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Posts posted by echoco

  1. Hi,

    I've just got back to SF series after many years and will have to relearn everything.

    So I went and start a new campaign, any campaign, the game crash if I choose 'non' for service markings, is this a known problem?

    I've narrowed it down through trial and error, keeping other settings the same it seems like this one crash the game every time at the campaign name stage.

    Is there a way to fix it?


    I've patched it to 2013 patch and using Win7 64bit

  2. Hi, is it just me? but I vaguely remembered that in SF1 when I drop bombs there's a thud sound for each bomb, my SF2 games doesn't have this. I've reinstalled it 3 times now but still no thud sound, maybe I need to delete everything in the saved game folder?


    only had SF2 for a few days, contemplating getting the expansion packs for the MiG-15 but this sound thing bugs me.

  3. I hope Boeing wins, don't even know what airframe its basing it on but I hope its the 767. I like 767s.


    Off topic, can anyone point me to a place where I can read the reasoning for buying the Lakota please. I fail to understand why the Army is buying into another airframe, what benefits versus increased maintenance can it provide?

  4. can't they already load sidewinders on AWACS? No need for AMRAAM on th C17 maybe missiles on cessna 172 though with a surplus M60 machinegun and a box of matches and iron filings for counter measure and don't forget the hand portable GPS for precision weapon delivery. what a money saver.

  5. Also under the right circumstance an AMRAAM can hit a straight and level 747, but thats just me being silly.


    Thailand also consider buyng 6 Gripens, for supposedly training -_-' anyone care to comment of the usefulness of 6 gripens? they're supposed to be for training their imaginary Gripen squadrons, which I doubt they'll buy. (its totally political/corumption motivated buy)


    The imaginary Gripen squadrons are to replace F-5s in their airforce. Seems to me once their pilots are qualified to fly Gripens they wouldn't have a Gripen to fly, except the ones for training.

  6. The ejection seat must be as old as the aircraft and it probably haven't been upgraded like the aircraft and it still works. What generation of ejection seat are on on thesedays?


    The pilot survives adn thats what matters most. Would this mean that since the test flight resulted in an accdent they'll be reevaluating the upgrade program?

  7. Uh...China stole the W-88 plans from Los Alamos (the most advanced American designed nuclear re-entry vehicle and one of our most closely guarded secrets, period)...during the Clinton Era of let's be friends with China...so while there is some merit to your point, not selling to Japan due to its proximity to China gives me pause.


    how much easier would it be for China to steal W-88 if it was exported.


    Just curious, does anyone know when Australia is going to make the decision?

  8. HI, I've been following your T-38 development and looking forward to it. Don't really like air force aircraft much but the T-38 is different especially if I could fly in the back seat, just to be different and since there's no weapons anyway.


    Also this gave me an idea, if other aircrafts like F-5F, F-4, F/A-18D... had the back seat version then I'd really love to fly missions as the back seater. Put the aircraft on auto pilot and guide weapons all day long.


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