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Everything posted by Stick

  1. That second Hornet shot is very sexy Coupi!
  2. I was just trying out the superb Su-15 again, and to my dismay I noticed the AA-3 doesnt have a skin on-just plain white. I tried renaming the bmp's to R-98 but to no avail. Anybody know what they are named, and how to get the skin on?
  3. Found a british guy i like

    There was this article ages ago in The Hindu, written by some pacifist bitch who was denouncing the Israeli use of rubber bullets on mobs. I couldn't help but think would she rather they use real bullets instead? Someone once described journalists as pornographers of violence.
  4. Cryptic Message

  5. Found a british guy i like

    The Selous Scouts were especially adept at handling these situations.
  6. Found a british guy i like

    When I read the topic I thought you were coming out of the closet!. 'post this video where ever you can' But after having actually watched it; sure thing. Spamming never had a better cause.
  7. Glad to see you are up and running.
  8. What is the AllowedWeaponClass? It appears as an unguided missile so thats why Im wondering? Right now all Ive got is AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,RP,IRM.
  9. And the winner in the AllowedWeaponClass is RCKT! As to the weapon editor acting funky that was the inadvertent result of some of the experiments suggested earlier. Problem solved- case closed and thank you very much.
  10. Thank you chum.By the way even your entry shows up as a missile
  11. 'Durandal is a bomb not a rocket, even if propelled by a rocket booster before impact. ' I know dude but I didnt design this! How do I pork it into a bomb then? Tell you'll what, would any of you''ll be so kind as to give me your entry for the Durandal? 'Designed to be dropped from low altitudes, the bomb's fall is slowed by a parachute. When the bomb is vertical due to the parachute's drag, it fires a rocket booster that accelerates it into the runway surface. The bomb explodes after it has penetrated the surface. This results in a crater that is large and difficult to repair, worse than a conventional bomb of comparable warhead size. The rocket can penetrate up to 40 centimeters of concrete, and creates a crater 5 meters deep and approximately 16 meters in diameter.' Now that just makes me want to BOMB A RUNWAY!
  12. Found the problem- When I open that entry with the editor, the Attachment options and Mission data sections are greyed out; i.e they cannot be edited. Now what do i do?
  13. And how does one edit tha. Ill just try what silvers talking about...be right back!
  14. still wont show with RP. This is the weapon data- [WeaponData151] TypeName=Durandal FullName=Matra Durandal ModelName=BLU107 Mass=125.000000 Diameter=0.223000 Length=2.500000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.200000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.370000 AttachmentType=ISRAEL,FRANCE,CHINA,BRAZIL,W_GERMANY SpecificStationCode= NationName=FRANCE StartYear=1965 EndYear=2000 Availability=2 BaseQuantity=40 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1965 ExportEndYear=2020 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=1 RailLaunched=FALSE RocketPod=FALSE Retarded=FALSE FinStabilized=TRUE SpinStabilized=FALSE HasGrowl=FALSE EffectClassName=SmallBombEffects ReleaseDelay=0.000000 WarheadType=7 Explosives=200.000000 FusingDistance=0.000000 ClusterBomblets=0 ClusterDispersion=0.000000 GuidanceType=0 Accuracy=100 MaxTurnRate=0.000000 MaxLaunchG=9.000000 LockonChance=0 LaunchReliability=100 ArmingTime=0.500000 SeekerFOV=0.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=0.000000 SeekerTrackRate=0.000000 SeekerRange=1000.000000 MinLaunchRange=1000.000000 MaxLaunchRange=1000.000000 Duration=60.000000 CounterCountermeasure=0.000000 NoiseRejection=0.000000 CapabilityFlags=0x10000000 LoftAngle=0.000000 DescentAngle=0.000000 MaxLoftAltitude=0.000000 CLmax=14.000000 MinFreq=0.000000 MaxFreq=0.000000 BoosterStart=0.500000 BoosterDuration=4.000000 BoosterAccel=-4.000000 BoosterEffectName= BoosterSoundName=parachute BoosterNodeName=Booster BoosterPosition=0.000000,-0.637000,0.000000 SustainerDuration=10.000000 SustainerAccel=200.000000 SustainerEffectName=RocketFireEffect SustainerSoundName=Rocket SustainerPosition=0.000000,-0.637000,0.000000 InFlightEffectName= InFlightSoundName= ReleaseAnimationID=1 ReleaseAnimationTime=0.500000 ReleaseAnimationDelay=0.500000 EODisplayFlags=0 CEP=0.000000
  15. The Green Hornet

    Thats good s**te man
  16. This is both informative and entertaining!
  17. Our sea harriers in goa used to have one long rollicking roll for take off!
  18. Much recommended for WOI/ WOE and WOV also!
  19. Not bad silver you rustled out a Ruslan

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