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Everything posted by Stick

  1. Ah so- I too knew this french fighter pilot,Pierre was his name, and he happened to be getting rather intimate with with a certain lady.So he dabs a little cognac on her lips and kisses her. She approves and shrugs off her blouse.Pierre needs no further encouragement, red-blooded Gaul that he is, and tips the bottle over the flesh that interests him or would any man of ordinary taste, and pours the the contents quite liberally. Once again the lady goads him on by dropping her skirt and any unneccesary lingerie that would obstruct our fine french fighter pilot.Pierre grabs the Martell and douses her mons verenis. Then quite unexpectedly he grabs his lighter and almost sets her nether regions afire-only our lass was quicker then he thought. She slaps him into contrition and asks him rhetorically,'ARE YOU ABSOLUTELY INSANE?' To which our fine fighter pilot replies,'Madamemoiselle, when I go down, I go down in flames.'
  2. Try approaching from the targets 5'o clock and lead the missile a bit-nor like Ive had much success...but when I have thats how! But the Mirage is quite the plane otherwise.
  3. No chance of the MF MiG-29 coming with this one huh? Guess it doesnt fit into the timeline you have planned.
  4. Scrapping the F-117

    That was the first sim I ever played-F117 by EA. I loved that pane.Hated the F-22 as a kid
  5. Ive flown the heck out of WOE(owned it for two whole years;girlfriend broke my first CD-I went and bought another one)-moved on to WOI. Actually to be honest I need more of challenge AI wise, so Im waiting for the new patch-coz my bet is the Russians fly a lot better then we give them credit for. Know what-I'll copy the GermanyCE CAT over to WOI and then try your campaign out! That ought to blow my socks off! I dont mind choppers-Red Swarm had a whole load of them; shooting them down requires certain tact especially as a gunfighter.
  6. Latest patch makes WOI compatible with vista. You just have to copy the folders to your campaign folder-thats it. Disable user a/c control;its a real pain in the butt!
  7. Check your Terrain targets ini. 1.Are you in enemy territory? 2.Does the enemy begin first offensive?If so then the base may come under their control. This used to happen to me with stationing squadrons in Cyprus,EVEN AFTER changing the targets ini entry fom ENEMY to FRIENDLY. It could possibly be because in your campaign data.ini you may have FORCEWITHINITIATVE=2
  8. Ive flown against the J-11 armed with Adders and Archers in WOI-got shot down three times before I decided head to head wasnt the best way to go!
  9. Looking Forward to Russia.That way we can have a modern WOE campaign-after the upcoming patch would perhaps be more reflective of the skill level of the Russian Air Force.
  10. WOI incorporates different decals for different years. For example [Nation032] Name=Syria DisplayName=Syrian Air Force Alignment=ENEMY PilotNameList=NamesArabic.lst RankList=RanksRAF.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=SovietFighter Formation.Attack=SovietFighter Formation.Bomber=SovietBomber Formation.Transport=SovietBomber Formation.Tank=SovietTank Formation.MobileAD=SovietAD PilotTrainingStandard=POOR GenderRatio=0 ActiveDate=1980 AlternateDecal=Syria_OLD74 However this is not the case for Soviet/Russian aircraft, probably because that time period was not within TK's focus for WOI.
  11. Can the Formation mod available here be applied to WOI? The reason I ask is because I could not find the ini in the FlightData.CAT so I was wondering whether it is hard coded now.
  12. Well just curious, since there wasnt a formation.ini to be found(or I didnt look well enough). But thanks. Will put it in right away;and let them forminate if that be the new word for it!
  13. Campaign transfer to WOI Being built from scratch all over again. Reason being the obvious; dedicated map, no terrain anamolies, better campaign engine and overall superior game. The old must give way to the new(sigh!)
  14. The J-11 flies like a dream in WOI-atleast thats what i think.
  15. So no way of getting my wing man-on my starboard side? Stupid dingbat clipped my stabilizers the other night while getting into position(not that it makes a diff which side he is;he still prefers to go over rather than under!) Anybody notice how the aces go Rambo on you in the middle of dodge?

    Couple of days ago my spike gaurd started hissing and sparking, and smoking! My girl screamed. I screamed(I had justed plugged my laptop in). Balls in my mouth,I just hit the main switch. Then my girlfriend goes into a paranoid frenzy to see if her laptop power cable was working(wasnt even plugged in).Her reasoning was that it was in close proximity to the bitchy spike protector. Reminds me of this Kashmiri friend I had who washed an electric toaster under running water and then plugged it in- all while I told him he was absolutely insane.( also gives an insight into the kind of gun-toting terrorists our fellows have to deal with in the mountains)
  17. I think TK raised the bar with this one.Commendable job. I just uninstalled WOE.
  18. Open up your weapons folder. Open Editor as well. Check model names. Make corrections if neccesary. Then rename entries in specific aircraft loadout.ini(like the the R-73 is the AA-11 when you use the MF pack)
  19. First Fighter;Second Kill( That was one flukey shot in the vertical) 26th December,1963
  20. Of course check the range for bore-sight or ACM under the F-14Avionics.ini

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