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About Coupe

  1. Mike I had the same problem. Go into the data.ini file of the F-35B, at the top change NationName=USMC to NationName=USN. That did it for me. Coupe
  2. I think this was talked about but could not find in the forums. Anyway, if any of you can get your hands on this weeks issue of Aviation Week & Space Technology there is a great article on Boeing's F-15SE Silent Eagle. It was built under a secret project called Project Monty. Maybe the mag should be called Aviation Leak & Spy Technology. Coupe
  3. Thanks gang, I knew it had to be something simple. Thanks again for the help. Coupe
  4. Hey gang I hope I have this request in the proper place. This goes out to the 1391 of you who downloaded ravenclaw_007 F-14A/B/D mod. Has anyone but me had a problem making this work?? I have been downloading stuff for years and have no problem following directions but this one has me stumped. I follow it to the letter but the only change I see is half a pilot sticking out the bottom of the jet. So anyway if anyone has had a similar problem please let me know how you made it work, Ill keep trying. I'm sure it's something stupid I did not do right. By the way, I did do a search but came up with nothing. Cheers Coupe
  5. Hey allenjb42, I'm having almost the same problem. I'm running "The Dragon" in WOE. In WOE single mission and campaign, the tail numbers come up no problem. But when I run "The Dragon" campaign, no tail codes. In the load out screen the paint scheme will show in the box, but no numbers in the number box. It's a fun campaign but having the tail codes show up would make it better. I have even down loaded other campaigns and compared the files to see if something was missing or needed to be tweeked. I feel your pain. Coupe
  6. Thanks Brady for setting me straight. I appreciate you taking the time. I still wish I could take out those green F104s. Coupe
  7. I downloaded the Oct. 08 patch for WoE from the Third Wire download page. Coupe
  8. To any experts out in SP1 land. I did go through the forum looking for an answer but could not find one so here goes. Just put WoE back on the hard drive with the new patch, some new jets and terrains. I like Gephards Formosa 1.0. I downloaded comrpnts WoE static aircraft pack so I could trade out the green F-104s in the Formosa terrain with F15A's. Followed the instructions to the letter but the F15's look like they have sunk into the parking ramps almost up to the canopy. I know I did something wrong but what? It's been allot of fun getting back into this, but I would really like to trade out those green f104s. Any ideas ? Thanks Coupe
  9. Hey Falcon, try this for the F15 sounds. Open the F15c Data File, scroll down untill you find [sounds]. Now make the next line look like this, EngineSoundName=JetEngine Don't forget to "save". You should be good to go with the jet sounds. Coupe :)

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