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Everything posted by Stick

  1. Well if you're going to be shooting turkeys in red boxes, might as well give the turkey a chance to show you his perspective of things.
  2. Has anybody tried flying this sim on hard visibility settings(no red box, no data on the screen corners etc). May be off topic, but hey that will throw a whole new perspective to the BVR engagement.
  3. I think its also a matter of whether the pilot can search, track ,detect, and lock up a target. Now if Red Crown tells me my primary target is say 90 miles away, and I tell my wingie to take the shot(in an F-14A) with AIM-54C's he will, and this is wthout any tweaking. Maxvisibledistance doesnt decide how or from where you appear on radar but in fact it governs the visual parameters or when you or the enemy has tally on the aircraft in question. Then take into account weather. Likewise the odd MiG-29 or SU-27 will take a shot from long range. In the real world finding a target without vectors is tough s**t. You have to know where to look and you have to know how to extract max performance from your radar. Not every pilot is going to be top gun.
  4. Having successfully completed an escort mission to Cairo , we were ten miles from Tel Nof when these Syrian J-11s who had kept us company for nearly 400 miles finally made their move, closing the distance just as the coast appeared on the horizon. I despatched the first with a Sidewinder and the other one went for my wingman. I was out of missiles. Guns. Naturally I was low on fuel, so I had to be quick about this. The reduced weight was to my advantage, and even though my vision tunnelled and darkened I managed to stay with the Flanker while he worked my wingman.
  5. I was shaking as the adrenalin wore off. Quick systems check. Skin of my teeth I should say. I looked out. That watery oil-smudged grave could verily have been mine.
  6. Despite the fury I quickly realized I was never going to be able to turn with him. I must shoot where he would fly through; I must lead him. I pushed into full afterburner for that last evolution. The Eagle leaped ahead with all the power of the dash 220's. I squeezed off on the 20mm. It was my last. All I had. Depleted uranium sliced through his wing and smoke billowed out.
  7. Rage bouyed me up and I gunned the throttle, disregarding impending doom. I was alive. He must have sensed my resolve. He fought harder.
  8. And then at less than 1500 feet AGL he dived, supremely confident that his machine would come through. Desperate, I followed him down, and I knew I had made the mistake that would kill me. However I owed it to the old Eagle not to end up in the drink. 9 G's and blue sky. Barely. Ahead and to my left the Syrian watched in utter disdain.
  9. He was turning tighter and faster than me. The G's mounted and I was running out of ideas... and fuel. Despair at an imminent defeat turned my controls to lead. I just couldnt beat this guy. He was toying with me.
  10. However the Syrian was uncanny and detected the trap when I ordered my wingman to level out and head back to base. He whipped his huge plane around and and brought his IR weapons to bear. He fired two Archers in quick succesion, and then we were on equal terms.Thank God for inferior Russian equipment. Or maybe he had the angle all wrong. I dont know. I lived to tell the tale. The range was too close for him to actually fire his remaining Adders though my RWR' sounded everytime he had me in his sights.
  11. Until you become advanced and developed enough to thumb your nose at everyone else because you can build your own. However when that happens you will be just as bad as everyone else. Because power is a very compelling thing.
  12. Havent they started making their own indigenous engines; volvo I think, not sure. But yes that is a valid point. Sucks being a major power doesnt it, especially when you can be bullied by even bigger ones.
  13. I really hope we go in for the Gripen. SAAB may be underrated but its better than most out there. Besides it works in our climatic conditions, I dont think South Africa has any complaints.
  14. Man keeps daughter captive in cellar for 24 years

    A 15 year sentence is very bad in law, regardless of the fact that he is 73. If such a sentence is passed then it becomes precedent, and some other psycho with a good lawyer will get a very lenient sentence. There are multiple crimes here;rape, grievious hurt, criminal force and assault. miscarriage and concealment of birth, causing death by negligence, kidnapping, and unnatural sexual offences. The punishments of each crime are compoundable. Some human rights group ought to take this up in the greater interests of justice. Then again this is another reason why I have abandoned all faith in the grand but farcial schemes of law.
  15. Remember Cope India.

    Ive sat in one .The arc of visibility is at best 270 degrees.
  16. Remember Cope India.

    It was a an experiment to see how the American F-15C performed without AWACS, just as MiG-29's and other Soviet/Russian aircraft have engaged the F-15 or other American or western fighters in combat situations; blind and on their own. Of course it is a rather improbable scenario where opponents are equal in strength. Wars are never fought on an equal footing. It is also mentioned quite explicitly in the article that it was the SU-30MK(training version) that participated in Cope India.The F-15s were tasked with intercepting a strike package.
  17. About 15 planes were bearing down on me from different directions(i keep hitting f6 to get situational awareness).They engage at max range.When I get the call 'he's firing a missile'I hit R to identify and true enough I see a SU-27 or MiG-29 lighter by an R-77.Of course standard procedure is to hit the ECM and turn 90 deg. At different stages of the close in various aircraft begin taking shots. And at optimal range I tell my wingman to open fire.Then Fights on. Oh yeah they bracket me in.I had no option to engage. I was on escort so things were already decided when the first offensive began 50 miles away(which is strange because its outside the R-77 range parameters)
  18. Doesnt that download solve the blowing up problem mister.
  19. Ok all you wishers out there-I think some AAA in the area.
  20. I just tried it.Only on the F-15.And i had the whole soviet Armada bearing down on me.Looks like Ive got to get busy
  21. Has anybody flown the sim with visual settings on hard(no red box) no data on the corners of the screen etc; on a large screen of course? Its kick arse.You'd be lucky to get three kills once the s**t hits the fan. Coming back to the topic ever thought the game music was a little monotonous? well get online and get yourself an MP3-wav converter and convert your favourite tracks to the latter format; go into the menu folder and replace the sound files you find distasteful and wallah... Ive got Roger Daltrey's Under a raging moon as my MainScreen wav file and Morrisons The End as Hangarnoise1. All you WOV players;remember Apocalypse Now.Well dont change hangarnoise 2 and 3; try it. I assure you you'll love it. The rest ill leave to your imagination.
  22. Oh well in the end human nature always bites us in the arse
  23. Besides this game has the greatest variety of aircraft I have ever come across. This is a wish thread, so it would augur well to bear the same in mind. And its probably one of the least system demanding games available and the most immersive at that. So if there are suggestions to up the standard whats to lose beside giving Ubisoft a run for their money if those suggestions are actually implemented.
  24. Check the downloads section http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5096
  25. C'mon put it up;lets hear it anyway.

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