would still do the same? Edit: An alternate way could be an invisible airbreak with large drag area that is applied after wheel touch. [brakeR] SystemType=AIRBRAKE DeployTime=0.3 RetractTime=1.0 MaxDeflection=35.0 MinDeflection=0.0 ModelNodeName= DragArea=6.00 DeployWhenOnGears=TRUE
  12. EM Rail Gun gets closer

    Why hurt them, the show is free for us and makes people think on a broader scale sort of out of the box. Makes you take of the blinds from your eyes. No reason to risk an interplanetary race, we would surely loose, if you think.. they already got here from somewhere.....How far we got -- Moon with a manned tin can. Live and let them live is a better option, you might learn something on the long run when start to openly cooperate in the future. Then you will get the technologies you wish to gain, now by shooting one out of the sky you only say "Hey! leave us alone we are still barbarians!!!" Mankind has to grow up intellectually to get an open approach, will not happen by some trigger happy fella.... and that is true for space exploration advancement too.
  13. Thanks, yep it is scaled to 1:72 size, so can be used as such.
  14. The 21 does look good with canards... made this in 1:72 in RL, but no close ups with me from the model itself.
  15. My own Independence Day

    Sorry to say, you never gonna chill her down. Moms are like that, worrying about their siblings is their No1 problem in life, regardless how old are you or if they talk with you or not. Its innate to them. She might ease a bit if flies anywhere on an airliner (if haven't already) but take no guaranty. Or if you can find a video on youtube that shows some lady in her age taking a dive (solo or tandem). Congrats on your passing the exam! Well done!
  16. HMS Queen Elizabeth

    Could be the real plane as the 35B will participate in the RIAT on next weekend.
  17. Pride

    You should be always proud, with all vets. YOU made things when it mattered, regardless how much your hands were held back by others.
  18. Sci Fi Space Ships (all I think)

    (another FreeSpace fan? I tought we were a rare breed!) Indeed, we are rare....
  19. Membership Drive 2014

    Sent couple of franklins donation, should be there in few days. How much do we need to be afloat?
  20. Well, they could get away with it. Unless someone took my drawing book between 94-99 while was away in the US, they are clean. I had no electronic copy of it back then, only in 2007 that I scaned my book.
  21. Intresting concept.... Back in 1992 I draw this birdy... bit similar...though I used lerx in place of the m2k inlet.
  22. Unless you fly for sovietunion the R27/AA-10 will not show up in 1984. My missiles have the start at 1983 and export set for 1985. Meaning no other nation could use it before 85 than soviets. Also keep in mind the MiG21 stations have a 3,5m weapon length limit setting which eliminates all R27 versions to show up since the shortest one - R27T is mere 3,79m and radar versions are all above 4m. MiG29 releases (at least the ones from russoUK) are coming with their specific weapons. Normally those should work only on Mig29-s due to "SpecificStationCode=" entries unless the other AC's data.ini is modified for it.
  23. Blackbird talks about this aspect of the intakes. Edit: in theory if you link each plate to the next you can use them without animation setting, only you have to set their pivot points to their edges so the rotation will happen on the right place. Also you will have to create an entry for each plate in the data.ini. use: SystemType=HIGHLIFT_DEVICE DeploymentMethod=AUTOMATIC_MACH For the deploy, retract and deflection values you will have to experiment to get it right.
  24. Locarno's 75th Anniversary airshow

    Very nice pics, thanks for sharing them!
  25. Was MiG 23 ultimately a failure?

    It was designed as an interceptor not a dogfighter, russians knew it had a weak area in the dogfight and constantly improved it. Getting in a fight with an A or MF specially with an exported one, is different than one with the russian ML/MLD and its upgrades. GCI still had a large part of it's operational doctrine, and was to get in position and fire its BVR missiles. It was to counter the F4 not the F14/F15/F16 generation where most of its fight took it eventually. It had some innovative solutions and some of those still without a par.

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