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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. @ Carlo - we want your 'Soul' woman back! She always gave me a tingle in manland...
  2. Lemons

    How true - that joke works in the UK too.
  3. McDonnell Douglas F-4L Phantom - VF-1 'Wolfpack', United States Navy, 1970
  4. Merci Coupi - I've revised it to get rid of the small bit of white left on the rudder.
  5. You just can't have enough F-4's - Phantom's Phorever....
  6. McDonnell Douglas F-4L Phantom - VMFA-334 'Falcons', United States Marine Corps, 1974 With all the considerable design effort being put into the marriage of the Phantom airframe and the Rolls-Royce Spey turbofan engine McDonnell Douglas thought it might be a good idea to propose a version to the US Navy and the US Marine Corps to allow the Phantom to operate from the smaller carriers that were limited to F-8E Crusaders. In June 1966 the designation F-4L was given to the proposed Spey-powered Phantom and in October 1966 an initial order for 130 F-4L's was made, followed by an unexpected export order of 30 F-4L's for the Royal Australian Navy. Deliveries to the US Navy commenced in February 1969 with VF-24 becoming the first operational squadron. By this time the wisdom of operating such a relatively large aircraft on the older, smaller carriers was seriously questioned and most F-4L's served aboard the larger carriers or with land-based units. When the decision was made not to re-equip the USMC 'fighter-attack' Phantom squadrons with the hugely expensive Grumman F-14A Tomcat, McDonnell Douglas pushed hard for low-rate production of the F-4L to continue specifically for USMC use and they were eventually successful meaning that production continued until 1976 with an eventual total of 306 F-4L's being built. Apart from Australia, F-4L's also served with the Royal Air Force where 15 ex-USN F-4L's were sold to the UK Government to allow the formation of an additional home-based Phantom squadron to release a squadron for the defence of the Falkand Isles.
  7. Pucara over Patagonia (Might be Paran)
  8. McDonnell Douglas Phantom F.3 - No.11 Squadron, RAF Strike Command, 1985 Following the 1982 Falklands War the UK Government decided to upgrade the Falkland Islands defences by deploying a squadron of Phantom FGR.2's but realising that this would weaken the UK's interceptor force they looked for an interim stop-gap until the Tornado F.3 was available in sufficient numbers. The closeness of the Thatcher-Reagan relationship soon saw a US offer of 48 ex-USN F-4S Phantoms made to the UK Government, sufficient to not only reform No.74 squadron but also replace the two Lightning squadrons at RAF Binbrook and thus upgrade the UK's air defences.
  9. I'm at work right now but mue's LOD viewer will show you. I think they're labelled as RWR's not lights.
  10. It's the MF 'S' that's undergone the SPRP Spinners' Parts Removal Programme
  11. It's a tricky choice but SF2:Israel and SF2:Vietnam would get my vote. However, my default position is get 'em all! One per month, you know it makes sense!
  12. [Fictional] Grumman F-14A Tomcat 'COAN'

    Other people do USN squadrons so much better than me!
  13. Version Version 1


    Grumman F-14A 'COAN' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2:NORTH ATLANTIC This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire F-14A_77 to give a fictional Tomcat F-14A 'COAN' as it might have appeared in service with the Comando de Aviación Naval Argentina and includes fictional markings for the famous 2nd Escuadrilla Aeronaval de Caza y Ataque (2nd Fighter/Attack Squadron). You must have Strike Fighters:North Atlantic for the Third Wire F-14A Tomcat and for the optional carrier. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-14A_COAN folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-14A_COAN folder into your Decals folder. 3. From the GROUND OBJECTS folder drag and drop the BernardinoRivadavia folder into your Ground Objects folder.* 4. From the PILOTS folder drag and drop the PILOT_COAN into your Pilots folder. 5. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop the AM39 folder into your Weapons folder. * You'll really need to add 'ArgentineNavy' to the limited nations section of the ICELANDNA_NATIONS data.ini (which you'll need to extract). Doing this yourself will allow you to align the Argentine Navy to a 'colour' of your choice. CREDITS As always, thanks to TK for a great little game/sim. Thanks to Ravenclaw007 for the AM39 Exocet missile. And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 1 - 24/01/2015
  14. Fingers crossed mate. I've got a bit lazy with backing up and need to take action.... today!
  15. McDonnell F-101N Sea Voodoo - 3ra Escuadrilla Aeronaval de Caza y Ataque, Comando de Aviación Naval Argentina, 1972
  16. You guys are close to requiring the new high-speed stair lift. It gets you upstairs before you forget why you wanted to go upstairs...

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