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Everything posted by Stick

  1. I think this is great for escort missions.
  2. Anybody firing AMRAAMs successfully from this Raptor?
  3. Flightengine.ini will go into the Flight folder. The weapon data call out amending the specific effect sought to be implemented will go into the weapon folder; i.e.; B61_data.ini
  4. Mi-24 Skin

    Please don't Wrench-language may be an issue so compiling a read me should not get in the way of releasing a quality skin. Allow me; This skin is the latest of the excellent skins released by WINGSOVERISRAEL. It may be used in the SF2 series. This skin is meant specifically for the Mi-24P Hind created by YEYEYE, available here; http://combatace.com/files/file/12899-mi-24p-public-beta/ Now go fly like a Crocodile.
  5. I don't think you will be able to target the aircraft. Right now its set up only for ground targets.
  6. Why don't you go ahead and release it? Looks terrific.
  7. This incident is from April. My tuppence is that it is propaganda. This is an Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer we are talking about, not some tugboat. http://news.usni.org/2014/04/14/russian-fighter-buzzes-u-s-destroyer-black-sea.
  8. Thats right-the camo versions were EJ's
  9. Those Sparrows are semi-recessed. The bombs and Phoenix missiles are not.
  10. This is an Insky mod. Flexing those canards;
  11. DARoot, I for one, find your criticisms in very bad taste. However, if your comments are in fact intended to be constructive, a good indication would be offer solutions toward the issues you had identified. Otherwise it would be much better to hold your peace until you could in fact do something about it. After all these modded efforts are free.
  12. Hey Shrike, been a while-I'm guessing each terrain must be having its own environmentsystem.ini which overrides the one in the flight folder.

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