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Everything posted by Stick

  1. That's staggering-an interior designer (construction and fit out work) charges about 22K for full design related work in SEA for small to medium scale projects; no doubt a different discipline, but I presume the fundamentals are the same. i suppose when you count the time involved for refining the model, skinning work and the FM, it adds up. If that is the kind of money needed for game development, he really should be looking at investors to support him.
  2. Circular Runways

    Au contraire, he is an engineer and an ATC professional; operations and management from what I understand of his profile below; https://www.linkedin.com/in/henkhesselink/
  3. Even ODS has some ramp starts (Harriers if I am not mistaken) as well just off the runway. From what I understand you have to place the aircraft there through an ini edit in the mission file.
  4. Try this weapons pack... http://combatace.com/files/file/15167-red-side-standard-weapons-pack-full-beta/ The Acrid is a good missile and I have been hard pressed attempting to defeat it, both in the Baz and the Netz when flying against the Foxbat over Israel. Tactics would typically be High Speed High Altitude, as mentioned by Gepard. Why would you want to get into a turning fight against an opponent with superior weapons and situational awareness?
  5. I believe that is linked to individual squadron supplies, again in the campaign data.ini
  6. This would be a function of the supplies available; try this in the campaign data.ini: Supply=10 NormalSupplyRate=10 OffensiveSupplyRate=-20 DefensiveSupplyRate=-5 SupplyForOffensive=60 What would happen is one offensive mission would effectively exhaust your supplies, or that of the enemy. To completely remove ground battles and the consequent requirement of CAS, try: GroundOffensiveAllowed=FALSE StartGroundOffensive=0 The skill level is a function of what appears in the Nations.ini which I suspect for Iran might be: PilotTrainingStandard=POOR Change to EXCELLENT. Historically Iran recorded far more kills than the US Navy, thereby vindicating the Tomcat! To make doubly sure,try in the aircraft_data.ini: MinAIQuality=Veteran MaxAIQuality=Ace Also make sure you are using the latest data.ini. The older versions induced the AI to pull way to much AoA, and not keeping the speed up. How you control your wingmen is crucial. i find spacing them out before getting into an engagement helps them get into position better. Pilot selection also counts. Or remove the statements as applicable*
  7. Compassionate Times Bating Angels Enter the Adir
  8. The hustle Fient by broad day Shadow to my left Gauges to my right... Banshee John, I'm only dancing Imminent Overshoot Pop goes the weasel Passing mortals we
  9. Or ensure that the Minimum AI quality is Ace or Veteran in each aircraft. This will give you hell!
  10. Looks good enough to fly the coop! Oh wait..I said the same thing months ago!
  11. Doffin' the Hat Up is Down; Down is Up-When sh*t don't change Egress Old School Enter the Flagon!
  12. Peregrine When I go down, I go down in flames My kinda Hipsta
  13. Windows 10 AU Has Just Killed My WOV Flying!

    Just save your pilot and copy the file to the new mod folder!
  14. Windows 10 AU Has Just Killed My WOV Flying!

    Yep, even I got screwed!
  15. Quite right. If you delete the stock Objects folder, the new Objects folder you introduce will no longer have any reference to the Stock aircraft, unless you repopulate them with the specific stock aircraft folders containing the relevant aircarft.ini Allow me to elaborate; Lets assume you are installing ODS. After the process of creating the Mod folder by copying the .exe, renaming it, starting it...etc, you then delete the Objects folder within as directed. Then you copy the aircraft mods that ship with the ODS package. You will find there is an F-15C but no stock F-15A as originally part of SF2:Europe. If you want it you will have to re-introduce it.

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