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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. The Kawasaki Ki-48 'Lily' masquerading as the Blackburn Bramley pre-war bomber...
  2. Kawasaki Ki-52 'Hilary' - 110th Sentai, Imperial Japanese Army, 1942
  3. Dornier Do-17K - 1st Bomber regiment, Parani Army Air Force, 1941 In June 1936, the Yugoslavian government ordered 36 Do 17E bombers from Germany and following protracted negotiations they eventually succeeded in obtaining a production licence to build the majority of these as the Do 17K variant powered by the French Gnome-Rhône Mistral Major engine. After production for the Royal Yugoslav Air Force was completed in April 1939 the Yugoslavian government were approached by Paran who wanted a new modern bomber aircraft for the rapidly expanding Parani Army Air Force and the sale of 24 Do 17K's was agreed. Entering service with the 1st Bomber Regiment of the Parani Army Air Force in early 1941 the Do 17K's were first used in anger in a successful attack on the Al'Mahrag Docks in northern Dhimar on September 21st, 1941. With only a handful of P-36's defending northern Dhimar, the Do 17K's of the 1st Bomber Regiment roamed virtually unchallenged over northern Dhimar until the arrival of the Republic P-43 Lancers in the Spring of 1942. Skin Credit: Charles
  4. I tried Il-2 and Strike Fighters Gold at exactly the same time back at the end of 2007 but, sadly, I just couldn't get on with the IL-2 series.
  5. Yak-15 'Pero' - Soviet Air Force, 1946 The daring theft of a pre-production Jumo 004B axial flow turbojet engine from the Messerschmitt test facility at Leipeim airfield by Soviet spies in June 1943 enabled the Soviet Union to quickly catch-up with this new technology and before the year was out a team at 26 GAZ, headed by Klimov, were producing copies of the Jumo 004B as the RD-10 for a variety of planned Soviet tactical aircraft including a new single-seat jet fighter designed by the Yakovlev OKB. To save time, Yakovlev based the new design on their successful Yak-3 piston-engined fighter with the RD-10 jet engine mounted underneath the forward fuselage with the jet exhaust exiting underneath the centre fuselage protected by a steel heatshield. The wings and tail were largely unchanged and a useful armanent of two 23mm Nudelman-Suranov NS-23 cannon was added to the new nose section. Designated as the Yak-15 the new aircraft made a successful first flight in April 1944. However, the successful repelling of the Allied invasion by German forces in June 1944 allowed Germany to bolster their eastern front and slow down the Soviet advance to a crawl and especially during the harsh winter of 1944-45. This delay allowed Germany to deploy more and more advanced weapons and whilst the Me-262's remained largely in the west the radical Blohm & Voss P.170 three-engined 'Schnellbomber' was particularly effective on the eastern front. In February, 1945 the Yak-15 entered service with the 437th Fighter Aviation Regiment at Vodogon in the Novgorod Oblast and finally gave the Soviet Air Force the ability to intercept the P.170 nuisance raiders.
  6. Douglas A-24 Banshee - 9 Squadron, Royal Dhimari Air Force, 1941 Skin Credit: Charles Wow! I've just read that USAAF A-24's survived long enough to be transferred over to the USAF in 1947 who abandoned the 'A' for Attack designation so they became F-24 Banshees!
  7. View File Soviet Spitfires x 2 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 Soviet Spitfires x 2 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is a simple mod of the stock Spitfire IXc and clipped-wing Spitfire IXe to create flyable Spits in service with the Soviet Air Force in the 1943-1945 timeline. I've chosen to put these into the 'what-if' hangar due to the very generic nature of the 'winter' schemes and markings but please note that both of the 'summer' schemes are based on real aircraft and include Spitfires flown by the famous pilots Juan Lario Sanchez (Yellow 3) and Alexander Karpov (White 32). INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Spitfire9c_Sov and Spitfire9e_Sov folders into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Spitfire9c_Sov and Spitfire9e_Sov folders into your Decals folder. That's it! Please note that you will need a suitable 'prop' pilot. Please also note that you should really create a new nation for a WW2 Soviet Union. Experienced WW2 players will probably already have one but check your nation name as it might be different from my preferred nation name of 'SovietWW2'. CREDITS As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim. Extra special thanks to Starfighter2 for the Spitfire cockpit. And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 1 - August 23rd, 2023 Submitter Spinners Submitted 08/23/2023 Category What If Hangar  
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Soviet Spitfires x 2 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is a simple mod of the stock Spitfire IXc and clipped-wing Spitfire IXe to create flyable Spits in service with the Soviet Air Force in the 1943-1945 timeline. I've chosen to put these into the 'what-if' hangar due to the very generic nature of the 'winter' schemes and markings but please note that both of the 'summer' schemes are based on real aircraft and include Spitfires flown by the famous pilots Juan Lario Sanchez (Yellow 3) and Alexander Karpov (White 32). INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Spitfire9c_Sov and Spitfire9e_Sov folders into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Spitfire9c_Sov and Spitfire9e_Sov folders into your Decals folder. That's it! Please note that you will need a suitable 'prop' pilot. Please also note that you should really create a new nation for a WW2 Soviet Union. Experienced WW2 players will probably already have one but check your nation name as it might be different from my preferred nation name of 'SovietWW2'. CREDITS As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim. Extra special thanks to Starfighter2 for the Spitfire cockpit. And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 1 - August 23rd, 2023
  9. Ispansi! High above Kursk the Spanish air ace Juan Lario Sanchez knocks down another Bf-109.
  10. August 22, 1944 - Captain Alexander Karpov of the 27th Guards Fighter Regiment was awarded his second Gold Star medal the highest award of the Soviet Union.
  11. Douglas A-24 Banshee - 9 Squadron, Royal Dhimari Air Force, 1941
  12. Douglas A-24 Banshee - 7 GShAP, Soviet Air Force, 1942 Skin Credit: Charles (with a coat of white wash by me!)
  13. Douglas A-24 Banshee - Soviet Air Force, Winter 1942
  14. Spitfire Mk12

    First class and well researched!

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