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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. DAT'S revamped MiG-3 masquerading as the Curtiss P-37C
  2. Lockheed F-104E - 112th TFS, Ohio ANG, 1983 Whilst, officially, USAF interest in the F-104 programme began to ebb (leading to only 77 F-104C's being built) they kept a watchful eye on Lockheed's progress into transforming the original hot-rod interceptor fighter into a multi-mission tactical fighter for export to selected 'free world' nations. As negotiations with Federal Germany reached a critical phase in 1958 concern was expressed by the Bonn government that Lockheed were attempting to sell an aircraft no longer wanted by it's home nation. Lockheed cleverly took these concerns back to Washington and claimed that lucrative export orders were at jeopardy leading to a token order for a new version of the Starfighter for the USAF. Designated F-104E this new version represented a halfway house between the F-104C and the forthcoming F-104G. Only 60 F-104E's were planned to be produced but the success of the F-104C flown by Capt Charles Tofferi in the 1962 William Tell tactical weapons meet, against strong competition from F-100 and F-105 pilots, led to continued low-rate production followed by a larger batch of 240 F-104E's making an eventual total of 336. F-104E's were deployed to Vietnam and surviving aircraft were refurbished for ANG use with the type being finally retired in 1988 when the 112th TFS re-equipped with F-16A's.
  3. Lockheed F-104C Starfighter - 435th Tactical Fighter Squadron, United States Air Force, 1968 On January 28th, 1968 Pentagon officials received confirmation that the USS Pueblo was in North Korean hands after being outmanoeuvred by North Korean naval vessels and that all of the crew were being held captive. This left President Johnson with a tricky situation to resolve and not helped with conflicting advice from the various hawks and doves on Capitol Hill. One such hawk, Mendel Rivers, recommended that the President issue an ultimatum for the return of the USS Pueblo on penalty of a nuclear attack on North Korea and, with no immediate sign of the ship’s crew being returned, President Johnson moved towards that direction by ordering the build-up of forces in the area. With the Vietnam War raging, the United States Pacific Air Forces were reluctant to spare their prized F-4 and F-105 assets but agreed to the transfer of the remaining F-104C’s from Vietnam to South Korea. The transfer of F-104C’s began in early February, 1968 with the first eight Starfighters arriving at Osan Air Base on February 8th with two further batches of eight aircraft arriving during the month to equip an expanded 435th Tactical Fighter Squadron. All transferred F-104C’s underwent inspection by USAF technicians at Osan (an operation believed to include the re-instatement of equipment associated with the carriage and deployment of ‘special’ stores) and emerging with a fresh coat of green paint and subdued markings. With the crew of the USS Pueblo eventually being released in December 1968 the F-104C’s remained at Osan until March 1969 when the 435th TFS re-equipped with F-4D’s and returned to Vietnam.
  4. File Name: [Fictional] English Electric Canberra B.Mk.53 'IDF' File Submitter: Spinners File Submitted: 31 January 2016 File Category: What If Hangar English Electric Canberra B.Mk.53 'IDF' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire Canberra B.Mk.6 to create a fictional export version in service with the Israeli Air Force during the 1956-1973 timeline. The Canberra had an unusual offset cockpit and large frameless canopy and Kesselbrut's cockpit captures this perfectly. If you use the cockpit toggle function you'll effectively see the bomb aimer's point of view and, with a bomb selected, you'll see the IDF's top secret bombsight! You are recommended to try bombing from medium-high altitude (in a shallow descent) using this very accurate bombsight but don't forget to open the bomb bay doors! INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Canberra53 folder into your Aircraft folder. CREDITS Thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim (I wish it was still being further developed). Special thanks to Kesselbrut for the Canberra cockpit to which I've added a new bombsight tga. And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 1 - 31/01/16 Click here to download this file
  5. English Electric Canberra B.Mk.53 - No.110 'Knights of the North' Squadron, Israeli Air Force, 1957
  6. Version Version 1


    English Electric Canberra B.Mk.53 'IDF' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire Canberra B.Mk.6 to create a fictional export version in service with the Israeli Air Force during the 1956-1973 timeline. The Canberra had an unusual offset cockpit and large frameless canopy and Kesselbrut's cockpit captures this perfectly. If you use the cockpit toggle function you'll effectively see the bomb aimer's point of view and, with a bomb selected, you'll see the IDF's top secret bombsight! You are recommended to try bombing from medium-high altitude (in a shallow descent) using this very accurate bombsight but don't forget to open the bomb bay doors! INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Canberra53 folder into your Aircraft folder. CREDITS Thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim (I wish it was still being further developed). Special thanks to Kesselbrut for the Canberra cockpit to which I've added a new bombsight tga. And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 1 - 31/01/16
  7. Shenyang J-5AS - Unknown Regiment, Korean People's Army Air Force, 1999
  8. Curtiss A-21C Chippewa - 596th BS, 397th BG, 9th AF, United States Army Air Corps, 1944
  9. My advice to very similar questions has always been to get one per month. Nowadays you can install them in any order but instead of agonising over the decision just get them in the order they were released. It spreads the cost and injects some anticipation into the enjoyment.
  10. My lips are sealed but it's going to be a tri-umph
  11. Phantom F-4 'ADV' - Dhimari Air Force, 1986
  12. Chapeau Coupi! I love the Dassault method of fighter evolution across the decades and for anyone who might be tempted to say that we already have the IV there is nothing but a passing resemblance between the two. Hope this goes well.

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