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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. [Fictional] BAC Lightning F.3N

    Cheers Alex. I was keen to use the black fin and knew there was an association between 9 Stormo and Francesco Baracca. Hope you enjoy it nevertheless.
  2. Version Version 1


    BAC (English Electric) Lightning F.3N for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire Lightning F.3 to create a fictional 'NATO standard' export version in service with the Italian and Spanish Air Forces. IMPORTANT: It goes without saying that you must have the stock Third Wire Lightning F.3 in your install meaning that you must have Expansion Pack 2 for Strike Fighters 2 Europe. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Lightning3N folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Lightning3N folder into your main Decals folder. CREDITS Thanks to everyone in the Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 1 - 02/05/16
  3. BAC Lightning Mk.51 - 9 Stormo, Aeronautica Militare Italiana, 1969
  4. File Name: [Fictional] BAC Lightning F.3N File Submitter: Spinners File Submitted: 02 May 2016 File Category: What If Hangar BAC (English Electric) Lightning F.3N for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire Lightning F.3 to create a fictional 'NATO standard' export version in service with the Italian and Spanish Air Forces. IMPORTANT: It goes without saying that you must have the stock Third Wire Lightning F.3 in your install meaning that you must have Expansion Pack 2 for Strike Fighters 2 Europe. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Lightning3N folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Lightning3N folder into your main Decals folder. CREDITS Thanks to everyone in the Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 1 - 02/05/16 Click here to download this file
  5. Lockheed-Canadair Starfighter S.1 - No.214 Squadron, RAF Germany, 1966 In 1963, with the Mark 2 versions of the Vulcan and Victor becoming the spearhead of Bomber Command, four Valiant squadrons (49, 148, 207 and 214) were assigned to SACEUR forming a powerful strike wing based at Marham in Norfolk. But during the summer of 1964 fatigue cracks were discovered in the front and rear wing spars of several aircraft and whilst consideration was given to a rebuild programme the estimated cost of this was close to the original price and the rebuild programme was postponed but with further cracks being discovered the RAF reluctantly grounded the Valiant in December 1964. In January 1965, this lead to Denis Healey (Minister of Defence) declaring that the Valiant situation was "causing considerable embarrassment for us with our NATO allies" and that an interim solution was being sought "to restore our missing strike power and commitment to SACEUR". With President Lyndon Johnson already critical of Harold Wilson's refusal to commit British troops to Vietnam, Wilson and Healey needed a quick solution and in February 1965 they pulled off a deal with Lockheed and Canadair to take 50 CF-104 Starfighter aircraft to be delivered straight off the Canadair production line to a build standard approaching that of the F-104G but optimised for the nuclear strike role and equipped with R-24A NASARR radar and associated avionics dedicated to the air-to-ground role. Entering service with No.207 squadron in June 1965 the Starfighter force built up at RAF Marham before being transferred to RAF Geilenkirchen during the Spring of the following year.
  6. Lockheed Starfighter S.1 - No.31 Squadron, RAF Germany, 1973
  7. BAC Stiletto F.7 - No.60 Squadron, RAF Far East Command, 1973
  8. BAC Lightning F.Mk.51 - 9 Stormo, Aeronautica Militare Italiana, 1969
  9. Mikoyan I-104Bis - Luftstreitkräfte der Nationalen Volksarmee. 1971
  10. Lockheed Starfighter S.1 - No.213 Squadron, RAF Germany, 1966
  11. Lockheed F-104A Starfighter - Egyptian Air Force, 1967 I was looking at Alex's (Spillone104) Soviet I-104Bis and it includes this two-tone skin with very similar colours to the Third Wire Egyptian MiG-19/J-6 'Farmer' so I repainted the wingtip tanks and used stock Egyptian markings.
  12. P-72A Superbolt - No.134 Squadron, RAF South East Asia Command, 1946
  13. Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth and danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings
  14. SF2 KAW Gloster Meteor F8 (RAAF) by FC

  15. Great work guys. I've always found the stock Meteor F.8 a bit too good in air-to-air combat but this is much better and closer to contemporary pilot reports like the one which described it's altitude performance as "wallows like a sick cow".
  16. Hex Editor is what you need (XV132) but I think you must make the number of characters exactly the same so your desired texture must be renamed to xxxxxx.jpeg (or jpg).

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