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Everything posted by Stick


    And thats a very qualified statement
  2. Sometimes you win Sometimes you dont.
  3. A little o/t but what does the operator see if he was jammed-like noise and fuzz on the screen, or is it similar to a lightning strike-that's wild but just asking?
  4. oh he understands english all right, and he doesnt deserve the benefit of anybody's doubt. its a distinctive trait of us Indians and Pakistanis, that besides having a poor sense of humour(which even i suffer from at times) satish, most of the information you seek is based on statistics or projected performance.
  5. Fitter over city.jpg


    http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/MFA+events/Around+the+world/Israel+and+China+mark+15+years+of+diplomatic+relations+24-Jan-2007.htm Though the article is old; theres a rather potent declaration 'Therecognition of China's importance for Israeli industry and economy,combined with government support for Israeli business enterprises inChina have made China a primary objective of Israeli business activity.' China uses the PL-8 missile which was a licensed version of the Israeli Python 3. This was in the '80's. Today Israel is China's second largest arms supplier, after Russia.Enough said. http://www.jamestown.org/single/?no_cache=1&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=34662&tx_ttnews[backPid]=7&cHash=738bf802ed What goes around, comes around.
  7. The Essence of Phantom; 201 The One(Recon) Squadron RF-4E streaking back home on August 20th, 1980.
  8. give me some advice

    DRDO, otherwise if you are looking to make money there should be lots of private contractors out there.
  9. Took her for a spin on normal FM and yes Dave I do concur, it can do many a nasty thing-so I must take back my earlier statement. Therefore this experiment was strictly to further develop the FM in HARD mode, as was done with the Mirage 2000D.
  10. Normal FM doesnt reflect the nuances of an uneven loadout or if you spend a munition on one side of the aircraft; Even on normal FM it isn't exactly the epitome of supermanoeuverability-no offence to the creator;heck the only thing I can do is copy and paste! What I tried to do here is explore the post stall possibilities-which are very restricted in the original FM. This is entirely based on videos Ive seen and of course that sneaky feeling that the Raptor maybe more manoeuverable than the Flanker.
  11. 11 Sept 01

  12. What a shame!

    Inter arma enim silent leges Is it a court martial, or a proceeding under normal criminal law(Strafgesetzbuch)? If its a court martial, well any soldier would be hauled up for an enquiry- in a civilized nations armed forces that is. Sure there are nations where a soldier is not accountable for human life e.g Somalia, North Korea, et cetera; if we didn't have such measures in place how would we be any different than those nations we criticize? While its the politicians who are the real monsters-I agree with you whole-heartedly on that count (theres no finer example than India for that matter) their victims are always the hapless ones; the fodder-society must prey on itself at some point, despite all the grand ideals and other such figments of the imaginations. We are all guilty-either for looking the other way, or for participating in the evil. Then to balance it out, verily to assauge our need to be just; to retain that last shred of humanity; we take shelter in the system. Thats where I like to pull away, roll a j and watch the aeroplanes fly.
  13. @Wrench (or any other interested party)

    That movie about Daniel Pearl was shot here in Pune, because they thought Pakistan was too unsafe to shoot a movie.
  14. Backseat F/A-18 Blue Angels

    http://alt.coxnewswe.../blueangels.swf Try and ignore Beatty
  15. @Wrench (or any other interested party)

    War of the worlds
  16. Ive done this in WOI and it just doesnt happen!Skin upgrades do though.
  17. Well you cant expect every one to share your particular point of view just because you are entitled to yours. Thats why its called a discussion or a debate.

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