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Everything posted by Stick

  1. Indian Jaguars to be re-engined

    Even today the Jag is one versatile adversary. And if we phased it out we would not be giving our cadets very much to choose between Western or Russian equipment...the former is quite a restricted choice anyway in our air-force...the latter is rather crash prone.
  2. You'll fly rings around them too...this particular FM turns inside the MiG-29 under 200Kts...trick is to get the thrust input right. Ive flown this plane seven times now...and its been very rewarding I just keep going back for more and more!
  3. They sure do If people are playing this on the older versions of the game you'll might want to add BaseRCSModifier=-0.000001 at the bottom of the [DetectSystem] section of the data.ini for the good ol' unseen and unheard business... Rocking plane gents, just plain rocking! awesome skins!
  4. FUBAR, please do put it up in the dloads-the HAWK's are a hit'n miss for me too...in my last install of WOI I had everything running fine and dandy....but could never manage to run it in WOE!!! Now after getting a new hard drive and attempting to re-install everything im also quite stumped as to how to get them to show.
  5. Mobile SAMs have to be defined as AAA(either MOBILE_AAA or STATIC_AAA) As for statics they have to be positioned around the radar(like the SA-2's or HAWK's). Keep abreast of how things are depicted in target types ini as well...a lot of times their being named differently from the target.ini or the actual object.ini is the reason for their non-appearance.
  6. I know...I'm travelling in the next few days so i just thought I might as say so now
  7. Wasnt there an absolutely gorgeous pit in the works by bigal1?
  8. advice for a new rig

    If you play the Wings over Series then lean toward Nvidia in the graphics department.
  9. Happy Birthday Column5 and Crab_02

    Many Happy Returns, gentlemen.
  10. Ive changed everything to one uniform colour...everytime I see that grren stuff Im reminded of the movie Independece Day
  11. Ive heard babbling ;now Ive read it too... Nice mission Guyran!
  12. Su-30MKI crashes, pilot killed

    Sounds more like the FBW going tits up-those airplanes are too new to be having structural failures. And this is tragic example of why Russian equipment costs a fraction of their western counterparts.
  13. I dont know about deadly but more powerful ... sure In the avionics ini look for [RadarData] AvailableModes=SEARCH,STT,ACM RangeUnit=KM RangeSetting[1]=10 RangeSetting[2]=25 RangeSetting[3]=50 RangeSetting[4]=100 RangeSetting[5]=150 RadarPosition= MaxElevationAngle=75 MinElevationAngle=-75 MaxAzimuthAngle=85 MinAltitude=50.0 BoresightElevation=-2.0 BoresightAzimuth=0.0 ACMMaxPitchAngle=60.0 MinReturn=0.1 MinimumSpeed=32.41 SearchRange=150 SearchStrength=425 TrackRange=100 TrackStrength=400 TWSUpdateTime=0.5 AcquisitionSymbolSpeed=1.0 AcquisitionResetPosX=0.5 AcquisitionResetPosY=0.45 AcquisitionResetTime=5.0 DisplayLimitLeft=29 DisplayLimitRight=226 DisplayLimitTop=0 DisplayLimitBottom=192 Alter to taste;the emboldened entries being the most relevant.A little warning- they are real hound dogs with the AA-6.
  14. Are upgrades solely for player aircraft in a campaign or does the entry have any bearing on AI squadrons as well? [AirUnit012] AircraftType=Shahak Squadron=117IDF ForceID=1 Nation=ISRAEL DefaultTexture=IDFCamo2 BaseArea=Ramat David Airbase BaseMoveChance=0 RandomChance=100 MaxAircraft=24 StartAircraft=24 MaxPilots=24 StartPilots=24 Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=20 MissionChance[sWEEP]=40 MissionChance[CAP]=50 MissionChance[iNTERCEPT]=0 MissionChance[ESCORT]=0 MissionChance=20 MissionChance[CAS]=0 MissionChance[sEAD]=30 MissionChance[ARMED_RECON]=20 MissionChance[ANTI_SHIP]=0 MissionChance[RECON]=33 UpgradeType=FIXED Upgrade[01].Date=01/01/1980 Upgrade[01].Type=F-16A_Netz Upgrade[01].Texture=IDFCamo1 The above entry is for an AI squadron in my campaign-but 1980 goes with no change in aircraft...how do I remedy this?
  15. Does it have anything to do with supply?
  16. its works great on player squadrons not AI...and I was all the way into 1981 when the MiG-25's made an appearance and I started wondering to myself hey arent the Netz' supposed to be here now? Now what Im going to do is retire the squadrons and reintroduce them with newer aircraft.
  17. Bermuda Triangle

    Like roses, my friend like roses...in fact thats the last thing those brave souls who went down around the triangle smelt.
  18. Horizon Mod

    I dont play first eagles but the enviro file is similar to WOI...have you'll tried cellinsky's sky mod...

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