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Posts posted by raptorman

  1. P-3C


    P-3C AIP


    P-3C CUP






    All models will have the visual feature to turn off the outer engines.

    In fact the thrust will stay the same, just the Props stop and rotate in gliding position...

    The GPU and tow bar are part of the model and will be for parked aircraft.

    A P-3B of the argentine navy, capable to carry 2 Exocet missile, dutch skin for the CUP and japanese skin for the P-3C will be included.


    Hey Florian: I have some great profiles for all of the variants including the A and B with the "chin" camera just below the nose. Lemme know if you want to have them.

  2. P-3C


    P-3C AIP


    P-3C CUP






    All models will have the visual feature to turn off the outer engines.

    In fact the thrust will stay the same, just the Props stop and rotate in gliding position...

    The GPU and tow bar are part of the model and will be for parked aircraft.

    A P-3B of the argentine navy, capable to carry 2 Exocet missile, dutch skin for the CUP and japanese skin for the P-3C will be included.


    Just what I needed. Those look great. Looking forward to a release. I have lots of skins in the works...

  3. Nice shots Maj:


    Whe I see shots like this I look at the upper edge of the wing to see low pressure zones, I look at the spread of the primary feathers, I look at the tail fan...birds are incredible creatures. That is why I love flight so much, avian and human-based.





  4. Hi folks: Been showing my wee lads videos showing fighters taking off, etc. Noticed that all vids show afterburner. I imagine the engine puts out enough thrust without the extra kick of the afterburner. Apart form a need for a quick departure when needed, is there any reason why afterburner is used when you are not heading out to intercept?


    Just curious



  5. The base where we moored was surrounded by trees. As we were there in October, the leaves were on the ground in such large quantities that the access road was indistinguishable from the shoulders. I drove a shuttle van between the hotel and the base on my duty days and had trouble following the road during the day and even more trouble at night. The large 4-legged animal with horns frequenly blocking the road must have been a Roosevelt Elk? Didn't ever get a good look at his head, always assumed it was a Moose since I was in Canada. I believe the Navy Research base we moored at was Nanoose. There was a buoy in the center of the bay and a bald eagle would circle around and then perch on it and scaring away all of the other birds and small animals (i.e. the area would go silent before I could even see the Eagle). I stood a lot of watches overnight in the cold and rain. Didn't really enjoy the trip other than seeing the Mk 50 torpedoes try to find us in shallow water at slow speeds. Hint: never, ever volunteer to be a diesel submarine sailor if a nuclear boat is available. Nuke boats are much more comfy, if a sub can ever be considered to be comfy.


    Likely a Roosevelt Elk yes. No Moose on Van Island. Sorry to hear about your not so pleasant experience here. The Island is a wonderful place otherwise. Thanks for the stories Streak!

  6. Great shots! I wasn't allowed to even speak to Russians, much less drink with them. I did get to meet some Canadian sub sailors on Vancouver Island while doing playing target on a torpedo range near Nanaimo. I gave them my ball cap for a beret. Still have the beret :)




    I live just south of Nanaimo. What branch of the service were you in and when was this? Just curious...

  7. Yes...I have Win 7 with DX9/10/11 all on this machine and they all play nice.


    I run all the SF1 and SF2 series and there are no problems.




    Hello again:

    Just installed 9.0c and the Directx tool still says version Directx 11. All graphics are OK except the clouds and the lower horizon still have the anomaly - a slight checker-boarding. Some new aircraft I have installed have the same checker-boarding on their skins.


    Any other advice. Thanks by the way!


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