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Everything posted by logan4

  1. Selecting target with the E key is regulated by the object's lod distance setting in each ground object's main .ini file. And there is also a priority programed into the game with E key if you have multiple objects in that given area. It will first select nerby AD units, then other ground targets so instead of varying between E and R, you might have to press E more to get the correct ground target for mavericks or bombs. Infantry usually shows up from 2-3,5miles unless they are primary targets. Armored stuff usually shows from 5-9miles if primary can be shown from 10-16miles. If a SAM launches at you, press R and you will see it right away, regardless of distance. You can get nailed by SA-5s from as far as 60miles or more. In this case better to avoid the incoming missile than try to get in launch parameters with your shrikes or early harms. Standards might can kick in the ball but that will need luck too from that distance. Ravenclaw's pic is "correct", in this game the missile most of the times will go for the launcher not the radar. Remember most new SAM are able to lock and track you if you are inside its sensor parameters. I think he was around 10-12miles - but my guess can be wrong. Bunkers should show with the E key if primary targets and you are inside 20 miles. If you are uncertain or just spending leftovers from a mission then just carpet bomb, one will hit the right one.
  2. With ARM-s it is not necessary to designate, but can help in certain conditions. Also while employing these type of missiles, try to direct the plane in the general direction of the source locked on to you, this means also a bit angled down. If you fly 15kft level then the missile will have hard time to lock onto your foe even if you are 3-4 miles close. These missiles also have a minimum launch range, don't forget that. I found them better working from medium distances 6-20 miles, Standard can manage from greater distances, but those give me trouble too. In short, try employing it as a large sized unguided missile, aim the area and release while locked on or launched at by the given site. In the knowledge base there is a weapons delivery manual, it is a good and useful read.
  3. I would advice you to take a look at either the F4 or the Mig23 data and loadout.ini-s and compare them with your plane's relevant data and loadout.inis to see how those are set up, something is missing in your file. Also check if the "loadlimit" parameters would allow the carriage of two missiles and the dual rail.
  4. The data Migbuster said is correct. The gun was capable to carry 60pcs in times of need, its container was allowing it. The "normal" load was 30.
  5. Slow mover interceptor?

    Should be able to, but I don't think it would be anywhere near so sophisticated like the F-birds have.
  6. The Tornado F2-s also carried panther/jaguar pattern painted Skaflash in the 80's and those did look cool... so that AGM wasn't the only one.
  7. Slow mover interceptor?

    I think in some performance value, probably, but since that bird can dash with 450knots (cruise) and the AT6 is only 316knots (max) capable this new guy will do better under the definition of interception. You have to get to the bad guy before he lands and most of the time they would not only look for lost and uncommunicative private planes with 200-250knots top speed or would not have the luxury of nearby "targets" during patrol.
  8. Nope, works perfect, just copy/paste in your browser. Cool vid
  9. You can also check these values in the "Flightcontrol"section of your AC_data.ini if you set these. MaxSpeedSL=416.67 <- even with full burner you will not able to surpass it down low, unit is in: m/s MachLimitDry=1.14 <- controls how fast you can go without burner, unit is in: mach Re: mach4 the MiG31 will have more problems than overheating, structural parts would deform earlier than that.
  10. If it is only the inlet part, here you go. The zip contains the template also (only 256*256 now) I think would be better if chaff dispensers and RWR receiver also being included, but only if someone want a full mod of it. You will have to add the system name to the tail section in the Bis_data.ini. and put this behind the pilot entry too. [MiG21DDRtail] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT Position=0.0,-2.9,1.04 PilotModelName=MiG21ddrtail DetachWhenDestroyed=FALSE DamageRating=DISABLED It looks like this at the moment. ddrtailinlet.zip
  11. I can be wrong, but I think it is set up as a gunner_station. Try the name "Gunner-R3".
  12. Welcome to the community! You can create and upload any aircraft, skin, terrain, etc as you wish, that is not limited to the modders or in fact to statuses. The modder status is earned by releasing your creations to the community. The existing modders then will vote when you reach the point so it can be granted to you with the coming privileges too.
  13. New Outerra vid

    It would certainly raise the SF world to a whole new level. And I have to admit I would hardly get higher than 2-300ft beside some occasional poking up.
  14. In RL they usually deployed 2 missiles / target (sometimes 3 as the system can direct 3 missiles for the same target). If the yaw limit is set to +/-35 degree than they can have overlap in a small regime, which might simulate the double launch. Just theory, haven't tested it yet, if the lookaroundchance is set to 10 or bellow that would probably limit the system from salvo all 6 at the same time.
  15. I think it is only a _data.ini thingy. Controlled by these bellow and operated/effective by the LookAroundChance= entry YawLimited=FALSE <--- if left "false" then the missile launcher should be able to move 360degree otherwise controlled by the min-maxyaw entries if changed to TRUE. MinYaw=-30 MaxYaw=30 DefaultYawAngle=0 <---- default, placement direction position is controlled by the sam site layout entries in the given terrain's targets.ini LookAroundChance=0 <--- either remove or change to higher value
  16. Hello, Change this: AttachmentType=ItalianNavy to Italy. Should also change it in the SH-3D_data.ini on the required weapon stations. For some reason the game does not handle the ItalianNavy as attachment type, if you change it to simply Italy, should work fine. Well I don't have the helo so I tested on an other bird.
  17. In RL the Sa2 launcher also able to turn 360degree before launch. maybe our ground object not. Sa3 also has a quad launcher version - don't know if we have it for SF yet. The SA3 truck dual launcher also rotate able - and I'm not talking about the missile carrier/loader truck.
  18. Your fav "BAD GUYS" Cold War plane as a youth?

    On our red side, I loved the Mig21, later the 29. From the "evl" NATO and west I adored the Viggen and the SuperMirage4k with the F20.
  19. What plane is this?

    Looks like a scale model for radar testing, bit smaller and less complicated (expensive) as JSF. but I have been wrong couple of times.
  20. See this tread: http://combatace.com/topic/79827-changing-names-on-pilot-roster/ You will have to use the TW SF2 extractor tool. Browse to the given .cat file, locate the required file(s) then press "extract selected file(s)" button or the "extract all" button. This later will extract all files located in the given .cat.
  21. Looking good! One thing you can check for the hull and deck mesh is that "cast shadow" option is enabled in the object properties window. If yes, you can try to add the bellow data on the 4th tab. This might give some shadow for the ship.
  22. I can't see the picture.. If that 4 dds is in the ship's folder they should show. One thing you can try is to make a .jpg version of those skin files see if that make any difference.
  23. Glad it worked out. Meantime Cesar called to my attention a function I've never checked myself before that can be used for determine a quick way which meshes could cause problem. So for the record of future reference. When the max file is open, in max menu go File->Summary Info This will bring up a window with all mesh data listed. Here you can see which meshes you will have to deal with (things above 5k). ----- Regarding skins. Did the model had UVW maps? For creating them. See this basic tutorial. http://combatace.com/files/file/5049-mustang-tutorial-10-unwrapping/ If it had, then check the .out file of the model, the used texture files should be listed in there.

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