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Everything posted by Stick

  1. Position them before hand.imagine they have been airlifted or ferried.Or allow their entry at a later date. First position infantry.
  2. Well Ill concede to you on that one only thing is all my campaigns are post 1991. So hence my thoughts are inclined toward an AWACS.Heck Novalogic had one.
  3. Doesnt maxvisibledistance govern the distance at which the aircraft in question is visble to other aircraft? Little confused, and i may be completely wrong
  4. Remember Cope India.

    And given a choice of sitting in an Eagle or a Flanker Id choose the Eagle any day.Who wants to study Russian? Our pilots had to go through a whole language course before they could get used to the cockpit and the avionics. And do it again when the newer version was inducted.
  5. Remember Cope India.

    Thts what I said, modern combat hardly relies on how good you can yurn but in fact how well you shoot at standoff. Hartmann was prophetic on his take on the dogfight and comin g from the greatest ace in the world it means something.
  6. Remember Cope India.

    In terms of maneouverability the SU-30 MkI can fly rings around an Eagle. However todays aerial engagements are no longer classic dogfights.Didnt that German ace Erich Hartmann say dogfights are a waste of time? A sneaky Fishbed pilot can plant one in up the tailpipe of even the most modern fighter if its pilot couldnt detect the threat(speaking of which Flanker MKI rearward visibility is not good;I sat in one) One must recall the Flanker was built as a counter to the F-15 which set the standard. Through the years as weapons have evolved it has gotten better. Then the Raptor came along. And so the race carries on.
  7. One More Shift

    I hope you find everything you want.
  8. When you copied over did you delete the original data.ini?This has happened to me with Su-27 and the canard mod. My guess is you you have two similar ini.s in the folder. I havent tried this mod so Im just shooting blanks
  9. Vista always tells why something is going balls up. Now that I have the game working I dont mind vista at all
  10. Remember Cope India.

    And what makes you think we wont be having an AWACS already in the air? Our ADDERS and ALAMOS also give us the range advantage, so my guess is an F-15 will be spraying chaff and concentrating on EW more than shooting missiles. Besides Cope India was a first rate example where inferior Russian bested the engagement as a result of dynamic tactics. Remember Vietnam.Remember Korea. In the hands of able pilots the outcome of the fight can be very interesting Complacency is the true enemy.
  11. Remember Cope India.

    With your airforce Id have no choice but to concur...grudgingly...because we are more allies than enemies.Your people have had a lot to do with our Sukhois than our Governments would be comfortable admitting.
  12. There have so many times when Ive flown up the enemys rear just to get a little closer for a dramatic screenie.
  13. I used to read Crichton like in grade 6.Big relief from O henry and Guy de Maupassant or whatsisname.
  14. No once u've changed the values in the options ini everything will be hunky dory
  15. Try some of the engine sound mods; my F-14Ds, f-16 use the F110 sound(http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autocom=downloads&showfile=5910), the PWf100s for the F-15s(now thats subtle thunder;http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autocom=downloads&showfile=5500), Foxbats, floggers Fulcrums(http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autocom=downloads&showfile=1284), and well as for the radio communications well if somebody would sit down and record him or herself or do it with a bunch of friends...there would be nothing like it.
  16. What Are You Paying For Gas...

    Not that I buy gas, but its Rs. 52 something now;thats a little over a dollar for a litre.
  17. After a successful intercept over the coast of the red sea, me and my wingman were just about to commence our short final, when suddenly this Syrian falls out of the sky like a meteor. I always make it a point to come in fast, 500kts+, so when I heard the warning, I lit the burners, waited for my speed to hit Mach 1, and then rose to meet him. Superior in thrust, and inertia, I was confident that I could wrest the advantage. But The MiG is nimble, and he pulled out of his dive, mantaining speed, and lit his puny Tumanskii's and then we were climbing neck to neck at over 40000ft per minute. But his intention was to kill.
  18. EA's F117 and F-22.this was 1994
  19. No he did actually, he made one pass , but then I after that I was on the offensive. If you notice he has no missiles, I evaded an archer when the warning call was made. But I knew that only in the debrief
  20. Something like it.Was no armstrong though, I was wallowing at 120kts and I had to put her down somewhere. Tell me why are there times when I order my wingmán to attack that he answers with that laconic 'negative'while our friendly MiGs stitch me up with 30mm. Low fuel state?diffidence? low morale?Just not his fight?
  21. Come on out ladies, the Eagle has landed.
  22. And then that awful silence roars in my ears as my 220s die, and the MiG sedately climbs away for home, having made a pertinent point.

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