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About RedBladeHR

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    Aircraft skining, games, 3D modelling, Visual Programming, Mod Development, Aviatics.


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  1. Swiss Mirage 2000

  2. MiG-31_Foxhound

  3. File Name: MiG-29 ZOE Skin v1.0 File Submitter: RedBladeHR File Submitted: 31 December 2007 File Category: Mig-29A/G/S Skins Unused ZOE Skin from AceCombat 2. HI-RES Enjoy! Click here to download this file
  4. Hey, why nobody posts screenshots?
  5. wich is the Best ACE COMBAT ?

    Well its true that pirates are almost 90% cheaper than original, but if they lower d price of original, example: from 50$ to 15 or 10$ there will be no more illegal downloads. And u forgot to add Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War for vote.
  6. I dont understand, friend sent me the link of that picture and he said that aircraft can fly. Well i trused him he said even rool works... anyway here is somti'n to repair d topic: (Belive me i can controll it!)
  7. wich is the Best ACE COMBAT ?

    What!?!? Sony screwd AC3 with Namco?
  8. wich is the Best ACE COMBAT ?

    Em, never heard of that game...
  9. Its flyable, roll works and up & down too!
  10. Heh, that chinese aircrafts reminds me to AC3... heh...
  11. wich is the Best ACE COMBAT ?

    Wow! That confuses me a bit...
  12. Heh, one in a million screenshot eh?

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