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Posts posted by ndicki


    *tried the black/NM or white skin on the DAT Hurris and Spits, but due to mapping the Hurri's radiator will either be all black or all white (a decal can fake it, though). Same with the spits



    Ran into that with the CFS3 ones, which are originally the same model anyway - I got them remapped. Things are often a bit easier in the world of CFS3!


    While we're on Spitfires, apparently there's a trick by which you can remove/hide model meshes; I'd be interested to see if the stock Spit IXc can be modified so it no longer has the cannon/cannon stubs and wing bulges. Any ideas?

  2. Scan the data.ini and run a search for "ModelNode" - I think you'll find it is actually called 'nose', logically enough. If that doesn't work (for future reference here) use a hex editor to work through the model LOD file. Long job, but if you can guess the name, it helps! Final possibility is to contact the model-maker. They're all very helpful people and will be happy to advise.


    Another way to place the decal is to make it extra-big - say Scale=10.00 - and see where it appears. You can then estimate the size and placements needed more easily.

  3. I wonder if you can assign days and months to skins - think of early Spitfires. From September 1939 to December 1940, you have some five or six significant and noticeable changes in appearance - black and white undersides without roundels, black and white undersides with roundels, 'Sky' undersides using other similar colours with no roundels, true MAP Sky undersides with no roundels, then with roundels, then finally, Sky undersides with port wing black distemper, roundels and MAP Sky-Blue band and spinner...... It gets a bit complicated, even if you allow for there being a certain time lag between the AMO and its implementation. Not easy to juggle, but if you're a purist, it needs to be addressed.

  4. Just in case this has slipped through the net, it's possible to set service start and end dates more precisely than is usually done. GregoryP found this one - use the mm/dd/yyyy format and you get this:





    It may not be so important in post-war simming, as the rate of introduction of new types has slowed down considerably, but for WW2, it's a must!

  5. Seafire MkIII, Irish Air Corps

    Seafire MkIII (Modified), No.1 Sqn, Irish Air Corps, 1947 - 1955


    The Irish Air Corps bought 12 Seafires in 1947; these were denavalised by removing the 'hook' and at least in most cases, locking the wing-fold joints. They were numbered from 146 to 157. There is still considerable debate among the Irish aviation historians as to the precise colour used; they were clearly painted overall with a greenish-grey shade, possibly MAP Light Slate Grey. No detailled information is available. I have simply used one of the stock TW skins, slightly modified, although it is not single colour as it should be.



    For use ONLY with SF2 including the Israel Expansion Pack. This will NOT work if you do not have the stock TW Spitfires installed and working.




    Model and flight dynamics by Third Wire

    Cockpit by Kesselbrut

    DEcals and placement by ndicki


  6. ROKAF certainly participated Vietnam war. Only with C54 though... :grin:


    Here's their usual route.



    Thanks for nice skin. Mind if you can develop this nose art in next release? It's one of most symbolic and illustrious nose are in South Korean flight simulation community.


    I DID look at that, and didn't have the courage... It is outside the time frame specified, as it's in fact during the very early 1980s, I think, isn't it? If you can supply the marking in white on black, for example, I can make the decal easily. But if I had to draw each letter by hand, it would take days.......

  7. F-4D, ROKAF 1969

    MDD F-4D Phantom II, 110th TFS, 11th TFW, Republic of Korea Air Force, Taegu, from beginning 1969


    After some hard negotiating during 1968, ROKAF was given 18 F-4D aircraft in return for agreeing to transfer 36 on-loan F-5A/B aircraft (which ROKAF did not greatly appreciate in any case) to RVNAF. These aircraft were used by 110 Tactical Fighter Squadron, and supplemented by further deliveries over the years, remained in service with 110 and 151 TFS, 11th TFW until 2010. They retained their SEA camouflage at least into the 1980s.


    Serial numbers were simply based on the USAF serials, with the initial '6' removed - so the first aircraft delivered, USAF 64-0931, became ROKAF 40-931 and so forth.


    To the best of my knowledge, they did not participate in the Vietnam War, although given the Republic of Korea's considerable contribution to supporting South Vietnam, it is a reasonable what-if...

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  8. Hello - Just wondering whether it would be convenient/possible to change the default size of the photos for the file library from square to, say, 4:3 or 16:9? As aircraft are generally long and thin rather than short and squat, it makes adding decently-detailed shots that bit more difficult. Hardly high priority, but it's just something I keep having trouble with. Thanks!

  9. I have been examining the .dds format, so far... my efforts has ended with no result of showing the test skin I have made.


    Is there a good tutorial on converting .psd to .dds or .bmp to .dds? I would think that the most likely format conversion is from .psd to .dds?


    Also, under the save as DDS, the window does not allow me to select the "Save:" options? I can only select 'compression' or 'format' selection?


    I assume I should be saving my skin under the specific layer I want? Saving under Cube or Volume takes a lot more work I think?




    Have you modified the model LOD files to look for .dds files? If not, it'll still be looking for the appropriate BMP files. You need to work through the model with a hex editor, changing each BMP entry to DDS. The easiest tool is Martin Wright's DXTBMP - I have no idea of the settings to use, but I use DXT1 with no alpha, for most things.

  10. What would be good is if there were a way of randomising the skin on the fuselage, so the aircraft in the flight had different patterns of camouflage, never mind different individual numbers. If it's possible to paint the camouflage blotches onto a decal without losing the panel detail - presumably also on the decal - it might be interesting. But I know very well I don't have the energy and patience!

  11. This will be coming soon - it's a repaint of Monty_CZ's S-99 as a late-production Bf109g-6 or g-14 - there was actually no difference between the late g-6 and the early g-14, so it can do either. The tall tail and Erla canopy appeared in the autumn of 1943, and while they were not universal until mid-1944 or later, they do mean that this aircraft can be used for any 1944-45 scenario.

  12. Spitfire MkIXc, No.303 (Kosciuszko Polish) Sqn RAF

    Spitfire MkIXc, No.303 (Kosciuszko Polish) Sqn RAF, 1943-44


    For use ONLY with SF2 including the Israel Expansion Pack. This will NOT work if you do not have the stock TW Spitfires installed and working.




    Model and flight dynamics by Third Wire

    Cockpit by Kesselbrut

    DEcals and placement by ndicki


  13. Veltro, first I'd like to say thank you for all the work you've done! And welcome you to SF2...


    Which leads me to the next thing - SF2 is more resource-hungry than SF1 for any number of reasons, so if I may dare to make a suggestion - LODs. My computer isn't the hottest, and I'm sure I'm not alone in this - aircraft with multiple LODs are ideal for use in realistic numbers, while aircraft without lower LODs can slow things down very considerably till you're looking at a slideshow. I've noticed that many WW2 add-on aircraft don't have LODs, which is a shame, because they don't get as much use as they deserve. Not complaining here, and certainly not trying to hurt anyone's feelings - just saying that I'd love to see more Italian aircraft I can REALLY profit from!

  14. AvHistory WW2 1% Flight Dynamics files

    View File

    New 1% flight dynamics and damage profiles for the following aircraft:















    gregoryp is well known within the flightsims world for the extremely realistic flight models he has produced for a number of sims; these are among the most recent, and accurately reflect the characteristics of each aircraft.


    All credit goes to gregoryp and Bear of AvHistory.



    The Engine sounds for this mod are in Sound Mods



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