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Everything posted by logan4

  1. There are 2 ways to go about reducing the poly count of individual meshes. First is to break it up into smaller sections (what russouk and I suggested) and the other is to simplify the given mesh - meaning if the mesh not need to be so highly detailed or it is the same shape in its length (or most of it) then for example in a case of a mast instead of 5 sections 1 section is enough. Best result will come from mixing the 2 ways but keep in mind that you will need to figure out what you want to break into smaller sections and what simplify as you go. To find the problematic meshes right click on the mesh you want to inspect. it will bring up a list of options, select "object properties". It will bring up a window with details of the given mesh. (size, polycount, texture, etc) what you looking for is the data on vertices. If you find something that is over 5000 than that will be one you will have to handle - keep in mind not necessarily the only one, there could be many. As you see that is over 25k. In this case of the fuselage, you can go with breaking up into smaller sections (nose, intake, engine, nosle, gearbay, etc) That will reduce the numbers and will keep your details too. On the mesh edit properties select "polygon" option. Then select a section on the mesh you think would fit for a "splitting point" Roll down in the right editing options till you see the button "detach". Press it, will bring up a small window asking for the new name of that detached section, name as you see fit. Then select an other section and repeat the above 2 step. Sometimes check for the new polycount status. Do this detach steps until you reach a desired state bellow 5k. The other way is to simplify the mesh - keep in mind that distortions could happen to the shape of the mesh so you will have to check and see how much is "enough". One option is to remove or weld not required vertices. Or use the "MultiRes" option. Press "generate", this will makes other options available. Set welding threshold to 0,001m, then set a "percentage" value and press enter. As you see in pic it reduced the count by 80% and there are visible changes on the mesh grid. You will have to experiment with the values which will give you the best result so you not loose details yo want to keep. When the above is done, do not forget to reset xform on the meshes created and/or modified, so they will have the right size values. One side note, there might be other ways to do it. The above is limited by my knowledge and experience level with 3dsmax. It gonna be a bunch of trial and error, so do not forget to save from time to time and also if you feel necessary than create some "save copy as" in different stages so you don't have to start from step one if something goes astray. Edit: I forgot to say, you will have to "link" the new mesh sections to the basic structure as you see fit. Otherwise after exporting things can be misplaced compared to their real place in max.
  2. img06444

    From the album screens

    random pic of friendly flight
  3. Check what is the polycount of it's biggest(most detailed) mesh. It can not be more than 5k. If it is then you will have to break up that component to smaller pieces. Had that before.
  4. You should place the new skin folder in the given aircraft's main folder. Make sure that the new folder has the file called Textureset.ini and inside it the textureset name not collides with an already existing skin name. Just an example: [TextureSet] Name=VVS Desert <---- this should be unique Nation=SOVIET Squadron= Also make sure that the aircraft has a cockpit folder, otherwise might not visible under the flyable types roll down menu in game.
  5. Well, ironic then. Back in Dec 2008 I started working on the full Viggen family (my very 2nd project that time), few weeks into it the one for SF1 got released so I stopped everything with it due to this and some issue it developed with my max9 during bolean cuts. If not so urgent I could dust it off as soon I'm able to.
  6. I thought after the release of the first TSF there was a project started to turn that (viggen) max8 model into our universe, but I can be wrong..
  7. There is a NAMESSWEDISH.LST built into the game already. One thing about it it only has male names. You only have to add the female ones if required. NAMESSWEDISH.ZIP
  8. No not that one, original Su54 was a training AC proposal for Russian AF back in the 90's. Kind of scaled down su27 with single engine, didn't got far beyond drawings and concept study.
  9. First of all Welcome to the club! Like Soulfreak said, best place is the SF1/SF2 knowledge base and also the SF1/SF2 mod sections. Use the on site search feature, will help you a lot. There are very few things that are not covered in one of the above mentioned forum sections. For a quick way you can adjust the bellow parameters in the "aircraft"_data.ini's flight control section: [FlightControl] StallSpeed= (given in m/s) CruiseSpeed= (given in m/s) ClimbSpeed= (given in m/s) LandingSpeed= (given in m/s) CornerSpeed= (given in m/s) MaxSpeedSL= (given in m/s) MachLimit= (given in Mach) MachLimitDry= (given in Mach) Please note: It is possible that other parameters are also need to be adjusted, like engine thrust, drag values, etc. But you will see that when changing the above listed parameters do nothing.
  10. Brazil chooses Gripen

    Brazil already uses the Derby on the upgraded F-5EM/FM birds, so an other cooperation with Israel would not be that hard to bring under the roof to get it integrated into the Gripen together with the Python family. Logistically a very viable route to go.
  11. If it was not changed than: "flaperon_right" and "flaperon_left"
  12. Brazil chooses Gripen

    I'm fully sorry if you feel that way from my post, since I haven't quoted anything you wrote I see no point in your upset. Beside there is mention of Typoon in post 54 in aspect of comparison.
  13. Brazil chooses Gripen

    Yes I know, even then my statement still stands, as we "outsiders" to the decision have our biases and narrow glasses which tend to filter things we not want to look at or prefer to emphasize. We have to look at the full picture not just part of the picture. Technical/performance/political/economic/availability/technology transfer, future (current) needs, etc. If anyone picks just one of them it kind of turns into the who's ** is bigger debate. Most of us tend to compare it based on technical stuff or based on what we think they "can" do and forget the other aspects thus it becomes "useless" in general. It has value based on showing the different viewpoints and comparing them, but only if those keep out the biases we have.
  14. Brazil chooses Gripen

    The South-American continent is slowly getting closer to a similar unification process and state like the EU. They will not need high end superfighters as the chance to going to war will be way less than it is now or anytime in the past. Also even today they are mostly staying out of any world "policing" action the only fight those birds will most likely to see will be to shot down drug cartel planes. Beside that Gripen is a 3 in 1 package from the start. Although would benefit from a more powerful engine. Comparing it to Rafale/Typoon/F16 is usless, it was designed to be small, but also a capable airplane what it does deliver. No more no less. The world will advance by cooperation of the countries not by their separation, and if you cooperate with someone you will not go to war with it. Just like in the USA or EU or the Common Wealth states.
  15. Just take your time until you feel it is ready. Regardless how much we would like to fly them I think most of us can wait for that 2 weeks.
  16. Have a nice flight

    Looks cramped big way, but probably fits for "Live fire maneuver"
  17. VFAT - 2013 6-8 dec live link

    Good day Ladies and Gents! The annual VFAT (Virtual Festival of Aerobatic Teams) display starts today 6 December 2013 at 17:00GMT and runs till 8 December. This is the 9th year the boys and galls show what they know and can do. There will be 40 display teams throughout the event. Have a great time and enjoy it! Official home page: http://www.virtual-airshows.com/english Live stream: http://livestre.am/9Ty Schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aj-5PTSoVZU2dGQ1NGxzM1hSOV9VaG4ycDB2TDNYUnc&usp=drive_web#gid=0 Promo VFAT2013: http://vimeo.com/80819706# Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1C2Ru9sGzyc
  18. Well beside youtube, you can check out Mustang's tutorials (1-12) here on CA to start with, they are very good entry level videos, specifically for SF series. Since you have 3ds2k9 some of the converting parts will not apply as the vids were made with Gmax, you can use the TW exporter to directly export your model. I'm sure many of us used these as baby steps too. http://combatace.com/files/file/5036-mustang-tutorial-1-creating-3-views/ http://combatace.com/files/file/5038-mustang-tutorial-2-importing-3-views/ http://combatace.com/files/file/5039-mustang-tutorial-3-creating-the-fuselage/ http://combatace.com/files/file/5040-mustang-tutorial-4-cutting-objects/ http://combatace.com/files/file/5041-mustang-tutorial-5-the-wing/ http://combatace.com/files/file/5042-mustang-tutorial-6-the-rudder/ http://combatace.com/files/file/5044-mustang-tutorial-7-cutting-the-canopy/ http://combatace.com/files/file/5046-mustang-tutorial-8-animations/ http://combatace.com/files/file/5048-mustang-tutorial-9-assigning-key-controllers/ http://combatace.com/files/file/5049-mustang-tutorial-10-unwrapping/ http://combatace.com/files/file/5054-mustang-tutorial-11-installing-tw-plug-in/ http://combatace.com/files/file/5055-mustang-tutorial-12-converting-gmax-models/ Also a good and must plugin for you if you want to make a complete work is the min-max extent plugin: http://combatace.com/files/file/10253-min-max-extents/ Check the Utilities and Editors section of SF1/SF2 downloads, plus read through the SF1/SF2 knowledge base and modding threads, there are plenty of useful information.
  19. That is a value set in the FA-18E(orwhateverversion).ini file under the "AircraftData" section. AvionicsDLL=Avionics70.dll <------ or any other. Most likely you have missing textures in the cockpit folder so if the above statement is there than that would be a next step together with checking the avionics and cockpit.ini. Best to re-read the readme file as you might have skipped a step during the unpacking/install process of it.
  20. Check the bellow values in the _data.ini for the right outerstation you have problem with, both values should be different from the ones the inner station has. StationID should be sequentially increasing, each has its own, and stationgroupID should match the leftouter pylon's ID of the same class pylon. StationID= StationGroupID=
  21. Good read and mission! On the note of fuel, the Intruder had quite a good leg, so unless you run at a target very far or using only 50% fuel load you will hardly notice it. Give a try outside the campaign for a Mig21 in a turn n burn dogfight, you will run out of juice relatively fast.
  22. F-105 vs F-35 JSF

    Yes, that is true, Apachies took out 2 radar installations to begin. Only that other 106pcs of TLMC that were fired in the first our against AD, power plants, comm buildings, etc. out of 51 was in the 1st wave. In certain places you fight with what you have. You can ask the indians (natives) in america why they went with bows and lances against pistols, shotguns, mortats and guns of white men. Even the Ethiopians going against the tanks with lances, or the polish with cavalry against the tiger tanks in WW2. I guess people willing to defend their land will do what it takes regardless how slim their chance for success may be. If those Migs were sooo broken and useless in Serbia then really not understand why they had to be outnumbered by 5x-10x fold.
  23. F-105 vs F-35 JSF

    I would be interested to find out what would have been the Iraq and Serbian results without the use of Tomahawks and other version of cruise missiles as first strike. Also not mean to hurt anyone's feelings but having a 5x or 10x the number of AC (Serbian war) would not result in a fair comparison of capability - beside describing the very tactics of example used few posts above against the Raptor. Using superior numbers in fact against an inferior AF is not a comparison of an equal or superior one. On topic: If mankind decides let say in the upcoming 10 years that war was a thing of the past to solve issues. Then these new toys (5th gen AC) could become a waste of money. Aside from the technological advances they bring in certain fields, they would have no netto return value under those circumstances.
  24. The A4-s already carried the Bullpup and the Walleye, so the Maverick isn't far fetched at all. Specifically the kiwi A4K was wired for Mavericks in RL so German upgrade of it would be possible. Cover story could be include saving resources for the JF90 project they decided to buy fewer Tornados and fill the gap with these upgraded A4s.

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