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Everything posted by logan4

  1. If that is the 141, the lod calls for all of the skin files what you have, in sequence -1.bmp,-3.bmp,-2.bmp,-4.bmp,-crystal.tga and -hud.tga. Some mesh must be using the -3.bmp otherwise that would be not listed in the lod. To change which mesh calls for which texture file unfortunately is not known by me, I lack that kind of knowledge since there is no out file with the model. But can be tested by using an even (like red) color skin texture with the same name, that way in game you can see what mesh uses it. Unless someone has that special knowledge or lod coding I'm affraid only the creator of the max model can change it. Edit: OK I see your pain..
  2. If it is only changing a single caracter, or the format ending (bmp,.jpg,.dds) it can be done. You can do that with any Hexeditors. This way you can test it. About releasing this modified lod.... I would hold back if the original creator of the model is still around and ask him/her to please fix it or for permission to upload. If the person is not available anymore, than our admins/mods can give you a go or no-go about release approval.
  3. Glad to bring back old memories I always liked space sims and also used the same tactic you described...
  4. Lex, sun near approach... not from the sun.. there are 149millon km wide space between earth and the sun, lots of space for small rocks to wander around. And if the object is on its way to the outer section of our solar system then going/has to come from that direction.
  5. The observation of these objects is very low scale, we only have the capacity to monitor 5-10% of the actual sky constantly. There are a lot more passing by unknown to us then anyone like to admit it. Our everyday observation is mainly for local debrishes on orbit around earth. The other bigger wanderers either found by looking an object (stars, nebulas, galaxies) much further and fining a speck on the record moving or by concentrated asteroid belt search projects or by amateurs who has no agendas to meet and have a passion for search the night sky. The object came in daylight, if come from sun near approaches only radars would be able to pick it up, land based visual observation would hardly have a chance.
  6. Gripen would be fine. Also you can get help and experience data from next door from Hungary. They also start the patrol service for Slovenia sometime soon. Also what the pilots would like to have and what would get from the gov. will be different.
  7. Hello, I found a Nasa research paper from 1984 on this bird, can anyone tell me how to translate the different graphs to usable values for the game? Or how to make the different value steps? For example: at 0.4 mach CL0=0.066 how comes from that CL0MachTableData=0.976,0.982,1.000,1.034,1.090,1.322,1.185,0.983,0.876,0.783,0.706 Thanks in advance. Edit: An other side question, the 3 values of inertia calculation is for Take-off, combat and landing or they are for roll,yaw and pitch?
  8. Yes, I noted later. The bird flies so far, some input control need reversing though.
  9. I see, I did some adjustments in the data.ini now it is able to take off but flips in the air, also rearranged the weapon stations and their call out. Still to dig in the FM. Edit: OK one of the flip reasons was that the SystemName[032]=RCSPitchU was not added to the Fuselage component. Now the AI can keep it in the air (better than me) but not doing level flight yet.
  10. To clarify - you had a symptom where the plane flipped on ground or where it made a loop right after take off and fell?
  11. Hello Gents! I'm working on a Mig-Ye8 - which progresses a bit slowly - and during test flights I run into some FM and visual issue I'm not sure with what data modification I can solve. few of the symptoms: - Autorotation during take of at around 154km/h, it already wants to raise nose up even when still bellow take off speed. - during flight canard and stabilizator are not in a "straight" position (see top pic in level flight), not sure which of the followings I have to change. Did some up and down changes but no visual difference so far. CL0,CLa,CD0,CDL,Cmq,Cmad,Cyb,Clp or Cnb parameter. Stabs use the standard TW mig21 stab data, canards set somewhat similar to the f31 canard (due to position and size similarities) Although this angle problem not exists on the ground (see second pic) during high speed run or taxi. This is the canards data: (Most of the data is wild guess to start out from something, so do not look for accuracy.) [LeftCanard] ParentComponentName=Nose ModelNodeName=Canard_L DestroyedNodeName= ShowFromCockpit=TRUE DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE DamageRating=DISABLED MassFraction=0.005 HasAeroCoefficients=TRUE LiftSurface=TRUE CL0=-0.0198 CLa=0.1450 CD0=0.0006 CDL=0.0002 Cmq=-2.1048 Cmad=-1.1198 Cyb=-0.0087 Clp=-0.0061 Cnb=0.0042 CL0MachTableNumData=9 CL0MachTableDeltaX=0.40 CL0MachTableStartX=0.00 CL0MachTableData=0.972,0.984,1.000,0.763,0.534,0.387,0.205,0.169,0.086 CLaMachTableNumData=9 CLaMachTableDeltaX=0.40 CLaMachTableStartX=0.00 CLaMachTableData=0.934,0.979,1.000,1.070,1.208,1.983,1.588,1.284,0.976 CD0MachTableNumData=9 CD0MachTableDeltaX=0.40 CD0MachTableStartX=0.00 CD0MachTableData=1.494,1.120,1.000,0.962,1.343,1.601,1.371,1.288,1.226 CDLAlphaTableNumData=15 CDLAlphaTableDeltaX=4.00 CDLAlphaTableStartX=-28.00 CDLAlphaTableData=31.000,25.000,20.000,13.000,9.000,4.400,1.200,0.070,1.000,3.800,7.200,16.000,21.000,29.000,37.000 CmqMachTableNumData=9 CmqMachTableDeltaX=0.40 CmqMachTableStartX=0.00 CmqMachTableData=0.972,1.000,1.042,1.108,1.196,1.112,0.896,0.708,0.642 ClpAlphaTableNumData=15 ClpAlphaTableDeltaX=4.00 ClpAlphaTableStartX=-28.00 ClpAlphaTableData=1.474,1.361,1.264,1.182,1.121,1.068,1.034,1.012,1.000,1.015,1.034,1.079,1.134,1.208,1.285 XacMachTableNumData=9 XacMachTableDeltaX=0.40 XacMachTableStartX=0.00 XacMachTableData=-4.849,-4.852,-4.858,-4.876,-4.921,-5.024,-5.084,-5.136,-5.184 CheckStall=TRUE CLmax=0.2977 AlphaStall=43.87 AlphaMax=48.64 AlphaDepart=54.41 StallLiftTableNumData=30 StallLiftTableDeltaX=10.00 StallLiftTableStartX=-180.00 StallLiftTableData=0.000,-0.014,-0.026,-0.044,-0.059,-0.049,-0.034,-0.015,0.000,0.021,0.054,0.107,0.152,0.220,0.266,0.370,0.577,0.882,0.494,0.288,0.182,0.096,0.041,0.000,-0.015,-0.034,-0.051,-0.028,-0.014,0.000 StallDragTableNumData=30 StallDragTableDeltaX=10.00 StallDragTableStartX=-180.00 StallDragTableData=0.001,0.012,0.043,0.082,0.152,0.221,0.294,0.408,0.564,0.795,0.937,1.018,1.142,1.122,1.000,1.122,1.142,1.018,0.937,0.749,0.562,0.451,0.367,0.292,0.201,0.123,0.062,0.026,0.008,0.001 StallXacShiftTableNumData=30 StallXacShiftTableDeltaX=10.00 StallXacShiftTableStartX=-180.00 StallXacShiftTableData=-0.324,-0.322,-0.275,-0.248,-0.235,-0.219,-0.202,-0.178,-0.161,-0.144,-0.120,-0.103,-0.087,-0.077,-0.074,-0.047,0.000,0.000,0.000,-0.047,-0.081,-0.103,-0.132,-0.168,-0.202,-0.224,-0.245,-0.275,-0.322,-0.324 DownwashAlphaTableNumData=30 DownwashAlphaTableDeltaX=10.00 DownwashAlphaTableStartX=-180.00 DownwashAlphaTableData=0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,-0.004,-1.642,-3.229,-4.715,-6.050,-7.210,-8.151,-8.844,-4.737,0.831,6.428,9.837,8.241,5.677,3.883,1.961,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000 Chord=1.18 Ymac=-0.94 MovingSurface=TRUE ControlSystemID=1 MinExtentPosition=-1.36,4.718,0.043 MaxExtentPosition=-0.485,6.096,0.15 CollisionPoint[001]=-0.537,5.279,0.091 HasVortexEmitter=TRUE VortexEmitterName=WingtipVortexEmitter VortexPosition=-1.3,4.77,0.09 VortexG=3.5 SystemName[001]=LeftElevator [RightCanard] ParentComponentName=Nose ModelNodeName=Canard_R DestroyedNodeName= ShowFromCockpit=TRUE DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE DamageRating=DISABLED MassFraction=0.005 HasAeroCoefficients=TRUE LiftSurface=TRUE CL0=-0.0198 CLa=0.1450 CD0=0.0006 CDL=0.0002 Cmq=-2.1048 Cmad=-1.1198 Cyb=-0.0087 Clp=-0.0061 Cnb=0.0042 CL0MachTableNumData=9 CL0MachTableDeltaX=0.40 CL0MachTableStartX=0.00 CL0MachTableData=0.972,0.984,1.000,0.763,0.534,0.387,0.205,0.169,0.086 CLaMachTableNumData=9 CLaMachTableDeltaX=0.40 CLaMachTableStartX=0.00 CLaMachTableData=0.934,0.979,1.000,1.070,1.208,1.983,1.588,1.284,0.976 CD0MachTableNumData=9 CD0MachTableDeltaX=0.40 CD0MachTableStartX=0.00 CD0MachTableData=1.494,1.120,1.000,0.962,1.343,1.601,1.371,1.288,1.226 CDLAlphaTableNumData=15 CDLAlphaTableDeltaX=4.00 CDLAlphaTableStartX=-28.00 CDLAlphaTableData=31.000,25.000,20.000,13.000,9.000,4.400,1.200,0.070,1.000,3.800,7.200,16.000,21.000,29.000,37.000 CmqMachTableNumData=9 CmqMachTableDeltaX=0.40 CmqMachTableStartX=0.00 CmqMachTableData=0.972,1.000,1.042,1.108,1.196,1.112,0.896,0.708,0.642 ClpAlphaTableNumData=15 ClpAlphaTableDeltaX=4.00 ClpAlphaTableStartX=-28.00 ClpAlphaTableData=1.474,1.361,1.264,1.182,1.121,1.068,1.034,1.012,1.000,1.015,1.034,1.079,1.134,1.208,1.285 XacMachTableNumData=9 XacMachTableDeltaX=0.40 XacMachTableStartX=0.00 XacMachTableData=-4.849,-4.852,-4.858,-4.876,-4.921,-5.024,-5.084,-5.136,-5.184 CheckStall=TRUE CLmax=0.2977 AlphaStall=43.87 AlphaMax=48.64 AlphaDepart=54.41 StallLiftTableNumData=30 StallLiftTableDeltaX=10.00 StallLiftTableStartX=-180.00 StallLiftTableData=0.000,-0.014,-0.026,-0.044,-0.059,-0.049,-0.034,-0.015,0.000,0.021,0.054,0.107,0.152,0.220,0.266,0.370,0.577,0.882,0.494,0.288,0.182,0.096,0.041,0.000,-0.015,-0.034,-0.051,-0.028,-0.014,0.000 StallDragTableNumData=30 StallDragTableDeltaX=10.00 StallDragTableStartX=-180.00 StallDragTableData=0.001,0.012,0.043,0.082,0.152,0.221,0.294,0.408,0.564,0.795,0.937,1.018,1.142,1.122,1.000,1.122,1.142,1.018,0.937,0.749,0.562,0.451,0.367,0.292,0.201,0.123,0.062,0.026,0.008,0.001 StallXacShiftTableNumData=30 StallXacShiftTableDeltaX=10.00 StallXacShiftTableStartX=-180.00 StallXacShiftTableData=-0.324,-0.322,-0.275,-0.248,-0.235,-0.219,-0.202,-0.178,-0.161,-0.144,-0.120,-0.103,-0.087,-0.077,-0.074,-0.047,0.000,0.000,0.000,-0.047,-0.081,-0.103,-0.132,-0.168,-0.202,-0.224,-0.245,-0.275,-0.322,-0.324 DownwashAlphaTableNumData=30 DownwashAlphaTableDeltaX=10.00 DownwashAlphaTableStartX=-180.00 DownwashAlphaTableData=0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,-0.004,-1.642,-3.229,-4.715,-6.050,-7.210,-8.151,-8.844,-4.737,0.831,6.428,9.837,8.241,5.677,3.883,1.961,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000 Chord=1.18 Ymac=0.94 MovingSurface=TRUE ControlSystemID=1 StructuralFactor=1.5 MinExtentPosition=0.486,4.718,0.043 MaxExtentPosition=1.36,6.096,0.15 CollisionPoint[001]=0.537,5.279,0.091 HasVortexEmitter=TRUE VortexEmitterName=WingtipVortexEmitter VortexPosition=1.3,4.77,0.09 VortexG=3.5 SystemName[001]=RightElevator Also anyone has info that this bird had a second airbreak like the fishbed front of the ventral fin? I can't find any info or photo which says it had. Thank you any info and advice in advance.
  12. Sorry my "miss-labeling" about autoroll I meant when the plane lifts it's nose up automatically due to sufficient lift characteristics on certain parts. Probably there is a better term for it (autorotate?), it doesn't meant the roll condition during flight. @blackbird: yes we do have little to beat the blueforce with. I planed 4 versions for this bird which might be its evolutionary road given the time - no 2seater though. I do have an other one in the works. Found a drawing in one of the aviation books about the mig29 when there was very little to know about, but probably it is just a hypothetical drawing.
  13. ini.

    Flightdata/missiondata001.cat If you plan to add squadrons might look at the Realism mod thread, Daddyarplanes made one very nice and expanded squadronlist.ini
  14. Thank you very much Fubar512! Based on the first comparison I seem to try give a lot more of the various "things", many which might not belong to this object properties. Like CdL tables, drag and stall values etc. Also if I make my calculated Cla (not the one above shown from me) to it's 1/10th value than the flips and autoroll stops. Actually the plane takes an auto roll above 214km/h (but keeps an 4,5deg attitude which I set for the AI for take off roll) and if throttle is given than auto rises to the air at around 324km/h. The stab and canard positions during flight seem to straightened out. It was a great help. Now I going to fiddle around some of the values. @Blackbird: Thank you. To be honest this is my second take on it also, and since last summer hardly had time to do much on it, but slowly going to make it complete. Recently only the FM got "worked" on it and if time allows it than going to make some parts mapping also tomorrow.
  15. Based on the data I read actually the canards were movable and locked above 1Mach due to unsolved controlling issues, but could be fix locked from the start too or any time if there were some complications. In the FM I use about 1,25M for lock-out speed. Tanks for the info and kindness for your offer, do not worry I can't get to it before friday evening either.
  16. I might need a little more help. I did calculate the new CLa(DW), Mac, ymac values using Fubar512's tutorial from 2k7 with the aeroconverter and would like to go further with all the other drag,alpha,etc calculations as simply changing Tk's data with my actual data, resulted in a "nose into ground" attitude above 130km/h. Is there a comprehensive guide about all related formulas or site which is preferable to use? Or should I buy a book about aerospace engineering? An other question would be if I want to give lets say 21 reference values, what determines the sequence or parameters those values should be originated or their intervals. I mean is it speed (mach value in 0,1 steps) or altitude (1000m steps), or weight (kg), or ........ Thank you in advance. note btw: With the exception of XB70, kfir and J10 all canard (rafale, tyhoon, viggen, gripen, F31, F29) planes use negative Xacmach position values even when the min/max extend is only positive in Y-axis for the given mesh.
  17. The top left rail is the apuR-3R for radar atoll missiles, the apuR-3C similar but with the top front part angeled down is for the early IR atolls , you are right on the S-24 and the R-13. The single Apu60 is not on the picture.
  18. Thank you Fubar512, the CL0 change solved the dropping. More fiddle and test will be after work.
  19. Thank you very much PanamaRed and Fubar512 the info, honestly I had no clue about the meaning of +/- values in those parts. Just to make sure I understand it right we talk about the grey masked area on the pic bellow. (a bit slow on grasping after my 4th 12 hour shift this week) Also I did a quick data change and correction, the good news it is now reverted in direction, so some fine tuning will still needed, the bad (at least for me) I will have to rewrite and change many things in the FM as now want to drop like a brick. Is there any other related parameter which has this +/- relation? Also points should be given from root side outward the tip of the canard or from tip inward to root? Thank you again!
  20. Upgrades and Such to CombatACE

    Hi I sent 2franklins on their way and my membership will due to renewal next month but that option is not active yet om my board. renewal will be 69 and some change. Now thats all I can spare.
  21. You can try to use some other cockpit which has a single glass windshield - unless you want to use the above for a specific reason. Might save your trouble. I think those mesh parts are actually part of the windshieldframe so you going to end up loosing more than you intend.
  22. Thank you, also works in PS Elements.
  23. In Gimp2.8.xx the "Save" option only handle Gimp native formats, in these (newer than 2.6.xx) versions you have to make that step with "Export" option, but the other steps are identical. Btw, Nice tut spinners!
  24. May I ask nicely (while those in the works) to remap some of the components a bit differently or rotate if needed. I run into some skin attempts where the UW map of the nose's "radom" part (now mapped in 2 halves) and the both verttail's sensor boom (rotation problem maybe) gave some headache. The radom top and bottom section stretches greatly, and the sensorboom shows on the other side when complex figures or 2 different colors applied on each side instead of mono colors. See attached pic, and pls forgive for the hijack... On the nose I solved it with few decals (not shown), might do the same for the booms, but would be great in future.
  25. Welcome to the forum! SF2 will still go on some time, just the developer focuses currently on other market area, still he has modul Exp3 in the making for this series. I would not bug out just yet because it seems "the sea is too calm". Lots of great mods are there to fly.

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