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Everything posted by Stick

  1. Zoo Carnage

    Skin the little rat.Thank god India hasnt outmoded corporal punishment! Or throw him into a Juvenile Home and let him meet the big boys...who like little boys! Or better still...bury him in a nest of Driver Ants!
  2. I see CFT's. Man after my exams I ought to make a trip to Lohegaon and show you fellows the Sukhoi.Meaning Ill have to wack the girls camera!
  3. Remove the ViewList ini from your Flight folder,that way it should go back to your stock views.Either that or I dont know what Im talking about!
  4. You've single-handedly salvaged this aircraft.
  5. Thats true compare stock environment file and the one that comes with the mod. The specific entry of interest is [CloudLayer] TopTexture=CloudLayerTop%d.bmp BottomTexture=CloudLayerBottom%d.bmp Material=CloudLayerMaterial TileCount=21 NearTileCount=5 TileSize=4000.0 In the mod its [CloudLayer] TopTexture=overcast_top.tga BottomTexture=overcast_bottom.tga Material=CloudLayerMaterial TileCount=8 NearTileCount=2 TileSize=8000.0 I know it looks far better than stock but the last time I was listening clipping was the issue!
  6. Time For......

    When Im fat cat lawyer Ill come calling!
  7. Time For......

    You make it Ill eat sir! During Easter in Kerala we eat Tapioca and fish curry hot enough to send me into orbit around mars. Evertime I go to Kerala I come back 5kgs heavier after my grandmoms cooking. In fact as a kid I was really thin.My dad used to send my homeside to put some kilos on.
  8. Time For......

    Well to get beef Ive its a bit of an excursion Ive got to walk it too because these bloody Hindu's have a problem with us eating the holy cow and all.And I buy it from a mossie whose shop is within a slum area.Best part is the fellow talks to me about tenderloin amid such squalor. Calcutta and Kerala are a different story, there its legal.Im in friggin Shiv f***ing Sena country where they wave orange flags and are as clannish as a viking only with a boot up their backsides;they can be very stubborn people. Dave my point is why amid the buns?Carve it, knife and fork it you know.Screw the beans(makes you fart too;only thing ill eat beans is with eggs and bacon or at lunch with rice and meat curry and ... ok im going all native) fresh salads the way to go.
  9. Time For......

    Dave why'd you shred it up like that-thats what we do to left overs man-I mean you sweated over that for 4 hours!But yeah I know what you mean, when I cook for my friends( and theres two of them ) it takes quicker to demolish a kg of undercut than it does to cook it! Thats a pleasant sight compared to the meat we get here-heck ive got wash the meat(beef and pork are taboo here) before I can try anything.
  10. We had just taken out two MiG-21MF Fishbeds of the Syrian Air-force when my no.4 spotted two more entering into the fight. We were on our side of the border so I decded to light our tails,bug out, and let the newly acquired HAWK SAM's take care of them if they followed.No. 4 Major Zinker disregarded my call to form up, the MiG was already on him and he had no option but to engage. My wingman was low on fuel so I ordered him to return to Ramat David AB. I checked my gauge-the readout was reassuring.But I had no weapons, not even cannon, I had carelesslly sprayed 250 rounds after my 4th confirmed kill, which turned out to be a case of machine over man;the missile got him-so far Im a lousy gunfighter. Nevertheless I thought I'd attempt to shake the MiG off Zinker's tail, so away I went at a little over 600kts chasing a MiG I could never dream of killing. No, Im not remotely Japanese so the thought did not occur then. I crossed the MiG,afterburner ignited hoping he'd come after me instead.Forlorn hope!Zinker presents the ideal target;wallowing at the edge of a stall;the Syrian fires the dreaded 23mm, hits Zinker's Mirage;Zinker bails out over the shores of Lake Tiberias, and then the MiG comes after me! In the meanwhile his wingman chases my wingman who is now on his short final and sends an Atoll up his exhaust.He too bails out. No.3 is way out of the fight. I am in full afterburner climbing through 25000 feet at over Mach 1.The Mig is 3 miles behind.We are now over Haifa. I see the smoke trails of two Hawks following us in vain. At 30000 feet and 600lbs of fuel left, Mach 2, I decide to put Mr MiG through his paces. I go vertical;the altimeter spins wildly. I complete the parabola at 56000feet, now considerably slower at about 200kts IAS. I looks down and the MiG is way out of league-he has lost control of his aircraft and is falling like an aspen leaf in the dwindling light of the dusk. He bails out and his abandoned MiG now plunges like a moribund eagle toward the hard earth below. Shaken, I look for the other MiG. He is nowhere to be seen. No.3 forms up on my wing and escorts me back to base. We lost two aircraft, mercifully our roster is still at full stength. Its seems winds of hazard have begun to blow against us. Butch Ben Yok Febuary 1968.
  11. There wasnt any trail at that point.The HAWKs engaged as we were climbing through 30000feet he was well into the chase at that point-in fact he was going a tad faster than me so I decided to find out whether he had the 'wings'
  12. Thats why I thought I'd write about it-its a complete mystery! I mean one second he was flying a healthy jet,albiet only at 90kts, and the next second the jet doesnt have anybody in the cockpit!He was out-maneouvred?
  13. Especially in the vertical and low energy-think its the immeleman.

  15. Let it out gents please or Ill strangle my cat!
  16. Well if he brings Chuck along he has nothing to fear-not even death by kapusta!
  17. Say that in the Moscow and you da man!

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