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Everything posted by logan4

  1. The bellow link is for an M4000C test flight video and its pit during a random fighter sweep mission. Some quality got lost during scale down and format conversion so not everything is as sharp. Birds are in progress, finishing up lower lods for each type and few more skins to go.
  2. Independence Day

    Whatever will be the outcome I wish well for UK. The EU certainly needs a great reform and weeding out the ignorant and corrupt leadership beside other refinements (just like any other country on earth). One of that some rearrangement so unequal economies can live next to each other with a chance for the weaker to get better while not wrecking the stronger companions. Just a note for one of the above comments. Greatness of Britain come form colonization and sucking out the wealth and reaches of other lands (similarly to France, Spain, Portugal, etc). Not sure it gonna fly well in today's society. France will face some back leash when the African states realize they should not pay 500 billion a year to France as colonial tax, rather use that money to dig themselves out from the hole instead of getting deeper each year as they nowhere get the same value of return from them. Colonization and lack of care of proper growth in those areas left us with plenty of fire spots (near-,middle-east, and several african states). Same with splitting up the world and territories among the "powers" or forcing their will in those areas. Nowadays people start to have the need for honesty, integrity and accountability and will tolerate less and less corruption and dishonesty and alike, this trend will grow and grow so be ready for some strange changes and rearrangements around the planet be small or big, be that everyday life, politics, healthcare, business or banking/financing. Will each will bring something to split up or rather putted together we will see, probably both will come in all sizes and shapes until will have a workable solution for all and each area/continent. So fasten your seat belts and get ready for the ride....oh....might take few years or generations, but it will be something no one can sit out on the fence, each will have to get dirty.... please go to vote when required as you would have no right to blame others if you miss the opportunity to change something when you still had a say in it. Now you do, all I can say: Good luck, whatever happens!
  3. If you yourself create the 3d model then I would link the upper objects to the base mesh, same like any ground object or aircraft mesh hierarchy, that would keep them on place. If you try to stack something already existing, the answer is already in the above posts I think.
  4. Gripen E unveiling 18 May 2016

    In case someone is interested and has time to watch, the unveiling event of Gripen E will be streamed by Saab on the bellow address. It starts at 15:00 (3:00PM) on 18 May 2016 Central European Time. No registration or such is required. Enjoy it! http://saab.com/air/gripen-fighter-system/gripen/gripen/evolution-evolution-event/
  5. Gripen E unveiling 18 May 2016

    Your welcome! In case someone missed it, there is a 1 hour 19 minutes video of the unveiling event at the same address linked in first post.
  6. Boresight, I did not addressed only you, but the whole, as most made ridicule not even thinking how their own train apart the high tech, plenty of dough components. Yes, gas availability could be a factor for strange things. For example our AF pilots had to spend more hours in L39s than in Mig-s just to have enough flight hours on a yearly level in late 90-s and early 2k-s as the relative costs were much lower than for the 21/29 series. Just with an analogy. On over all I would not take conclusions of a whole 2hr movie just by seeing 5 seconds from it. As for capability many people nowdays could laugh on the under dressed state of bushman or tribes living in the jungle and the level of weapons they use. Yet would be frantic to try to stay alive when a poisonous dart or arrow just scratch them. Sure when little Kim feels time has come, it will be a short and devastating war for NK, but I would not underestimate any enemy. A stray bullet is a stray bullet and even if a person not want to be in its way it will find someone eventually.
  7. Actually nothing bad about it. Any and all AF uses AC models on sticks to imitate different maneuvers - yes, even yours - on training, debriefings or even pre-flights and no one makes ridicule of them. The Russian Knights and Swifts also make ground training and when they put on a spectacular display no one cares what different ways they did drill for it, the spectators just enjoy the show. And if you think it over it saves gas before a rookie busts your tail as got too close to you on its first 2 ship flight. Sure would be better in a simulator set up, but even this way has benefits.
  8. Do you have these statements in the textureset.ini? DecalNumberStart=0 DecalNumberEnd=8 If yes, then I would check the decal naming to make sure ARVNose00/ARVTail00 (for the above entry) is ARV0301 on both type, and so on ARVNose01/ARVTail01, ARVNose02/ARVTail02,etc. Also use a numbers.lst that has them 0301,0302,0303..till 0309... or just plain 0,1,2,3..8. as if the above start/end entry is not set the game might tries to look for other number, probably that is why lead chopper has no decal number. Edit:rewording
  9. Did you already changed in the 'flight control" section these values? MaxSpeedSL=352.93 MachLimit=1.35 If those are set to your taste, you can compare some values with Mig-19/J-6 data.ini-s that operates in similar speed range.
  10. Based on the look of the cockpit.ini I would say disable "seat" and "seat2" entries you can find right after the list of instruments (they are set as hud_mode_indicators so when you change from Nav mode to AA or Ag the seat position should change between front and back). After that you might still need to edit the main pit position entry values so your view is correct.
  11. Thank you very much all responses regarding the guide question, will proceed accordingly.
  12. Ailerons and elevators are not animated, the game engine moves them based on the relevant parameters of the ac_data.ini, what you have to do is to position and align their pivots to the rotational axis so they would move correctly. We usually only animate flaps (if not simple rotating flap), airbreak, etc.
  13. Well, this pit is 15cm wider than the nose of the M2k model. Unless you hide it would look funky.
  14. Good day Gentlemen! While preparing some of the guides for the aircrafts a question emerged on which we would like to ask your opinion or preference. What would be better from the point of an end user? option A - to have an aircraft and cockpit guide for each release package, option B - to have an aircraft and cockpit guide that covers all variants in a single file, even if some of the items would be available at a later date then the guide itself. Thank you very much all comments in advance. This is the cover of it...
  15. Although I don't have a pilot, one thing you can try with those meshes that deform is to export them as an .obj file before resetting any, then re-import them into the model. Usually works for me in similar circumstances. There could be other better solutions to that but I only know this way. After that you only have to realign the pivot so rotates correctly.
  16. Yes, correct. Normally you would find 2 arrangement type, one that is centered in the mesh (mostly matches world axis orientation), the other is off-setted from center position (mostly used by moving surfaces) this later can be in any angle/direction compared the aircraft/world basic axis alignment. Something like this, what you can see in 3dsmax.
  17. I can be wrong, but the game not allows you to see that. Any external mesh that are not part of the aircraft or the cockpit lods will be hidden if you try to look at it from inside. that is why any fakepilot objects (IRST, refuel probe, seats, etc) are not visible from the cockpit either. You will see it on an external view, but never from inside the pit as far as I experienced it.
  18. I personally never create an alpha layer when using gimp. When I set up my first layer I chose transparent and put my stuff on it or onto several layers. When Exporting it as tga, gimp itself create the alpha stuff as the layers are translucent.
  19. None of those parameters are calling for an animation. The game itself actually can make to move many things/ways without any actual animation at all. To have it as animation you need to have one of the following entries: In first case, the movement of the cockpit item is triggered by an animation built into the aircraft model itself, not the cockpit. The game moves the item based on the given parameters, rotation(axis) and degree of with start and end points. [Canopyhandle] Type=EXTERNAL_ANIMATION_LINK <----- instrument system type NodeName=Canopyhandle MovementType=ROTATION_X <----- movement type and its axis, where motion will be created by the game engine (can be also _Y, _Z, or Position_X, _Y, _Z for linear movements) Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=40.0 Set[02].Value=1.0 ItemNumber=8 <--- animation ID in the aircraft model that triggers movement The second case, has a built in animation, and its use is triggered by an animation in the aircraft model. [Canopy] Type=EXTERNAL_ANIMATION_LINK NodeName=Canopyb MovementType=ANIMATION <--- actual animation AnimationID=1 <--- animation ID in the cockpit model ItemNumber=8 <--- animation ID in the aircraft model The trigger mechanism or system type for an animation set up can be other then external_animation, but that way they are rarely used by us. As to the original idea. In order to implement the same kind of shaking you will need 5 mesh which are built into the model in a certain liked way so the movement of any of the 5 will affect the given cockpit section as a whole. Unless you have that or have access to the sourcefile of the pit, you are unlikely to make that happen on other pits, like others already said above. Although you can experiment with one type of movement, if mesh linkage allows that. This is a segment from the mig29 cockpit out file, if you look at it you will see the relations. MNC05 (1 polys, 3 verts) '<No Material>' MNC04 (1 polys, 3 verts) '<No Material>' MNC03 (1 polys, 3 verts) '<No Material>' MNC02 (1 polys, 3 verts) '<No Material>' MNC01 (1 polys, 3 verts) '<No Material>' Cilindro04 (80 polys, 240 verts) '15 - Predeterminado' Rectángulo09 (2 polys, 6 verts) '08 - Predeterminado' Rectángulo12 (4 polys, 12 verts) '08 - Predeterminado' HUDCajaC (28 polys, 84 verts) '15 - Predeterminado' HUDCajaA (2303 polys, 6909 verts) 'CajaHUD' HUDCajaB (328 polys, 984 verts) 'CajaHUD' HUDSoporte (1000 polys, 3000 verts) 'CajaHUD' HUD (82 polys, 246 verts) 'HUD'
  20. Su-35S in Syria

    Those Frogfoots are Russian, they have the stars on the tail. The original 50 aircraft contingent was beefed up to over 69 by the end of the year, since that they still received newer ones joining the fight (or system evaluations/verification). edit. Although the Syrian forces got around 50 T-90 tanks and those are used by the previous T-72 crews.
  21. Dutch Police Training Eagles to Take Down Drones

    Lol...my bad... Unfortunately never heard of it, or if I saw it was probably under other title. Will try to search for it on the weekend.

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