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Everything posted by logan4

  1. Yes I understand. It is plausible that after an overhaul the old red X would have been changed to more western-ish symbol that most NATO ground operators would understand. The GAF even had at least 3 different way they painted the tail markings on the fulcrum, it was planed to be an "intermediate" between those.
  2. Some of it was by request. the pic shows the left side of the right vtail so in game they face the right way.
  3. I don't mean to ruin the party - I mean debate 4U guys. Those are "No grip" symbols on the tails and rudders so perfectly legit for their function.
  4. Geary, The simplest way is to forget "background". Make everything on a new transparent layer. I normally use multiple layers for my source, each is transparent, see attached pic. I use "background" for the source pic I fix or use as sample to the final decal.
  5. Glad you find a way. I mainly use PSE7 & 10 and the way I like to work with my files are not supported in them, or I was just dumb enough to not figure it out. Back on the result of your test in gimp, that could be 2 thing based on my experience. 1 - background layer was still visible or 2 the layer which contained the shield was not a transparent layer/had some fill out.
  6. I Quit My Job... and proud of it.

    Good on you! If management isn't willing to listen, then you did the best you could in this situation. Some guys can be stubborn to understand even if you hit home your information with a sledgehammer.
  7. You can read about it in the knowledge base: http://combatace.com/topic/76701-making-decals-using-gimp/ http://combatace.com/topic/66541-creating-nation-specific-decals/ I'm sure there are few more (SF1 & SF2 knowledgebase sections), but these should get you started.
  8. An other option if you already created the base file, then open the psd either with gimp or paintNET. Only make those layers visible that you want on the decal, then export as (in gimp) or save as (paintNet) xxxx.tga. These 2 program will automatically create the alpha channels for your .tga file. Only keep in mind that in gimp while exporting, uncheck the RLE compression option in the export process.
  9. Try with these inis. They do show up, but since I have to bug out for work in 5 I have no chance to fine tune their positions. As you can see on the pic, not much to adjust. Place files according to their respective folders. In the loadout.ini I only set them in airtoair so you will have to make the other additions a4.zip
  10. Do they show up on the plane in flight/game but they do not show on the loadout screen or they do not show up at all?
  11. Flight Model stands for FM which in this game translates to the _data.ini, the thing you looking for. What Wrench meant is someone have to create/correct one so in SF2 handles well.
  12. I just checked on my install on 105D_66 and 105G both shows up correctly with M177 load. do you have similar setting on the centerline (it is from the G)? [CenterlineStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=7 StationGroupID=4 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.0,0.3,-0.9298 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-3.7,0.0 MissileRollAngle=0.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-2.0 LoadLimit=2100 AllowedWeaponClass=FT,BOMB,TER,MER AttachmentType=USAF,USN,NATO ModelNodeName=pylon_center PylonMass=57.15 PylonDragArea=0.03 FuelTankName=Tank650_F105 FuelTankNodeName=FTank_C Important, no diameter and length entries for it. Can you get 4-4 CBU24/MK82 loaded on the inner wing pylons? If you have these and the 4-4 CBU24 also does not show on the above place than I would say something is wrong with the MER rack as both (centerline 6*M117 and inner wing 4*CBU/MK) uses the same rack version.
  13. Might be a strange idea, but might worth to check. Look at the given weapon's folder in the object/weapons main folder so that you have each ini file. I run into a similar situation and what caused it was that the weapons editor reset the name for example: AIM-120A.ini to AIM-120A_deleted. Looking into the main and _data.ini showed the "ModelName=AIM-120A" line had a typing error extra or less caracters. Changing the Modelname to the correct lod name and renaming back the file to xxxx.ini solved those problems. Not saying that is your problem, but worth a check.
  14. In case someone has a June2011 install or prior, that extractor can still open the missiondata1.cat in the flight folder for extraction and you can modify or copy to newer version installs. On a side note, the NamesUS.lst has male and female names, and there are 2 other ones for the US - NamesUSAF.lst (only male) and NamesUSNMC.lst (only male) The attached is the simple ..US.lst. Use it wisely. NAMESUS.ZIP
  15. Yes, you can create your own names.lst also ranks.lst in case the game does not have built in one already and place them as wrench said above, then you have to change the new file names in the nations.ini for example: [Nation059] Name=Hungary DisplayName=Hungarian Air Force Alignment=ENEMY PilotNameList=NamesHungarian.lst RankList=RanksHuAF.lst
  16. The mig21-93(/97), IAI mig21-2000 and the HAL Bison has the one pice windshield (probably that what he meant). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sheeju_mig21.JPG Last info I heard Serbia is currently negotiating for one dozen of MiG29M/M2.
  17. 9000 is a bit much, the fastest way, If you split the mesh into 2-3 piece where one of them keeps the "Fuselage" mesh name and the others can be named anything else, like "Fuselage_front", "Fuselage_aft" or the name you like. Then later you can fiddle with removing extra or not needed lines and vertices. Also important to link the meshes where the top most mesh is the one named "Fuselage".
  18. What Flogger23 and cocas was mentioning I think was made by AleDucat and was not a J10, it was a true Lavi. There was a nice render of that bird. I had started one in 2010 but haven't got far with it due to skin and other projects I made that time. This as the last state from my model - quite early stage: I might pick it up again at a later time unless the other one comes out before that.
  19. The bellow is direct quote from 3rdW forum: All levels of LODs need to have the same heirachy, same pivot points, and same names for the mesh nodes as the highest detail LOD. We generally start with the highest LOD, and go through and reduce polygons by moving verts without manipulating the mesh (pivot point). -------------------------- No, gears (or anything else) do not need to be present in all LODs. When removing part in LODs, all parts attached to that it also have to be removed. For example, if you have Wheel attached to Gear attached to Wing attached to Fuselage, as in Fuselage +Wing ++Gear +++Wheel If you remove Gear, you also have to remove the Wheel, if you remove the Wing, you also have to remove Gear and Wheel, etc. And any parts removed in one LOD should also need to be removed on lower LODs. This way, the main heirachy remains the same throughout the LODs. TK Links to these in post #9 of this thread http://combatace.com/topic/78965-distance-lods-pros-and-cons/
  20. Syrian MiG-21 in action 2013

    Its a Bis, the spine goes till half the Vtail.
  21. the 141 can be a close range fleet defender, but the av8bplus looks more suitable for ground pounding, regardless of numbering. True 48 is airliner, we can use 124 and from there there is not a big jump to the current 130.
  22. Well unfortunately we don't have the naval su25. Thinking aloud... av8bplus might be able maqueradeing as the Yak-48
  23. Hannah Montana 2013.............

    Unfortunately a good amount of the next generation adores her so the side effect of such can have more rings in the water then parents would like to coop with. I only hope my goddaughter will grow out of it without much problem.
  24. If you work on it by any chance in max , did the part get renamed? Other option is a single mesh can handle only 4pcs of decals, if you have multiple decals on same mesh and they show up on both sides of the surface they might already using up 4 places before the one you want to see gets placed on it. It is only a theory of my.

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