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Everything posted by Stick

  1. Is it Bells squadron Editor? Just tried it, man its downright foxy! Either that or Im not to familiar with exel
  2. F-22 for Israel.

    It will happen in 5 years. The Eagle is growing old. Besides its business.
  3. Thanks a ton-that little suggestion just took care of the bloom issues I was having with the cirrus clouds.
  4. higher experience and skill is what you are looking for if you want to give the enemy hell. right now i have a wingman who has 38 kills with 99 skill and 100 exp. he can get me outta anything. man i dont want this campaign to end. Sometimes there are good reasons why the wingie wont take the shot; bad angle, or after a very long mission ive seen them get obstinate-maybe low fuel, or check his status, theres a chance he's sustained moderate damage. Also you should be able to set up a good intercept. You and your wingman, take the long range shots, within 10 miles order in 2nd and third flights. If the enemy gets first kill, order them back, and then order them back in.
  5. I like that colour! How does one figure out the the numerical values in terms of colour and hue depicted in the game?
  6. Ive been working on this campaign in the Middeast and Ive been having this strange experience; my squadron on F-15s will be deployed simultaneously in the same mission, only there will be nothing in the planning map or even the Roster to reflect the same. Its like a ghost flight. This is my campaign entry [AirUnit008] AircraftType=F-15A UnitName=133 Sqn The Knights of the Twin Tail ForceID=1 Nation=Israel DefaultTexture=IDFAF StartNumber=0 BaseArea=Tel Nof B CarrierBased=FALSE CarrierNumber= BaseMoveChance= RandomChance=100 MaxAircraft=21 StartAircraft=21 MaxPilots=25 StartPilots=25 Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=80 Intelligence=100 UpgradeType=Never MissionChance[sWEEP]=60 MissionChance[CAP]=70 MissionChance[iNTERCEPT]=80 MissionChance[ESCORT]=50 MissionChance=10 MissionChance[CAS]=10 MissionChance[sEAD]=0 MissionChance[ARMED_RECON]=0 MissionChance[ANTI_SHIP]=0 MissionChance[ANTI_SUB]=0 MissionChance[FAC]=0 MissionChance[RECON]=10 Supply[001].WeaponType=AIM-120C Supply[001].Quantity=480 Supply[002].WeaponType=AIM-9L Supply[002].Quantity=480 Supply[003].WeaponType=Tank610_F15 Supply[003].Quantity=480 Supply[004].WeaponType=AIM-9S Supply[004].Quantity=480 Supply[005].WeaponType=AIM-7P Supply[005].Quantity=480 Supply[006].WeaponType=CBU-87 Supply[006].Quantity=480 Supply[007].WeaponType=AGM-65H Supply[007].Quantity=480 Supply[008].WeaponType=GBU-27 Supply[008].Quantity=480 Supply[009].WeaponType=ALQ-131 Supply[009].Quantity=480 Supply[010].WeaponType=GBU-31V4 Supply[010].Quantity=480 Any ideas as to why this might be happenning? Oh yeah this starts only in the 3rd or 4th mission of the campaign.
  7. Indian Authorities shoot & kill Osama Bin Laden

    Poor elephant. But with a name like that...
  8. True- this Lightnings squadron pilot I know, he doesnt talk very much about what they do, he'll quietly nurse his drink, on occasion bring a picture or two with him, pretty much a wall when you try and get something out of him about the bird. When I asked him how certain systems work, he gave me a Flanker 2.5 CD. When I protested he told me to come join the air-force
  9. Thank you Gents. Ok one more, my tanks in one specific area- Jerusalem(Israel2) dissapear after the first mission, regardless of offensive or defensive.
  10. Yeah I need to go so fast that the skin peels off my face.
  11. Heres another one-Does Missionrate govern ground objects as well?
  12. gee thanks, just went into a stock campaign and i see your point. Any clue what forcewithininitiative means? I read Bunyaps tutorial and it says it decides the settings that follow after but that explanation is rather loose.
  13. Anybody knows where the Himalaya terrain might be found
  14. In the specific aircraft data ini remove strike from primary and secondary roles. I know its a little extreme but its a solution.
  15. Bounced the bombers...had a few missiles to spare so I thought my flight of 4 f-15s could handle these two Iranian f-14A's. Then what they did reminded me of tactics I had read in a Bill Gunston book where one of a pair will go high and the other low in a bid separate the attackers. Sure enough it worked. Honour the threat, right? I tell you if hadnt been for my number 2 flight and for their inferior missiles we wouldnt have made it. The guy who went low set up for my wingman who went after the other guy who went high. My snapshot sidewinder went into the ground(the guy was pulling up and was too near;closure rate was more than 1200 kts; angle all wrong but I had to do something) and then I was past and technically out of the engagement because my speed was too high and I had pull the big Eagle around; with an F-14(the chap I ordered my wingman to engage) now coming down for me(confirmed by radio call) Number 3, ace in my pocket so to speak, saved the day. This game just gets better and better. Its even intelligent.
  16. Aviation Quiz - game thread

    Man that Iron Curtain was something huh?
  17. Lions for Lambs

    Our conscience is the essence of our humanity. Good and evil are relative terms. Bin Laden or for that matter any Mujhaideen would use the Koran to justify their craven acts, he would even be inclined to call it jihad, and he would believe by that act he would have reserved his place in paradise.( i remember reading the litany of the assasin as a teenager, and i thought the religion itself was evil; then I realized i was reading an interpretation) "Both read the bible day and night, But thou readst black where I read white" William Blake(very loosely quoted). Sometimes we delibrately choose to ignore our conscience. With time we condition our selves that way, by the deeds we do. No man is born completely evil. He becomes that way.
  18. MiG-29 Downed in Sudan

    Then I have no choice to concur. I am restricted to books and my own distorted opinions.
  19. MiG-29 Downed in Sudan

    Any armed force that defends ethnic cleansing loses any right to be recognized as one. In fact that is the first mistake. Iacta Alea est. In the event that they should prevail then all civilization is at peril.
  20. MiG-29 Downed in Sudan

    Actually so did the F-117; well not rebels but militia at best. Ok the Nighthawk has no rear visibility and in combat you can best evade what you can tally. You get over-confident you get complacent; You will err. Its like the first time you take a girl out, you take all the neccesary care, one eye out for her daddy. Second time you still have your guard up. Third time you are a hound dog. Its human nature. 'He wins his battles by making no mistakes' - an underrated chinaman who lived a long long time ago. As for the Russians being involved in someones elses war, every war needs its mercenaries, Hannibal would not have prevailed over Scipio had it not been for those Numidians. And then his horns turned to wax when their Berber king Masinissa took the Roman Road.
  21. Got it loud n clear. Thank you I will bear in mind when I start again.
  22. Dont quite get you, Ive been having the same issue with the f-22s in my little campaign in mideast. What does the entry look like?
  23. I remember the first time I played Flanker 2.5 I had to run an intercept on 3 Bones, and well I had em on the radar 1 second...and then they were gone. I never played that game again, but the memory will remain.
  24. img00010.jpg

    From the album Operation Jericho


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