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Everything posted by Stick

  1. It was early enough to still taste the tooth-paste that lingered in your mouth.It must have been the oxygen...everything was almost pristine. You inhale- it surges through your blood.You look on through the palely luminiscent HUD and its paradise outside; a moustached sun and gilded water, rolling hills that broke an unending horizon... and this once, as you should be, you are willing to kill for it. A rare sparrow. End over end swirling on wings of steel you show no mercy And suddenly you are it.
  2. What is your porn star name?

    Duke Mullen
  3. Ive seen that too in WOI-being chased by MiG-21...zoom climbed with him in to 50000 feet and tried then to loop over only discover him falling away like an aspen leaf; aircraft abandoned
  4. Are you using the MF C version for the SMT?
  5. Silverbolt!

    A very Happy Birthday to you!
  6. Daughter for sell

    I read this in a Wilbur Smith novel-quoted loosely-The best cure for racism is have someone shoot you or at you;then it it doesnt matter what colour(or race) the arse is that comes to save yours!
  7. Daughter for sell

    You should have relieved both those men of their manhoods! In case of these Human Rights bleeding heart types half of them are capable or atleast ripe for brainwashing to commit the extreme.
  8. Daughter for sell

    Did you guys know in many Muslim nations if a man commits rape he will be pardoned by the court if he agrees to marry his victim? Also in Muslim law there are marraiges of convenience(that is to say solely for the purpose of coitus; which can be annulled as soon as the man has had enough). What price morality? Here in India we have a frontline political party that boldly proclaims in its manifesto that it works toward the banning of computers so as to augment employment(Im sure the regression is quite evident and the awful logic plain to see).
  9. I dont know how useful this is for individual cases, but theres a Feb update from Nvidia that made peace with this mod atleast at my end ...check their site out...so far Im one happy f*cker!
  10. I couldnt wait till the 22nd and WOW!!! Hot GODDAMN!!!!!!!I think im going to keep playing till my comp blows up or something
  11. Nope no luck... I think I need to update the GPU-which will have to wait till the 22nd!Thanks so much anyway...
  12. you dont say buddy -trying some fiddling and farting around to make them glitches go away!
  13. Thats exactly it...what I was trying to get at was a squadron shift to Ovda for the sake of realism, ask column 5 for the exact entry in the campaign data ini to make that happen.
  14. Any guesses why im getting those white triangles in the background...I havent enabled bloom as Im using the dll to take advantage of the immense performance surge Ive been experiencing(without bloom)...what id like to resolve are those white triangles...
  15. True but I'd have these little triangles on the terrain and water that were rather unsightly-Im using an Nvidia 7300. But the performance surge is so much theres no going back!!!now to find a fix...
  16. [TargetArea188] Name=Ovda Airbase Position=458000,428000 Location=1 Alignment=FRIENDLY ActiveDate=1/1/1981>>>change to your fancy AirfieldDataFile=desert_airfield1.ini NumSquadrons=6 thats what you should be seeing... in order to enable it as a functional airbase for the earlier years change to a year you find appropriate...though Ovda was actually active only in 1981 historically...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ovda_International_Airport what Id suggest is have your squadron move to Ovda in 1981....right now I too am at a loss as to how to make that happen;it would require an edit in the campaign data.ini
  17. This may seem like a newbie question-but its been hounding me for quite a while now especially since Ive seen birds fly with them during combat exercises. In combat what is Standard Procedure? Do you jettison tanks before firing a BVR missile or hang on to them until you are in the furball-the extra legs do really count especially on them long range missions.
  18. As a matter of fact there is-in the terrain data .ini check the year in which Ovda is activated

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