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Everything posted by logan4

  1. If you have the accessing code from any of the previous purchases then you can log into the TW download center: https://store.thirdwire.com/mygames.php Then download it directly. Happy hunting! Logan4
  2. As your first post - Welcome to the boards! Merging simply means, if you have more than one of the SF2 titles, like SF2, SF2V, SF2E, SF2I, Exp1, Exp2, SF2NA then they are installed in the same directory. In my case its SF2_merged, but can have any names. The important is all the main installations go there. By default all the SF2 install .exes want to install in the same directory, means they create a merged install unless you change the target directory. You can find some additional information at the link bellow: http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB3w/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=6582 Also if you dig deeper into moding your installs then the next might help as well: http://combatace.com/topic/62302-what-is-the-mod-folder/ Hope it helps! logan4
  3. Don't give up on it mate. Your killmark works see the pic bellow. Unfortunately the plane I used had no more room for decal on the nose mesh so its on the fuselage of it. Why you think it is improper format? Can your problem be a wrong call out in the decal.ini? or a position thingy or maybe an already full mesh with decals? I had this later happen to me many times. But it is your call, all I can say, take few days off from it then take a look at it again.
  4. It relatively unimportant as it only relates to the created tga, you can chouse either. I normally leave it on the merge option and press export (or just press enter). After that you will get an other window asking the save option. There it is important that you leave empty the "RLE compression" option Sorry for the late reply as I work in evening shift and just finished.
  5. Check out the files contained in this zip. It was created from the tga you gave in the first post, still needs some color correction as I didn't botherd with it. the tga was simply "saved as" from the basic file with a turned off background layer. Play/tweak/experiment with it to your likeing. tempkillmark.zip
  6. No problem, I myself am also a rookie in this field. Personally I never use the channel tab on the gimp. When I create a layer I use other names, like this pic only with the transparency option, then draw, write or copy the things I want to put on that single layer. The program automatically creates an alpha channel for the layer not need to add to it.
  7. Piecemeal, if you have the original file in Gimp as a layerd file - meaning the stars are on a different layer and a separate background layer, than the only thing you need to do is to turn off the visibility of the background layer and save the image as a .tga. I'm not sure which original format you use (psd, icx or other layered format) as the basic. Like on my attached pic, layer1 is the background color, it is off and if I save the file as it is shown then only saves those 2 selected visible layers on the tga. Automaticaly applying the alpha channel to the tga without any hassle. logan4
  8. I'm not counted as expert by any means, but the ending of the fairing behide the vertical tails and stabs looks deiiferent. The D-s have only one or no sensor fitted in them, the E-s have a square sensor fitted both on left and right side, see links: F15D: http://www.deagel.com/library/KC-135-Stratotanker-and-F-15Ds_m02006112800355.aspx http://jetphotos.net/viewphoto.php?id=7007658&nseq=16 http://jetphotos.net/viewphoto.php?id=6912258&nseq=19 http://jetphotos.net/viewphoto.php?id=6892555&nseq=21 http://jetphotos.net/viewphoto.php?id=6929344&nseq=17 F15E: http://jetphotos.net/viewphoto.php?id=6302002&nseq=4 http://jetphotos.net/viewphoto.php?id=6056274&nseq=6 I hope they show up...
  9. It is in your main installation's /Flight folder and you will need the TW cat extractor to extract the required file. You can download here: http://thirdwire.com...loads_tools.htm (2nd from top) When you look for the file, make sure the right hand bottom corner field says what the attached pic shows.
  10. Actually I meant the color of it compared to the other parts of the ship, but looking at the link you provided that fits well too, seems sooted from the first 2 chemnies. Thanks the info there is always something to learn for a land rat.
  11. I think (note I'm not a programer) that DM modelling could work on similar principles like the damage textures on the existing planes, maybe that is how the above scene was acomplished, certanly some sub-system targeting would be good otherwise can be very hard to accomplish a SEAD/DEAD mission on ship defences. True on the bomb bays. We can never know enough afore what surprises will waiting for us
  12. On the first pic with the Corsair and the ship only the central radar seems to be hit and damaged, but I can be wrong Edit- correcting typeo
  13. Happy to help, even if it is limited. An advice before you go too deep. Always keep a back-up effect folder that you know works. Also if an .ini file ask for overwrite sometimes good to rename the targetfile if you forgot to make a back up, that way you can revert quickly to your likeing. Good hunting! logan4
  14. Well its a shot in the dark, but you can try to look at the followings and see that you have all the .tga files listed in them, each should be in your Effect folder in your mods directory. AircraftEngineFireEffect.ini AircraftExplosionEffect.ini AIRCRAFTFIREEFFECT.INI Other than that can be also driver issue as EricJ suggested.
  15. The one for the ships you can find at the bellow address: http://combatace.com/files/file/11993-basic-naval-threat-library-for-rwr-displays/
  16. I'm not a programer so I have no idea howmuch it would take to make something similar to the way you had to direct the AGM62 in Jane's:IAF. Directing with the 4 arrows, this could be used for radar/seeker/released wire or command guidedweapons.....
  17. Bring It Iran

    Iran will go down the way Egypt, Libia, and Syria is going now, their own people will turn the tide, but before that starts might few bombs gonna fall to serve as catalyst to the process. All dictatorships will fall in the next comming years..
  18. Some Tornado skins you can find at the bellow address: http://combatace.com/files/category/192-tornado-skins/ 3 pages long, some with the "fancy" stuff too.
  19. Hi Padre, I can be wrong but with the fixed upgrade type you need to specify at least the month or the full date you want the upgrade, like the bellow example: UpgradeType=FIXED Upgrade[01].Date=14/6/1986 Upgrade[01].Type=MiG-29A_Sy
  20. VFAT 2011

    Hi Gents, The Vitrual Festival of Aerobatic Teams' 2011 event is ongoing. Happens between the 2nd and 4th of December. In case you are intrested, solo and team flights mostly from 2PM (GMT) to 1-2AM (GMT). The flights are also recorded and can be viewed later if you missed one. Schedule: http://www.virtual-airshows.com/english/vfat2011/vfat2011schedule Live link: http://www.livestream.com/vfat Teaser: Have a great time! logan4
  21. Falcon-wip

    From the album screens

  22. Hi, I'm kind of new to modelling and working on few models of my own in 3ds max2k9, but with 2-3 of them I ran into a strange symptom. Namely when ever I try to land (landbases) and I descend to 40 to 50 ft AGL range the game freezes up and only ctrl-alt-del the solution to clear it. It happens with both type of lods either exported with decal or without it. This happens in SF2 regardless it is single or full merged install. I have tried the followings so far to pinpoint the faulty mesh but had no luck: - checked with 3ds max for any open mesh or surface or loose vertex - all was said good, no openings or problems - checked every mesh that it has the same amount of vertices, lines and polygons as it is visually accountable - no strangers - checked the direction of faces on all meshes - all faces/polygons are facing outward, no backflips - checked the min-max extents for every mesh - all is in the right place, size and position - direction and position of pivotpoints - all aligned with the max x-y-z coordinates as required in tw games centered to appropiate mesh with the exception of slats, flaps, rudders, ailerons and gear system components they are aligned to their proper angles and turning points. - exported and reimported either the whole model or given meshes that didn't seemed right, to formats, 3ds, obj - no difference - recreated most of the meshes from scratch - no avail either, some of them I had done or remade 5-6 times already - checked _Data.ini and cockpit.ini files for object parameters - I saw no problems with the values as the min-max are set based on the min-max exporter list. - no loose mesh in models that are not linked to either the fuselage or given related mesh and the fuselage is the top-most in the list 2 of the models are not UVW mapped yet, but the third is in the middle of mapping, the meshes are either "editable mesh" or "editable poly", none of them "line, bolean, cilinder or such". No animations were set in the models yet. The meshes are using the standard blinn type max materials with the exception of canopyglass and formation/position lights or IRST sensors, each required tga is located in the given plane's skinfolder. Number of materials are bellow 8 on each model No meshes are set with "backface cull" parameter. Models are around 20-24k polys and 48-73k verts, number of nodes ranges from 82-107 (but these will change slightly) Models were made in "meters" where 1m equals 1m. I have gone through the knowledge bases in sf1 and sf2 sections but didn't found relevant information. Earlier I had decal issues with some meshes but those seem to be sorted out as I started to UVWmap the model and done it on those given meshes, now those show correctly, but this landing freez issue still persist. Any advice will be much appreciated. Thank you very much in advance! logan4 A side question: What is the best/proper solution to avoid second decal showing on the inside of the intake or cockpit? Only with separate mesh for the interior of it or detaching the inside somehow (wouldn't this create open mesh)?
  23. Hello Gents, Sorry for getting back so late but, haven't got much time recently. So far not much progress, but noticed a vierd thing. If I use the older, not the dec2010 max exporter, than in the F6 view it zooms off from the plane to about 200m. It is still better than the 106004800300000km I had with that same exporter a year ago. With the dec exporter the "F" views work normally. If anyone has some notion about that please share. Thank you very much in advance. Logan4
  24. Hunter F.58 is the Swiss version of F.6 with air-to-ground features of FGA.9, modified to carry AIM-9s in 1963, and uprated engine in 1970 as F.58A. Includes 3 player aircraft versions with 2 Swiss Air Force texture sets.

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