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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. Hawker F-87C Nighthawk - United States Air Force, Korea, 1953
  2. Actually it's not USN dark navy blue (credit me with SOME sense). It's Paul's (paulopanz) take on a FRADU black Sea Hawk.
  3. Worth a go. I'll drop those lines in next time I'm on my 'play' computer.
  4. Thanks! I've used stock BLU-1 'napes' with a new texture but cannot overcome the shininess.
  5. Avia S-92 Stormbird - 101 Squadron, Israeli Air Force, 1948
  6. Avia S-92 - 101 Squadron, Israeli Air Force, 1948
  7. Version Version 1


    Avia S-92 'Ilmavoimat' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is a fictional version of the Avia S-92 (Czech built Me-262A-1a) by Veltro2K in post-war service with the Finnish Air Force during the 1946-1951 timeline. JonathanRL has some campaign plans for it and set me a skinning challenge so I thought I'd release it here as a 'normal' Ilmavoimat version for anyone who wants it. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the S-92_Ilm folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the S-92_Ilm folder into your Decals folder. 3. From the EFFECTS folder drag and drop both files into your Effects folder. 4. From the SOUNDS folder drag and drop the Jumo file into your Sounds folder. CREDITS Thanks to Veltro2K for making the 3D model of the S-92 'Turbina' (Veltro2K's original S-92 Readme including his credits/thanks is enclosed). And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 1 - 12/04/15
  8. Awesome... and just so cool. Just a point about the designation. By changing the name to Fireball the numbering sequence would restart - so it would be Fireball FB.1 or Fireball FGA.1 although FGA (Fighter, Ground Attack) type designations were still a few years away.
  9. Version Version 1


    PZL-60 / Gloster Meteor F.8 'Sily Powietrzne' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 Requires Expansion Pack 1 This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire Meteor F.8 to give a fictional PZL-60 in service with the Polish Air Force with markings for; No.302 Squadron - In a silver or bare metal finish. No.317 Squadron - In an earthy camo scheme. No.318 Squadron - In a Photo-Recon scheme (this scheme is for the camera equipped PZL-60R). If you wanted all three squadrons in silver it would be easy to swap things around and a 'patch' PSD is included to help you make the changes or to help you introduce your own favourite esquadron. BACKSTORY The stunning success of Operation Market Garden and the subsequent push through Holland and across the North German Plain during the Autumn of 1944 shook the German Military High Command to it's core and eventually led to the assassination of Adolf Hitler on November 10th, 1944 when his Ju-52 transport aircraft was shot down by unknown rogue Luftwaffe pilots as the part of the Fighter Pilots Conspiracy. The new German Military High Command concluded that it would be in the best interests of the country to throw everything into the defence of the Eastern Front and allow Allied forces in the West to advance without opposition, although the logistical chain made this advance slower than expected. On the Eastern Front there was an almost immediate slowdown in the rate of the Soviet advance and soon Soviet forces inside Poland were held at the Bialystok-Rzeszow line. By January 1944 Allied forces in the West were reaching the borders of Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland hampered only by roads clogged by evacuees and surrendering German troops but by the middle of January 1945 General Patton's Third US Army had punched through to liberate Warsaw before swinging north to meet up with Montgomery's 21st Army Group at Gdansk. By February 8th it was all over and the formal German surrender was signed at Lublin in Eastern Poland by Grand Admiral Karl Donitz and General Walter Bedell Smith and witnessed by Russian General Ivan Susloparov and French General Francois Sevez. The rescheduled Yalta Conference held on March 1st, 1945 saw Stalin demanding a "Soviet sphere of political influence" in Eastern and Central Europe in return for Soviet support in the Pacific War against Japan by invading Japan through Manchuria. However a last minute briefing made to President Roosevelt by Major General Kenneth Nichols on the progress on the Manhattan Project led to President Roosevelt's decision not to rely on Soviet support in the Pacific and to wholeheartedly support Winston Churchill's demand for free elections and democratic governments in Eastern and Central Europe and specifically in Poland. Churchill reminded all present that in September 1939 Britain and France had gone to war with Germany in support of Poland and nothing other than a free and democratic Poland would suffice. Roosevelt knew that Soviet spies at Los Alamos were aware of the power of the atomic bombs and also how close to operational status and used this knowledge that Stalin also knew to stiffen his resolve. In the horsetrading that followed the Western Allies essentially got what they wanted with regard to Poland with the new border essentially following the 1940 version of the Curzon Line but the the rest of Central and Eastern were handed over to the Soviet sphere of political influence. The Allied withdrawl from Poland followed during the Spring and Summer of 1945 and culminated in the declaration of "The Third Polish Republic" on November 11th, 1945 a date chosen to coincide with the existing National Independence Day. Also on this day, and wisely for a country now surrounded by Communist states and within the Soviet sphere of influence, the new Polish Government declared its neutrality as an Act of Parliament as part of the Constitution of Poland. Led by Stanislaw Mikolajczyk the new Republic of Poland had a difficult birth but the Polish people reconstructed their battered country with such vigour that by 1948 they had recovered their economy and infrastructure to pre-WW2 levels and continued this economic miracle into the 1950's and beyond. During this tumultuous time the new Polish Air Force had a similarly difficult birth commencing with the dove-tailing of the Polish elements of the Royal Air Force (active since 1940) with the Polish People's Air Force (created in 1943 in defence of the Soviet Union). Some RAF Spitfire IX's and USAAF P-51D's were left behind at airfields in the West of the country to reform No.302 Squadron at Swidwin and a handful of elderly Yak-1 and damaged Yak-9 fighters were scraped together in the East of the country to reform the 1st Fighter Regiment at Warsaw later renamed No.303 Squadron. During the Spring of 1946 ex-RAF Tempest V's replaced the Spitfires and Mustangs of No.302 Squadron but No.303 Squadron had to wait until 1948 to re-equip with the unpopular Avia S-199 supplied by Czechoslovakia. During 1950 both squadrons began to receive Gloster Meteor F.8's from a cancelled Egyptian order following the UN arms embargo and No.302 Squadron operated the type until 1961 when they were replaced by Dassault Super Mystères. A production licence was granted to PZL (Panstwowe Zaklady Lotnicze - the State Aviation Works) to manufacture the Gloster Meteor F.8 and a total of 96 aircraft were manufactured between 1952 and 1956. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the PZL-60 folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the PZL-60 folder into your main Decals folder. 3. From the PILOTS folder drag and drop the Pilot_PWL folder into your main Pilots folder. CREDITS Thanks to TK and Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim. And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners
  10. File Name: [Fictional] Avia S-92 'Ilmavoimat' File Submitter: Spinners File Submitted: 12 April 2015 File Category: What If Hangar Avia S-92 'Ilmavoimat' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is a fictional version of the Avia S-92 (Czech built Me-262A-1a) by Veltro2K in post-war service with the Finnish Air Force during the 1946-1951 timeline. JonathanRL has some campaign plans for it and set me a skinning challenge so I thought I'd release it here as a 'normal' Ilmavoimat version for anyone who wants it. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the S-92_Ilm folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the S-92_Ilm folder into your Decals folder. 3. From the EFFECTS folder drag and drop both files into your Effects folder. 4. From the SOUNDS folder drag and drop the Jumo file into your Sounds folder. CREDITS Thanks to Veltro2K for making the 3D model of the S-92 'Turbina' (Veltro2K's original S-92 Readme including his credits/thanks is enclosed). And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 1 - 12/04/15 Click here to download this file
  11. View File VL Myrsky II - WW2 Indigenous Finnish Fighter (by Veltro 2K) VL Myrsky II 'Storm' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 The VL Myrsky II ('Storm') was a Finnish World War II fighter designed by the State Aircraft Factory (Valtion Lentokonetehdas) for the Finnish Air Force. Entering service during August 1944 the Myrsky was reasonably fast and manoeuvrable enough to dogfight contemporary Soviet aircraftand and it's wide undercarriage gave it decent ground-handling properties. Myrsky usage ended in May 1947 and the last Myrsky flight was made in February 1948. Veltro2K very kindly made this for me back in 2014 and it's another one of the lesser known aircraft that he has brought to Strike Fighters. For this revision we have a much better flight model and working flaps. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Myrsky folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Myrsky folder into your Decals folder. 3. From the SOUNDS folder drag and drop the TwinWasp file into your Sounds folder. That's it! Although you will need to source a suitable 'prop pilot' for your Myrsky. CREDITS As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim. Special thanks to Veltro2K for making the 3D model and allowing me to skin it. Thanks also to Charles for some valuable tips now incorporated on Version 2 and 3. And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 3 - 15/07/2020 Version 2 - 12/04/2015 Version 1 - 04/10/2014 Submitter Spinners Submitted 10/04/2014 Category Other Origin  
  12. Jonathan's got something planned for this one...
  13. Republic F-91G 'Thunderceptor' - JG 74 Mölders, German Air Force, 1955 The first flight of the Republic XF-91 on May 9th, 1949 did not attract that much interest in the non-aviation world where the main news item was the previous day's approval of the West German Constitution but the detonation of the Soviet Union's first atomic weapon in August 1949 made the development and deployment of a fast, high altitude, point-defence interceptor an urgent priority. By October the XF-91 'Thunderceptor' had been fitted with four Reaction Motors XLR11 rocket engines giving the aircraft an outstanding rate of climb and high-altitude performance albeit at the expense of range. The Korean War starting in June 1950 then added to the urgency of the programme and soon production F-91A's started pouring off the Farmingdale production line for an eager USAF and NATO air forces. When West Germany joined NATO in 1955 the F-84F Thunderstreak became it's principal tactical fighter with the F-91G Thunderceptor becoming it's standard interceptor-fighter entering service with JG74 'Mölders' serving until 1962 when they were gradually replaced by the Saunders-Roe SR.177 (another mixed-power interceptor) . West German Thunderceptors were unique in being armed with the large indigenous 'Speer' infra-red homing missile which was the largest heat-seeking missile until the Soviet 'Anab' entered service in 1961.
  14. No. The Thunderceptor is a DAT aircraft and is not available here.
  15. Thanks mate. It's a decal job on top of sundowner's excellent Desert Storm skin and I managed to adapt an A-10 sharkmouth that became a perfect fit.
  16. British Aerospace Thunderstrike GR.4 - No.13 Squadron, RAF Strike Command, 2002

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