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About Beer

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    NavSim Senior Editor

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    Maine, USA
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  1. File Name: CV-41 Carrier Addon File Submitter: Beer File Submitted: June 24, 2004 8:54 AM File Updated: March 5, 2006 6:25 PM File Category: SF Add-On Ships The 3 files included are the CARGOSHIP_DATA.INI, this is needed to get the smoke to come out of the stack in the new location; and cargoship.lod which is the model itself, and I am including the cargoship.out which is generated when exporting the object from 3ds Max (not really sure what this does). Currently to use the carrier fly an antishipping mission. The Antishipping mission is usually a group of cargoships but randomly has Tankers at times...this Mod replaces the Cargoship and not the Tanker, so if you get a tanker you will need to exit and reload the mission. A quick way to tell is surface radar, if multiple contacts then likely you got the carrier(s), if a single ship likely a tanker. The Carrier is visible at 8 miles. Click here to download this file
  2. File Name: F-4B VF-84 Jolly Rogers File Submitter: Beer File Submitted: June 24, 2004 8:54 AM File Category: SF F-4 Skins *INSERTD* This skin depicts VF-84 "Jolly Rogers". VF-84 was stationed at NAS Oceana (Virginia Beach, Virginia) Improvements over the 2.0 Version 1. "DANGER" "JET INTAKE" is readable on Nose of aircraft 2. Ejection Seat triangles markings near canopy are more defined 3. Added U.S.S. Roosevelt to aft fuselage 4. resized and repositioned the modex number on tail 5. added modex number to Flaps 6. Custom "Patch" showing the Scull and Crossbones at "Loadout" "Paint Scheme" Screen. 7. Radar PPI (Plane Position Indicators) have Green rdr screen effect in cockpit of both Pilot and RIO. Click here to download this file
  3. My gaming room setup.

    Its good to be the chief :)! Cheers Beer
  4. Sound vs Speed DB fix

    I am not sure I have not had a chance to try it online yet. I believe the host will get a message saying the files do not match but I believe it will play. Hyperlobby is coming soon so a standard needs to be established without a doubt. I will play with the new Sonalysts files online.
  5. File Name :: Sound vs Speed DB fix Author :: Beer Category :: Utilities File Version :: Description :: Official fix for Sound vs Speed issue from Sonalysts. Installation: 1) Use your favorite ZIP extracting application to extract the file to your root install directory (default: C:\Program Files\Sonalysts Combat Simulations\Dangerous Waters) 2) The Database directory is included in the archive, so extract with "Relative Path" included (which is default for most ZIP applications) NOTE: Passive torpedos tend to "wash themselves out" at high speeds. We do not recommend using a speed faster than 30-35 knots to engage quieter subsurface contacts. Let me know if you have any problems, - Jamie View File
  6. Sound vs Speed DB fix



    Official fix for Sound vs Speed issue from Sonalysts. Installation: 1) Use your favorite ZIP extracting application to extract the file to your root install directory (default: C:\Program Files\Sonalysts Combat Simulations\Dangerous Waters) 2) The Database directory is included in the archive, so extract with "Relative Path" included (which is default for most ZIP applications) NOTE: Passive torpedos tend to "wash themselves out" at high speeds. We do not recommend using a speed faster than 30-35 knots to engage quieter subsurface contacts. Let me know if you have any problems, - Jamie
  7. From Madmatt and the Battlefront.com boards... Hello everyone, I thought you might to get a little update on the first DW patch. I know we haven't said a lot about it yet but we were busy working on it. In a surprise move, a developer and publisher actually have some GOOD news about a patch. We have finished our primary testing of the patch and are just wrapping up the final Q-A on it. This process usually takes about a week or so. If everything goes to plan, you should have the patch in your hungry little hands shortly. Now, this first patch (and yes, there will me more) was designed to address the most pressing issues related to Single and Multiplayer stability, game lockups and overall gameplay. Having said that, as you will see below, we packed a lot of other stuff into it. Since you guys have been amazingly patient I wanted to go ahead and post the patch notes so you can see what's in store. The patch will also include John Steed's Sonar Profile document that was meant to go into the gold version but got omitted by mistake. This document lists all the naval units, the respective frequencies that they emit and their TPK and blade count. VERY useful resource to have on hand, believe me! Okay, so below are the patch notes. And remember, this is just the first patch and we do listen and read all your comments here and on the other forums! Dangerous Waters Update Version 101 Notes ======================================================== ------- NOTES: ------- Save game files which were created with v1.00, will no longer be compatible with this verson of Dangerous Waters. Attention Scenario Creators!: Even though mission editor will allow it, you cannot name a goal and a script by the same name. ------- FIXES: ------- - The FFG Towed Array Assign ATF method now checks the validity of all trackers. - Nav UID's were changed to have a root number based on multiplayer ID. Waypoint-reached messages coming from the sim are now passed to all players in multiplayer. - Fixed NavalSimEngine crash when aircraft re-emerged from hangar. - Fixed NavalSimEngine crash when objects were dynamically removed from scenario (Sicilian Wedding) - Improved the font blending algorithm to stop the mouse stuttering and increase overall frame rate. - It is now possible to leave the FFG Missile Control Screen while unloading an SM-2 or a Harpoon and when you return, the rail will behave as expected. - The DEMON speed in the FFG Towed Array Screen is now correct. - The OTS buoy display is now independent of the loadout so that buoys will always launch. - Corrected a string overrun in the Acoustic Display on the FFG and the P3. - No longer allow charging HP Air while the emergency blow vents are open. - Made the speed that a single diesel engine can achieve dependent on the depth of the KILO. - Corrected a problem in the KILO where the user could not force the submarine to ignore waypoints. - The TMA was improved to ensure that the newly created merged contacts always appear in the top of the drop down list. - All Radars were using meters per second instead of knots when creating a solution. This was corrected. - The diesel engines will now turn off if the snorkel mast is damaged. - Sometimes Towed Array trackers do not get a valid sierra name and number, this was addressed. - Campaign mission "Strait of Malacca" - 688's "MISSION COMPLETE" goal was referencing an incorrect goal that was not related to its mission. - Campaign mission "South Korea" - Helo closest to ownship FFG will now recognize and follow ASTAC ordered waypoints. - Removed any delays that were not allowing the STIR to go to CWI. This is an experimental fix since this bug could not be reproduced. - TMA autocrew slowed to only change the selected solution every 5 seconds. - Single Mission "Liberian Liberation" - Seals will now rescue the hostages. - Single Mission "African Bees Nest" - Lookout autocrew will now identify the pier so it remains visible. - The Collins was made to have a commensurate noise level. - The MAD sensor range was shortened to allow very deep submarines to escape detection. - In multiplayer, the client FFG could never control its own helo (while the server could). - In the multiplayer mission, MP4-NGFS.mp, the second FFG's helo was defined before the helo itself was defined, so the Second FFG could never control its inflight helo. - A Saved Game bug was fixed where the game crashed after load. If there was an aircraft on the deck of an aircraft carrier when the aircraft carrier was hit, the game would crash. - Fixed a Multiplayer infinite loop which occured when the host tried to merge two solutions that were the same solution together. - Altered the Quick Mission databases which was generating some missions with zero enemies present. - Additional verifications added to ensure that entities "still exist" before attempting to reference them in the NavalSimEngine. - Fixed the frequency alignment problem between the Frequency Waterfall and the NB profile display. Also added the ability for the profile display to report the frequency under the mouse. - Fixed a logic error in all subs where damage to starboard tubes was processed on the port tubes and vice-versa. - Fixed the infinite marking problem when playing in multi-station mode. - Fixed the strange character problem which was showing up in the 688/seawolf BB screen - Removed the problem in the BB DDI where the ambiguous contact was showing up as the assigned Sierra. - Fixed a problem with the trackers losing their identity after the contact was lost and regained. - Fixed a problem where the periscope on/off switch on the 688 got out of sequence when the periscope was ordered raised by voice command. - Fixed a problem where a non-ambiguous contact became orphaned when the TMA dropped the ambiguous contact. - Fixed the problem of mirrored sierra numbers showing up under the cursor when the contact has not been resolved. Files Modified for end-user (English) ===================================== DangerousWAters.exe (version 1.0.1) NavalSimEngine.dll (version 1.0.2) /scenario/MP4-NGFS.mp /scenario/SM08.ms /scenario/P3SM04.ms /scenario/008_Strait_of_Malacca.mc /scenario/010_South_Korea.mc /interfaces/MH60/ATO.dll (version 1.0.1) /interfaces/P3/AcousticDisp.dll (version 1.0.1) /interfaces/FFG/ASTAC.dll (version 1.0.1) /interfaces/FFG/AcousticDisp.dll (version.1.0.1) /interfaces/FFG/TMA.dll (version 1.0.1) /interfaces/FFG/TowedArray.dll (version 1.0.1) /interfaces/FFG/WeaponsControl.dll (version 1.0.1) /interfaces/KILO/Radar.dll (version 1.0.3) /interfaces/KILO/TMA.dll (version 1.0.3) /interfaces/KILO/ShipControl.dll (version 1.0.3) /interfaces/KILO/FCTarget.dll (version 1.0.1) /interfaces/KILO/SonarBB.dll (version 1.0.1) /interfaces/688I/TMA.dll (version 1.0.3) /interfaces/688I/Radar.dll (version 1.0.3) /interfaces/688I/SonarNB.dll (version 1.0.4) /interfaces/688I/FCTD.dll (version 1.0.3) /interfaces/688I/Periscope.dll (version 1.0.3) /interfaces/688I/SonarBB.dll (version 1.0.3) /interfaces/688I/ShipControl.dll (version 1.0.3) /interfaces/SSN21/SonarNB.dll (version 1.0.3) /interfaces/SSN21/TMA.dll (version 1.0.3) /interfaces/SSN21/Radar.dll (version 1.0.3) /interfaces/SSN21/FCTD.dll (version 1.0.3) /interfaces/SSN21/SonarBB.dll (version 1.0.3) /interfaces/AkulaII/TMA.dll (version 1.0.3) /interfaces/AkulaII/Radar.dll (version 1.0.3) /interfaces/AkulaII/FCTD.dll (version 1.0.3) /interfaces/AkulaII/ShipControl.dll (version 1.0.3) /database/objects.eod /database/sensors.esd /database/qmtasks.eqd
  8. J3D Exporter

    File Name :: J3D Exporter Author :: Beer Category :: Utilities File Version :: Description :: Dangerous Waters 3D model exporter. Works with 3ds Max version 3.x Exporter is unofficial and unsupported. View File
  9. J3D Exporter



    Dangerous Waters 3D model exporter. Works with 3ds Max version 3.x Exporter is unofficial and unsupported.
  10. :) I am down the hall and to the right, well it maybe your left, depending which direction you are coming from.
  11. Thanks for the info and beer

    We have had really stable games with Multiplayer. I get home in just over a week, add me in ICQ (in request for authorization put Dangerous Waters) and we can try some multi player together.
  12. Thanks for the info and beer

    That will be great! LOL feel like I am talking to myself over here!
  13. Jamie from SCS has posted that they are looking at trying to impliment Jiri's Hyperlobby and Game Spy support with the first patch for SCS DW. This is great news! Cheers Beer
  14. Smuook at Orion Warrior has made a video of how to make recurring or orbiting fly to points. A must know for the virtual TACCO http://www.orionwarrior.com/html/index.php
  15. P3CactivevsKilo

    File Name :: P3CactivevsKilo Author :: Beer Category :: Missions File Version :: Description :: Kilo in a 100x100nm box, surfaced for first 5 minutes of exercise. Use Radar and ESM to determine which contact is likely a sub and procede to datum. Sub will go sinker and you are to prosecute the Datum. Active is authorized. Include screens and how too should help be needed. View File

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