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Everything posted by Stick

  1. SFG1WMSpeech.rar

    Good stuff!
  2. Wrench must be telepathic or something huh?!
  3. Ok I dont mean to hijack, and I haven't searched the forum but how did you install it onto Win 7?
  4. The best break is when you're trying to get away from an SA-8- It does take your wings. Happened to me in Desert Storm.
  5. @Stary-well the effects are all yours chief-I am a fan!!!...dloading your unified effects now lets see how they work in SF1 @cadeteBRA-They got Gimped-mostly contrast and soft glow!
  6. Check this line in the Campaign data.ini MaxMissions=.... Otherwise hang in there chief!
  7. Jungle Patrol

    Echo that!!!!
  8. Looking forward to it-especially the egyptian ones!
  9. Taxi

    The Professional was a slick movie!
  10. I've done Operation Bolo like that and then I discovered I didn't have a gun.While the MiGs did.
  11. Harrier Flypast

    :dntknw:HA!. .
  12. BF Bad Company 2 Vietnam

    This newer than Medal of honor?
  13. Thank you for including the old lod file...so it works great in SF1...though I think I'm going to finally migrate to SF2 soon
  14. Oh c'mon it looks funny.:yikes:But it does have a single piece canopy! And for that matter, sure China does have a reason to be proud. The closest we Indians are getting to build anything is the Tejas or whatever, and that design itself is outdated let alone any mention to the contrary or of it actually going into production.I presume we've just hung up our socks while the T-50 rolls out! Cheers and Go China!
  15. Since Eric is getting all bashful-I will strongly reccomend his version!
  16. Sr71

    This has been done before boys so...drink a beer or something.
  17. Cockpits view too small

    Its been almost a year since Ive touched this but open up your viewlist.ini and look for [ViewClass002] ViewClassName=CockpitViewClass ViewType=FIXED_VIEW ViewGroupID=1 DefaultView=CockpitFront AllowFromDiffGroup=TRUE SnapView=FALSE InsideView=TRUE FocusObjectOnly=TRUE FOV=120.0 PitchControl=CAMERA_PITCH_AXIS YawControl=CAMERA_YAW_AXIS RollControl= ZoomControl=CAMERA_ZOOM_CONTROL JumpToViewSameGroup=FALSE JumpToViewDiffGroup=TRUE SmoothAngleTransition=TRUE SmoothPositionTransition=FALSE SmoothFOVTransition=TRUE RememberAngle=FALSE RememberFOV=TRUE LimitPitch=TRUE LimitYaw=TRUE LimitRoll=FALSE ZoomFOV=TRUE ZoomScale=0.01 PanScale=0.00160 MinSpeed=100.0 MaxSpeed=10000.0 Acceleration=2000.0 AngleRates=480.0,360.0,360.0 FOVRate=90.0 MinAngles=-135.0,-20.0,0.0 MaxAngles=135.0,110.0,0.0 MinFOV=15.0 MaxFOV=150.0 OffsetDistance=0.06 TrackIRUseAbsolutePos=TRUE This is what Im using in WOV, WOE and WOI!

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